

【作者】 楊楊

【导师】 宋鎮豪;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 歷史文獻學, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 田獵刻辭是商代甲骨文中極為重要的一個組成部份。通過對這批材料的分析,我們不僅能夠瞭解到商王與上層貴族日常畋游的地點、田狩歷日的喜好、田獵活動的組織、出行吉凶的貞選、狩獵工具及手段的應用,還能藉助命辭與驗辭中出現的動物信息,探究商代自然氣候環境以及貴族田獵的性質。見於田獵刻辭的商代動物主要有虎、兕、鹿、麋、象、獐、豕、燕、魚等十餘種,如果補充以各地考古所見商代野生動物材料,這個數字還要再增加一些。以這些材料為基礎,結合同一種類現生動物的分佈與生境,我們發現:晚商時期商王為代表的上層貴族以捕獵大中型偶蹄類動物為主。在這些獵物中,無論野牛還是麋鹿、獐子都是喜水動物,通常棲息于水草豐茂的湖沼濕地。即使是虎、豕、象等獸類也通常居於近水環境。由這些動物的生存環境,我們得以對晚商中原地區溫暖、濕潤的自然環境有一個更為深刻的理解。這些普遍生活在今天亞熱帶地區的典型動物,及已知的商代中原地區湖澤密佈、河流縱橫的自然環境。為我們研究商代氣候,提供了必要材料。結合甲骨文農業卜辭和田獵卜辭帶有月份的內容,以及附記降雨的甲文材料。我們認為,商代歲首約在公曆四月中旬,農曆穀雨前後。本文的研究範圍限定於早期卜辭,以黃天樹先生甲骨分期斷代為標準,將其劃分為王卜辭:組、賓組;及非王卜辭:花東子組、甲種非王卜辭、乙種非王卜辭、丙種非王卜辭圓體類和劣體類非王卜辭等2大類8小類。由於我們主要關注于田獵內容的討論,在各組類的辭例形式上,並未進一步細化。僅對辭例形式較為靈活的非王卜辭作了亞類的區分。在早期田獵地地望考釋的過程中,爲便於反映各組類間田獵地域的變化,我們將賓組田獵卜辭細化為賓組賓一類、賓組典賓類、賓組賓三類進行討論。未沿用先輩學者通常使用的“田獵地方位分類法”。通過各字體組間的對比我們發現:商王在田獵地域的選擇上,逐漸由隨意性轉而趨向固定。例如,組卜辭中出現的田獵地,此後絕少再見。賓一類、典賓類開始,見於晚期卜辭的宮、喪、盂、向等地漸次出現。到賓組三類卜辭時,這一趨勢更為明顯。通過對不同字體組田獵地變化的對比,我們發現商王與多子族族長在田狩地域的選擇上存在重合。在排除商王邀請或命令貴族共同參與田獵的情況后,我們認為:在武丁時期,並不存在僅限定於商王才能進入的畋游區域或王家獵場。同時,我們也不能否認:類似于後世皇家苑囿的固定田獵區已經存在。在田獵與軍事方面,文章對比了兩者辭例的異同,并就田獵與軍事訓練等內容作出探討。在田獵與祭祀方面,文章系統的闡述了“祭”與田獵的關係。認為“祭”的時間並不限定於田獵開始前或田獵結束后,而是較為隨意。田獵與農業之間也有聯繫密切,早期卜辭中存在田獵地與農業地共用現象。

【Abstract】 Hunting inscriptions are an important part of Shang oracle bones inscriptions. Byanalyzing these materials, not only could we know the routinely hunting places ofShang kings and nobilities, their favorite dates for hunting, the organization ofhunting activities, the prediction of tripping good or ill fortune, the equipment andmeans for hunting, but also could speculate the climate and environment of Shangtime, and the nature of Shang nobilities’ hunting activities through discussing theanimals appearing in “charge” mingci,命辞and “verification” yanci,验辞.There were more than10types of wild animals appearing in hunting inscriptions,including tiger, rhinoceros, deer, David’s deer, elephant, roebuck, wild pig, swallow,fish, etc. If taking the samples of wild animals excavated from archaeological sitesinto account, there would be more wild-animal species in Shang dynasty. Based onthese historical materials and the modern geographical distribution of these animals,we find out that large and medium scale animals were the main quarries of Shangkings and nobilities. Among these quarries, wild buffalos, David’s deer, and roebuckare all water-preferred animals, usually resting in swamps full of water and plants.Even the tigers, wild pigs and elephants usually reside near water environment.Through the living environment of these animals, we can obtain a deep understandthat the central plains of China had a warmer and humid climate in Shang dynasty.These typical animals now living in subtropical zones, and the natural environmentfull of lakes, marshes, rivers and streams in central plain China in Shang dynasty,provide us the necessary material to study the climate of Shang dynasty. Combinedthe materials of recording month and rain in agricultural inscriptions and huntinginscriptions, we conclude that the first month of Shang dynasty is tantamount to ourApril in solar calendar, around Guwu in lunar calendar.This thesis is limited to study the early inscriptions. According to Dr. HuangTianshu’s division system, the author divide early inscriptions into two large groups,and then subdivide them into9small groups. The first large group is King’sinscriptions, including Shi-group and Bin-group. The second large group is non-king’sinscriptions, including Hua-dong Zi-group, Jia-type non-king-group, Yi-typenon-king-group, round-type non-king-group and sloppy-type non-king-group. Whendiscussing the types of inscriptions, the author does not subdivide Shi-group andBin-group, but only subdivide the non-king inscriptions into several groups, for themain subject of this thesis are hunting activities. In order to reflect different huntingplaces in different groups, we divide Bin-group into three sub-groups whendeciphering hunting place names in early hunting inscriptions, not using thetraditional way to classify these names by geographical location. The contrast showsthat in earlier times, the choice of hunting places was more haphazard, while in latertimes, the choice was much more fixed. The hunting places in Shi-group seldomappeared in later inscriptions. The hunting places in late inscriptions like Gong, Sang,Yu, Xiang, etc., began to appear in Bin-Yi-group and Dian-Bin-group. The mostimportant hunting places in later inscriptions almost all appeared in Bin-san-group.By contrasting the hunting places among different groups, we find that the hunting places of Shang kings has a certain coincidence with that of the nobilities,although the scripts of these place names may have slight difference. After excludingthe possibility that Shang kings invited or ordered the nobilities to hunt together, weconclude that in Wu ding’s period, the nobilities also had the right to hunt in the kings’hunting places. At the same time, we have to agree that the fixed hunting parks similarwith that in the Eastern Zhou period had appeared in Shang time.This thesis also discusses the relationship between-sacrifice and hunting, andconcludes that the time of-sacrifice is quite arbitrary, not restricted before or afterhunting. The ancestors are the main objects of-sacrifice. The most importantfeature of-sacrifice is that it uses animals captured during hunting to sacrifice. Theanimal sacrificial pits in Jia-group house-foundation and kings’ tombs in Xi bei gangare all remains of-sacrifice.This thesis asserts that, hunting had a military significance in Shang dynasty, andwas a way to give the nobles and civilians military training. The training programincluded: the use of chariots and horses, infantry attack formation, training archers,and so on. Hunting had no necessary links with the development of agricultural lands,but it certainly would eliminate some harmful animals that threated crops.This thesis also asserts that, the main purpose of hunting was for the nobles’entertainment. Large hunting activities would be held in agricultural slack seasonevery year. Hunting activity had some help for agricultural production, but it wasunreal that a region would become into agricultural area after hunting activities.


