

Study on Life Prediction Modeland Numerical Simulation for Remanufactured Impeller of Centrifugal Compressor

【作者】 舒林森

【导师】 曹华军;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 机械工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 机械装备再制造是再制造产业发展和循环经济建设的重点技术领域,为此,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)专门设立了“机械装备再制造的基础科学问题”项目(2011CB013400),以离心式压缩机为典型对象,开展机械装备再制造的若干基础科学问题研究,为再制造技术攻关提供理论依据。其中再制造零件寿命预测涉及多个学科领域,已成为机械零件再制造的技术关键之一,迫切需要相关理论和方法的支持。本研究在973项目研究课题之一“再制造零部件的寿命预测与再制造产品服役安全验证”(2011CB013400-5)的资助下,开展了离心式压缩机再制造叶轮服役寿命预测模型及数值仿真研究,为再制造叶轮服役机理分析、服役安全性能评价提供理论和方法支持。首先,在断裂力学和损伤累积理论的基础上,结合再制造叶轮工艺修复结构特征和服役特征载荷,提出一种再制造叶轮零部件服役寿命预测模型。将材料或试件现有的寿命预测方法拓展到再制造后的离心压缩机叶轮上,建立起包含面向多失效特征的再制造叶轮几何精确建模方法、基于计算域虚拟规划的再制造叶轮流道自适应网格划分方法、基于数值分析的再制造叶轮服役特征载荷求解方法和FE-SAFE寿命计算软件以及再制造工艺寿命修正试验的再制造叶轮服役寿命预测模型,为再制造叶轮服役安全性能判定提供一种理论方法。其次,针对再制造叶轮模型缺失或已有模型无法反应再制造特征的问题,提出了面向多失效特征的再制造叶轮几何特征精确建模方法,构建体现再制造工艺特征的再制造叶轮精确几何模型;在有限元误差估算理论、几何拓扑同坯原理的基础上,建立再制造叶轮几何关键区域识别准则和计算域虚拟规划算法,形成再制造叶轮零件的全六面体网格生成方法,对再制造叶轮精确几何模型进行网格划分,产生疏密有致的高精度再制造叶轮流道自适应有限元网格模型。然后,在有限元传热理论、弹塑性力学、微积分原理基础上,利用ANSYS仿真技术分析并讨论了再制造叶轮服役的四种典型特征载荷,包括再制造工艺诱发的残余应力载荷、装配产生的装配应力载荷、高速离心应力载荷和气体介质等效应力载荷。基于分析与模拟结果综合评判再制造叶轮的服役静态强度,并为再制造叶轮服役寿命预测的载荷谱拟合提供幅值依据。最后,开展某型号大型离心压缩机再制造开式叶轮寿命预测的应用研究。根据再制造叶轮服役的五个阶段特性和四种典型特征载荷建立再制造叶轮服役的载荷谱曲线,利用再制造叶轮服役寿命预测模型对再制造叶轮服役寿命进行预测,并通过基体材料FV520B的激光熔覆试验所得寿命修正系数算出了再制造叶轮的可服役年限。同时,也讨论了再制造工艺载荷对叶轮服役寿命的影响。

【Abstract】 Mechanical equipment manufacturing is animportant technical fieldforremanufacturing industry development and cycling economy constructing.For thatreason, a program named basic scientific problems of mechanical equipmentmanufacturingis supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program ofchina (973Program)(No.2011CB013400).With proposed to make technologicalbreakthrough, centrifugal compressor as a typical object is used to study some basicscientific problemsinvolvemechanical equipment manufacturing, such as life predictionof remanufactured parts. Life prediction of remanufactured parts urgently needs thesupport of theories and methods. This problem has become one of the key technologiesof mechanical parts remanufacturing. Study on life prediction model and numericalsimulationfor remanufactured impeller of centrifugal compressor is supported by asubproject named life prediction of remanufactured parts and service securityverification of remanufactured product(No.2011CB013400-5). The purpose of thestudy is providing theory and method to the mechanism analysis and the safetyperformance evaluation of remanufactured impeller.Firstly, this paper developeda life prediction model of remanufactured impeller ofcentrifugal compressorbased on fracture mechanics and damage accumulation theory.The remanufacturing process repaired structure features and the service characteristicload are also integrated the model. Existing life prediction method oftest specimen isextended toremanufactured impeller of centrifugal compressor.Service life predictionmodel of remanufactured impeller is established. Its core contains geometry precisionmodeling method based on more failure features, passage adaptive meshing methodbased on domain virtual planning, service characteristic load solution method based onthe numerical analysis, life calculation by FE-SAFE software and remanufacturingprocess life correction test. The model provides a theory method to judge safetyperformance of the remanufactured impeller.Secondly,a precise geometric model of remanufactured impeller of centrifugalcompressor is constructed by remanufactured impeller geometric modelingmethod.Because remanufactured impeller geometric model is always absent or existingmodel can’t response remanufactured featuresin the analysis.By researching keytechnologies such as finite element mesh error estimation theory, the key areas identification of remanufactured impeller parts, virtual planning of calculation domain,the grid generation algorithm and node encryption algorithm, the adaptive precisionhexahedron mesh of remanufactured impeller was generated.Then, four kinds of typical characteristics loads of centrifugalcompressorremanufactured impeller are analyzed and discussed by ANSYS simulationtechnique. Finite element heat transfer theory, elastic-plastic mechanics and calculusprinciple are also integrated the analysis procedure. The analyses focused onthermallyinduced residual stress during laser cladding repair process and assembly stress loadfrom assembly process. The high speed centrifugal stress and pneumatic equivalentstress is also simulated.The analysis and simulation resultsprovide the load spectrumamplitude for the subsequent life prediction of remanufactured impeller.Finally,it carried out application research onservice life prediction model ofremanufactured impeller.Service load spectrum of remanufacturing impeller isestablished according to the five stages characteristics and four kinds typical loadduring remanufactured impeller service. The service life of remanufactured impeller canbe calculated by usinglife prediction model and numerical simulation method. Lifecorrection coefficient was getting from laser cladding tests of the substratematerialFV520B is used. Also,it explored the influence of remanufacturing processloads to service life of remanufactured impeller.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

