

【作者】 刘波

【导师】 张凡;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 国际政治, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 政治发展进程是一个国家政治制度和政治、社会形态由低端到高端,从简单到复杂的发展和演变过程,是实现政治现代化的进程。政治发展进程研究的内容主要包括对象国家政治演进的脉络和主要阶段、各阶段的主导政治形态、政治发展进程的突出特点和影响因素,以及今后的可能发展趋势。研究的目的在于通过对对象国家政治演进过程的研究找出一些带有规律性的特点,从而丰富政治发展理论,并为本国提供有益参考。作为重要的发展中地区,拉美自19世纪初获得独立以来,在政治发展的道路上进行了长期探索,先后经历了考迪罗独裁统治、民众主义、官僚威权主义和民主政治等发展阶段,出现了考迪罗制、寡头民主政治、苏丹式独裁、民众主义体制、官僚威权主义和代议制民主政治等不同的政治形态。进入21世纪以来,拉美国家在不断探索和发展符合自身国情的民主政治体制。在一定意义上,拉美成为各种政治模式和形态的“实验室”,为政治发展进程研究提供了内容极为丰富的素材和案例,其经验得失对其它发展中国家更好地实现政治发展具有重要借鉴意义。当前,我国正处在建设和发展社会主义民主政治的关键阶段。中共十八届三中全会提出全面深化改革的总目标是完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。为实现这一目标,我国将进一步促进社会主义政治文明的发展,发扬人民民主,推动实现政治现代化。拉美国家与我国同属发展中国家,且发展水平相近。对拉美国家的政治发展进程开展研究,分析有关经验教训,总结其中具有规律性的特点,对于我国的政治文明建设和政治现代化进程具有重要的参考价值。本文由以下部分组成:绪论部分包括对研究理论概念框架、内容结构的阐述和文献综述;第一章论述作为拉美独立后政治发展进程历史渊源的前哥伦布时期和殖民时期政治制度;第二章阐述主导19世纪拉美独立后至20世纪初长达一个世纪的考迪罗主义政治形态,重点论述考迪罗制的特点、发展过程以及对拉美政治发展的影响;第三章论述20世纪30~70年代近半个世纪的政治发展情况,重点分析拉美政治发展进入现代化阶段后出现的民众主义和官僚威权主义政治形态;第四章阐述拉美进入民主政治至今的政治发展进程,并按照民主过渡、民主巩固和民主发展的顺序对这一进程的特点和当前拉美政治发展中的一些新动向加以分析;第五章是对整个拉美政治发展进程的总结和思考;最后是结论部分。在对拉美政治进程历史沿革和发展脉络进行了全景式的分析与论述之后,本文得出结论认为,对于以拉美国家为代表的发展中国家而言,政治发展的主要内容应该是根据本国各阶段社会、经济条件建立和发展与之相适应的政治制度,实现符合自身特色的政治现代化,而不是照搬西方国家的路径,将西方式的代议制民主化作为最终目标;历史经验表明,由于未能充分从本国经济、社会实际出发推动政治发展,拉美国家的政治发展进程呈现出在曲折中前进的特点;在经历了历史上的曲折发展之后,进入21世纪以来,一些拉美国家提出发展公民民主,其带有自身特色的民主政治实践值得关注;我国应该通过加强对历时性结构的研究借鉴拉美政治发展的经验教训,把握好政治发展与政治稳定的关系,根据自身国情推动政治现代化,实现政治、经济和社会的协调发展。

【Abstract】 Political development, also referred to as the process of political modernization, isthe evolution of a country’s political system from the low end to the high end, as well asfrom simple form to the more complex one. The political development research includesthe study of main stages of political evolution, leading political forms in various stages ofpolitical development, the salient features and influencing factors of the process, as wellas possible future trends. By studying the political evolution process of Latin Americaand its features, this research intends to enrich the theory of political development andprovide useful reference for our country.Latin America is an important developing region. Since its independence in theearly19th century, Latin America has experienced a long exploring process on the roadof political development and undergone various development stages such as caudilloautocracy, populism, bureaucratic authoritarianism and representative democracy. Sinceentering the21st century, Latin American countries have been exploring democraticpolitical systems suited to its own conditions. As a political development “laboratory”,Latin America provides a lot of examples and cases for the study in this area. Lessonsand experiences can be learned from the course of political development in LatinAmerica for a better political development in other developing countries.Currently, China is undergoing a critical stage in the construction and developmentof socialist democratic politics. The general objective for comprehensive reform adoptedin the Third Plenary Session of the18thCentral Committee of CPC is to promote themodernization of national governance systems and governance capacity. To achieve thisgoal, China will further promote the development of socialist political civilization anddevelop people’s democracy in pursuit of political modernization. Latin Americancountries and China are developing countries with similar development levels. Study onthe process of political development in Latin American countries and its experiences andlessons learned will be of great reference value for the construction of politicalcivilization and political modernization of China.This research paper consists of the following parts: introduction part describes themain research content, theory framework, structure and literature summary; first chapterdiscusses political system in Pre-Columbus times and colonial times; second chapterdescribes the political development in Latin America from the independence in early19th century to the first decades of20th century, with focus on the features, developing process and effects of caudillo system; third chapter analyzes the predominant politicalforms between the30s and70s of20th century such as populism and bureaucraticauthoritarianism; fourth chapter describes the democratization in Latin America,including the transition, consolidation and deepening of the democracy; fifth chapterserves as the summary of Latin America political development process; and theconclusions will be presented in the final section of the paper.After making panoramic analysis and discussion on the Latin American politicalprocess, this paper concludes, experience from Latin America suggests that fordeveloping countries the main task of political development process is to establish anddevelop political system according to its own economic and social conditions in eachstage instead of setting as eventually target the establishment of representativedemocratic system in pursuit of the Western pattern. History experience indicates that,due to fail to promote political development according to its own economic and socialconditions, Latin American countries are used to undergoing twists and turns in itspolitical development process. Nowadays, after long-term efforts of exploration, someLatin America countries have entered the phase of civic democracy and are expected tofind a path of democracy with its own characteristics. China should learn from thelessons of Latin American political development by strengthening the study based ondiachronic structure, grasp the relationship between political stability and politicaldevelopment, and promote political modernization according to its own nationalconditions keeping the balance of political, economic and social development.


