

Study on Key Techniques of Fiber Optic Vector Hydrophone for High Resolution Seafloor Strata Detection

【作者】 饶伟

【导师】 胡永明;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 光学工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着国家海洋新能源资源开发战略的展开以及对领海权益的日益重视,发展先进的海底地层结构探测技术显得极为迫切。高分辨率的应用需求对海底地层探测系统的性能提出越来越高的要求,光纤矢量水听器的发展为其提供了新的技术途径。目前利用大规模矢量阵进行海底地层探测已经成为该领域的技术发展前沿。论文根据高分辨率海底地层探测的特点,深入分析了光纤矢量水听器在动态范围、本底噪声、灵敏度、工作频带等方面在应用中需要满足的要求,围绕这几个要求,展开了对光纤矢量水听器阵列的关键技术研究;根据灵敏度和工作频带的设计要求,建立了圆柱薄壳型光纤加速度传感器的理论模型,基于这种模型试制了同振式三分量光纤矢量水听器;利用偏重心结构的支撑骨架实现了对光纤矢量水听器拖曳阵的姿态控制问题,并组装了光纤矢量水听器拖曳阵列;在解决动态范围和本底噪声要求问题上,提出高频光频调制的PGC调制解调方案,研制了能够实时解调的PGC调制解调系统;为提高光纤矢量水听器的光学检测性能,同时也为发展先进的光纤加速度传感器提供多种选择。设计了基于多光束干涉的双耦合器环形腔光纤传感器,对其响应特性进行分析和测试,并提出了相应的PGC调制解调方案;对矢量地震信号处理方法进行了研究,利用矢量信号融合处理提高了光纤矢量水听器阵列地震数据的质量,提出了最优化拟合方法来修正地震数据的同相轴抖动问题,在实际数据处理中取得了较好的效果;对光纤矢量水听器拖曳阵海底地层探测进行了湖上验证性试验。论文的主要研究结果和创新点如下:1.提出同振型光纤矢量水听器水面拖曳的海底地层探测方案,为解决高分辨率探测下拖曳阵深度控制和抗海面反射叠加衰落提供了一种新的技术途径。2.建立了圆柱薄壳型光纤加速度传感器的理论模型,分析了材料、结构参数的影响,为新型海底地层结构探测光纤矢量水听器的研制提供理论基础。3.提出了将环形腔光学检测方案应用于矢量水听器的信号解调,分析了其响应特性,并提出了与其对应的PGC调制解调算法,通过实验验证了算法的可行性,为提高光纤矢量水听器的性能提供了新的选择。4.提出了适合光纤矢量水听器海底地层探测的PGC调制解调方案,并研制了可实现实时解调的硬件和软件系统,满足了高分辨率地层探测对动态范围和系统噪声水平的需求。5.提出平方拼接矢量信号融合的方法,提高了地震数据的信号质量;提出了修正地震信号同相轴抖动的最优化拟合的方法,在实际数据处理中取得了较好的效果。6.试制了外直径为56mm三分量光纤矢量水听器,设计了偏重心的姿态控制结构,组装了直径为68mm的光纤矢量水听器拖曳阵,并进行了湖上静态和动态拖曳试验,验证了光纤矢量水听器水面拖曳探测方案的正确性和技术可行性。

【Abstract】 With the commencement of the new energy and resources development strategyand the increasing emphasis on the territorial rights of our country, the development ofadvanced seafloor strata detection technology is extremely urgent. The high resolutionapplication requirements are ever-increasing demands on the seafloor strata detectionsystem. The development of fiber optic vector hydrophone provides a new technicalway. At present, survey with large-scale vector array has become the forefront of thedevelopment of seafloor strata detection technology.This thesis studied the key technologies of the fiber optic vector hydrophone arrayfor the seafloor strata detection application based on the requirement in dynamic range,noise floor, sensitivity, working frequency band and other aspects of the fiber opticvector hydrophone system, which are analyzed according to the characteristics of theseafloor strata detection. To satisfy the design requirements to the sensitivity andworking band, a theoretical model of the cylindrical thin-shell fiber optic accelerometeris established, and a co-vibrating three-component fiber optic vector hydrophone isproduced based on this model. A partial gravity structure supporting skeleton isdesigned to solve the attitude control problem of the towed array. To reach therequirement to the dynamic range and the noise floor, a PGC scheme with highmodulation frequency on the light is put out, and a real-time PGC modulation anddemodulation system is developed. To offer a variety of options to the development ofadvanced fiber optic accelerometer, a dual-coupler fiber ring resonater sensor, which hasthe feature of multi-beam interferernce, is designed, and its response characteristics areanalyzed and tested, and the PGC scheme for this type sensor is also put forward. Vectorseismic signal processing method is investigated, vector signal fusion method isproposed to improve the quality of the seismic data from the fiber optic vectorhydrophone, optimization fitting method is put out to correct the seismic data phase axisjitter, good result has been achieved with actual data. Lake trial is conducted to examinethe effect of the submarine strata detection using the towed fiber optic vectorhydrophone array we developed.The main research results and innovations are as follows:1. The detection scheme using the co-vibrating fiber optic vector hydrophonetowed on the sea surface is proposed, which provides a new technical way to sovle theproblems of depth contral and the anti surface reflection superimposed fading of thetowed array.2. A theoretical model of the cylindrical thin-shell fiber optic accelerometer isestablished, and the effect of the materials and structural parameters are analyzed. Thismodel provides a theoretical basis for the development of new type fiber optic vector hydrophone for seabed strata detection.3. To improve the detection performance of the fiber optic vector hydrophone, theoptical detection scheme using fiber ring cavity based on the multi-beam interference isproposed, and the response characteristics of the fiber ring cavity are analyzed, and itsmoudlaiton and demodulation algorithm are also put forward with some experiments toveritfy the feasibility.4. Signal modulation and demodulation scheme of the fiber optic vectorhydrophone system which is suitable for the underwater stratum detection is put out,and a real-time demodulation hardware and software systems is developed, which canmeet the demand of dynamic range and noise levels from the high resolution seafloorstrata detection.5. Square mosaic vector signal fusion method is proposed, which can improve thequality of seismic data, and the optimization fitting method put out to correct theseismic data phase axis jitter and good results are achieved in the actual data processing.6. A co-vibrating three-component fiber optic vector hydrophone with the outerdiamter of56mm is developed, partial gravity structure supporting skeleton is designedfor attitude contral, and a towed fiber optic vector hydrophone array with the diameterof68mm is assembled. The static and lake dynamic towed test carry out, the resultsverify correctness and technical feasibilityof the surface towed detection using fiberoptic vector hydrophone.


