

Research on Routing Protocol for Civil Aeronautical Ad Hoc Network

【作者】 林英撑

【导师】 曾孝平;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 电路与系统, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,全球航空运输业的快速发展给民航通信系统提出了更高的要求。寻求一个适合未来航空业发展的全球一体化、空天地一体化新型民航通信系统解决方案已成为一件刻不容缓的事情。航空自组网有望作为一种候选技术用于新型民航通信系统而得到全球诸多科研机构和研究人员的广泛关注。天基网通信成本高、时延大、容量受限,地基网覆盖区域受限,不支持跨洋飞行,航空自组网可作为天基网和地基网的重要补充。现有的地面移动自组网路由协议不适宜航空通信环境,已有的航空自组网路由协议因其面向的应用场景与民航自组网在网络目标和网络特点上存在差异不能使用。论文作者结合国家自然科学基金课题“跨洋民用航空宽带移动通信组网及关键技术研究”,基于空中的飞机尽量通过空-空链路和地-空链路接入地基站,只有在地基站不能接通时才使用卫星的指导思想,针对民航通信场景中飞机节点高速运动、网络拓扑高动态、网络空间跨度大等特点,围绕网络健壮性、高动态拓扑适应性、网络QoS保障和路由安全等问题对民航自组网路由协议相关的理论和技术进行研究。论文的主要工作和成果如下:1)针对民航通信系统的网络目标和特点提出基于地基接入优先,综合优质地基路径接入思想的多参数多路由优化路由维护策略,实现民航自组网中各飞机节点与地基站间路由的高效维护。该路径搜索策略通过地基站周期广播路由维护消息,各节点根据收到的路由维护消息对各对应节点到地基站的路由质量进行实时评估和选择,并在需要时转发优质路径信息,实现各飞机节点到地基站路径维护,然后利用节点往地基站的发包过程实现地基站到各飞机节点路径的维护。2)针对民航通信网络的通信业务需求研究和分析影响链路质量和路由质量的相关因素,并据此提出了综合可重构路由质量评估模型。该模型从跳数、时延、链路持续时间、丢包率、剩余带宽等方面综合考虑链路质量和路由质量的评价,并研究这些因素的感知和量化方法,最终结合民航通信网络的通信业务对路径特性的需求设计路由质量评估模型,为路由协议实现优质地基路径搜索和网络QoS保障提供条件。3)针对民航自组网中高节点密度区域因节点间干扰大和空间频谱资源竞争导致网络性能下降问题,从民航自组网拓扑高动态和节点分布不均的特点出发,基于以优先保证网络中飞机节点地基接入为前提,以控制能提供节点地基接入邻居节点数目为目标调节节点发射功率的思想提出节点最佳邻居配置分布式动态拓扑优化算法。该算法可结合邻居维护过程实现,可有效提高高节点密度区域节点的通信带宽,提高网络性能。4)针对民航自组网安全性能要求高,移动自组网容易受到攻击问题,根据民航自组网中路由层存在的安全威胁,基于从节点网络行为来判断节点可信度的思想提出基于邻居信任评估路由安全策略。该策略可结合节点邻居维护过程实现,节点通过监测其邻居的网络行为对其邻居节点进行可信度评估,确保节点维护的邻居节点为可信节点,从而提高网络安全性。论文通过搭建模拟民用航空通信环境的仿真场景对以上研究成果进行仿真分析。结果表明,结合以上研究成果设计的民航自组网路由协议能较好的保证飞机节点地基接入,且与面向高动态拓扑提出的AODV和GPSR等路由协议相比,提出的路由协议表现出更好的动态拓扑适应性、路由稳定性和网络拥塞防止能力,且具有更高的安全性。

【Abstract】 Higher requirements for the civil aviation communication system have beenproposed because of the rapid development of the global aviation industry in recentyears. It is urgent to find a suitable global integrative and space, air, earth integrativecivil aviation communication system solution for the development of the global aviationindustry. Aeronautical Ad Hoc Network(AANET) is widely concerned by many of theworld’s scientific research institutions and researchers as a candidate technology likelyto be used in the new civil aviation communication system.As satellite based network has high cost, large delay and very limited capacitydisadvantages, as well as ground station based network can’t support the transatlanticflight due to its limited coverage, AANET is expected to become an significantsupplement of them. The existing ground Mobile Ad Hoc Networks(MANET) routingprotocols are not suitable for aeronautical communication environment and the existingAANET routing protocols can’t be used in the AANET for civil aviationcommunication due to their network target and network characteristics are different.With the guiding ideology that aircraft try to access the internet or the backbonenetwork through ground stations by using air-air links and ground-air links as far aspossible and alternatively using satellite links only when the path between the aircraftand ground stations is not available, the author study the civil AANET routing protocolrelated theory and technology combining the research of project “Networking and keytechnology research of transatlantic aviation broadband mobile communication” whichis supported by national natural science foundation of china. According to thecharacteristics of high-speed movement of nodes, high dynamic network topology andlarge network space span in the civil aviation communication network, the researchmainly focus on network robustness, high dynamic network topology adaptability,network QoS and routing security problem. The main work and achievements of thepaper are as follows:1) An optimal QoS paths between aircraft and ground stations search strategywhich based on the ideology of aircraft have priority and the optimal path to access basestation is proposed to achieve efficient maintenance of the routes between aircraft andground stations according to the network target and characteristics of civil aviationcommunication network. In the route maintenance strategy, ground stations broadcast routing maintenance messages periodically. Aircraft nodes evaluate and select next hopof the aircraft to ground stations route according to the received routing maintenancemessages and simultaneously forward path information if necessary. Ground station toaircraft routs are built and updated in the process of the aircraft send packages to groundstation.2) A reconfigurable integrated route quality evaluation mechanism for the civilAANET which based on the research and analysis of factors affecting the quality of theroutes in civil aviation communication is proposed for optimal QoS path searching andnetwork QoS guarantee. Number of hops, route delay, route duration, packet loss rateand residual bandwidth are considered in the mechanism. And all these factors areperceived and quantized in the network in real-time. The final mechanism is setaccording to the needs of the path for civil aviation communication network traffics.3) Due to high dynamic topology and uneven aircraft node distributioncharacteristics of aeronautical communications network. Interferences among nodes inhigh density regions affect network performance seriously. The best node neighborconfiguration distributed dynamic topology optimization algorithm which based on theideology of limit node transmitting power according to the neighbor configuration withthe premise of give priority to ensuring aircraft can connect to ground station isproposed in order to improve the network performance. The algorithm dynamicallyadjust nodes transmitting power based on the configuration of its neighbors in neighbormaintenance process to optimize the network topology and improve networkperformance.4) Due to MANET is vulnerable to attack, while safety performance requirementof the aeronautical communications network is very high. A neighbor trust evaluationrouting security strategy which based on the ideology of evaluate node credibility fromthe network behavior of the node is proposed according to the exist threats in routinglayer of civil AANET. The strategy is carried out in the process of neighbormaintenance. The network behaviors of a node are monitored by its neighbors, and onlytrusted neighbors can be used for data forwarding.All the achievements of the paper are simulated on the builded civil aviationcommunication simulation scenarios. The results show that the routing protocol whichbased on the achievements of the paper is suitable to civilian aviation communicationsenvironment, can ensure aircraft have priority and the optimal path to access basestation, and also have better dynamic topology adaptability, routing stability, the ability of network congestion preventing and higher safety when comprised with AODV andGPSR which proposed for high dynamic topology network.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

