

Research on Matching and Systems Development between Products Innovation Designers and Teams

【作者】 薛承梦

【导师】 杨育;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工业工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当前,全球经济飞速发展,市场需求愈发多样化和个性化,市场充满活力的同时企业面临着更大的压力与挑战。在此环境下,提升产品创新设计能力是企业响应市场需求、增强自身核心竞争力的强有力手段。信息技术的进步和先进制造模式的涌现为企业实现产品创新设计能力提升提供了有效支撑。然而,多样化、动态化的产品需求使得产品创新设计任务变得复杂多变,仅通过设计方法改进以及过程优化等方面越来越难以满足产品创新设计能力提升的需要。根据“匹配理论”以及互动心理学观点,从人员个体和组织整体两方面研究人的行为和组织行为的互动关系,可促进问题的有效解决。因此,研究设计人员与组织的匹配问题为进一步提升企业产品创新设计能力提供了新思路。为此,本文在系统研究国内外有关产品创新设计以及人员与组织匹配相关理论与方法的基础上,从设计人员与组织匹配关键影响因素识别、匹配测度、匹配优化以及支持系统开发等四方面对设计人员与组织匹配的关键技术进行了深入研究。全文的主要研究内容包括以下几个部分:第一,对产品创新设计人员与组织匹配问题进行总体研究。首先,阐述设计人员与组织匹配的基本内涵,给出相关定义;其次,基于产品创新设计、设计组织以及设计人员特征的分析对设计人员与组织匹配的特征深入研究;在此基础上,从研究思路和技术路线、研究过程模型以及总体研究框架等三方面提出产品创新设计人员与组织匹配研究技术方案;最后,从设计人员与组织匹配关键影响因素识别、匹配测度、匹配优化以及支持系统开发等方面对技术方案中包含的四个关键问题进行分析。第二,对产品创新设计人员与组织匹配关键影响因素进行识别。首先,深入分析匹配形成的过程;基于此,提出匹配影响因素分析过程;之后,从组织、人员以及环境等三方面系统分析匹配影响因素;在此基础上,构建关键因素识别指标体系;然后,基于改进的模糊聚类分析方法识别匹配关键影响因素;最后,通过实例验证本章所提关键影响因素识别方法的有效性和可行性。第三,对产品创新设计人员与组织匹配测度进行研究。首先,研究设计人员与组织匹配测度过程;然后,在对匹配影响因素分类的基础上基于李克特量表对其量化;基于此,构建设计人员与组织匹配契合度模型;最后,通过实例验证本章所提测度方法的有效性;第四,对产品创新设计人员与组织单边匹配问题进行研究。首先,基于工程实际需求提出单边匹配问题研究的必要性,并对该问题进行详细阐述;在匹配契合度模型的基础上,分别建立基于设计人员和设计组织视角的单边匹配模型;然后,基于自适应遗传算法对单边匹配模型进行求解;最后,通过实例验证本章提出的单边匹配模型的可行性和有效性。第五,对产品创新设计人员与组织双边匹配问题进行研究。首先,基于对设计人员和组织双边匹配问题的分析并对其分类;其次,提出双边匹配问题研究过程;在此基础上从设计人员和组织数量相等和不相等两方面对双边匹配问题进行深入分析;然后,基于延迟认可算法提出双边匹配方案;最后,通过实例验证本章双边匹配方案的可行性和有效性。第六,对产品创新设计人员与组织匹配支持系统进行设计及应用验证。首先,分析设计人员与组织匹配优化过程,对支持系统进行规划;其次,从应用特征、开发环境以及业务流程三方面分析系统需求;基于此,构建包含数据层、应用层以及展现层的匹配支持系统架构;然后,从系统功能结构、数据结构、关键算法以及运行环境等方面阐述系统实现的关键技术;最后,基于实际工程背景,对本系统进行应用。

【Abstract】 In the current society, the overwhelming prosperity of the global economydistinguishes market demands for their diversity and individuation, injecting freshvitality into the market while putting more challenges and pressure on enterprises. Toconfront with this tough situation, it is undisputable that enterprises should enhancetheir product innovation design capabilities to respond to market demands andstrengthen core competence. Information technology progress and emergences ofadvanced manufacturing models facilitate enterprises to strengthen their innovationdesign capabilities. However, the diversiform and dynamic product demands complexitythe product innovation design task, making it more frustrating to enhance the productinnovation design capability by merely depending on design methods improvementsand process optimizations.Based on matching theory and interactive psychological viewpoint, interactionresearches on personal behaviors and organizational behaviors from perspectives ofpersons and organizations respectively contribute to resolving the problem. Thereforethe matching between designers and teams provide an inspiring idea to further enhancethe product innovation design capacity. In this paper, four aspects for designers andorganizations, namely identification of key influence factors of designers and teams fit,calculation of fit value, optimization of the matching between designers and teamsmatching result and design the support system, are analyzed in depth based onsystematic researches of product innovation design and fit theories and methods. Maincontents of this paper include the following respects:①Conduct an overall study of fit status for designers and teams. Firstly, illustratethe basic connotation and the definition of their fit. Secondly, summarizes their fitcharacteristics after analyzing features of product innovation designs, design teams anddesigners, then come up with the overall technical proposal in terms of the researchframework, the research process and the technical route of this paper. Finally, analyzefour essential problems of the overall technical proposal, that is, identification of keyinfluence factors, calculations of fit value, optimization of fit result and design ofsupport system.②Identify key influence factors of designers and teams respectively. Firstly,explain the fit process, and illustrate the process analyzing the factors. Secondly, Analyze the factors from aspects of organization, persons and environment, then buildthe key factors identification index system. Thirdly, identify key factors with theImproved Fuzzy Clustering Analysis Method. Finally, verify the feasibility andavailability of the key factors identification method with an example.③Calculate the fit value for designers and teams. To begin with, analyze the fitprocess for designers and teams. Next, classify the influence factors and quantify themwith Likert Scale, and then construct the fit value calculation model. Finally, verify thefeasibility and availability of the fit value calculation model with an example.④Analyze the unidirectional fit for designers and organizations. To begin with,illustrate the necessity to study unidirectional fit issues with engineering practicerequirements, and then construct the unidirectional fit models for designers and teamsrespectively based on the fit value calculation model. Next, solve the models withAdaptive Genetic Algorithm. Finally, verify the feasibility and availability of theunidirectional fit model with an example.⑤Research the bidirectional fit issues for product designers and their teams.Firstly, classify the bidirectional fit issues. Secondly, illustrate the bidirectional fitprocess, and then discuss the bidirectional issues in situations where numbers of personsand teams are equal and unequal respectively. Thirdly, work out the bidirectionaldesigners and teams fit result with the Improved Delayed Recognition Algorithm.Finally, verify the feasibility and availability of the bidirectional fit result with anexample.⑥Design the fit support system for designers and organizations. Firstly, plan thesupport system based on the optimization process for designers and organizations.Secondly, analyze system requirements in terms of its application characteristics,development environment and business process, and then construct the systemframework including its data layer, application layer and view layer. Thirdly, illustratethe key technology to fulfill the system from perspectives of the system functionstructure, data structure, key algorithms and operation environment. Finally, put thesystem into practice with actual engineering background.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

