

Research of Yuanjie

【作者】 张晓宇

【导师】 任文京;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 元结提倡文学创作应当继承风雅传统,主张文学作品要发挥规讽的作用,反对绮靡文风和形式主义,主张作品风格要自然、真朴。其复古文学主张既有积极性,又有局限性。元结提倡写作具有规讽功能的诗篇,企求诗歌能对社会产生补偏救弊的作用,在这方面具有进步意义。但他排斥诗歌和谐的声律、鲜明的形象,对诗歌的艺术特征认识不足。元结的诗歌“闵时忧国”,哀叹民生多艰。怨尤时主,讽喻统治者。他用诗歌描绘山水,表现对美景的欣赏。记述隐居生活,表达对耕钓生活的满足。记游胜景,抒发回归田园的渴望。元结还在诗歌中记叙与朋友的欢聚、对朋友的劝告和思念,以及和朋友重逢后的感慨,表现了对亲友之情的珍惜。元结诗歌以五言古体为多,自创系乐府。诗歌语言质朴,有散文化倾向。他的诗歌运用对比、顶真、复沓等多种修辞手法,运用诗序阐明主旨。元结的散文揭露政治黑暗,规劝统治阶级。描摹山水,寄托退隐思想、道德理想。在习静商余和辞官安家樊上其间,还写作了一批表述其人生态度的文章。元结的散文风格古朴,笔力雄健。大部分散文短小精悍,短的不足百字,长的四五百字,然而体裁丰富多样,各体兼备。笔者根据明朝吴讷《文章辨体序说》将元结的128篇散文分成18类。他的散文语言平易朴实,造语独特、不落凡俗,但也落追求奇字怪字弊病,善用寓言、对话来针砭时弊。元结的文学主张和文学创作预示着古文运动的高潮即将来到,他的文学主张对古文运动具有启发作用,他对文体和语言体式的改革影响了韩愈,他的山水散文和杂文是柳宗元散文的先声,他的语言体式为古文运动提供借鉴。元结的继承风雅、规讽传统的诗歌理论对中唐新乐府运动具有开启作用,他的诗歌题材为新乐府提供借鉴,其诗歌的形式和语言风格也影响了中唐新乐府诗歌的创作。

【Abstract】 Yuan Jie asserted the function of literature is “jiushiquesu”, which means the main roleof literature is to tackle and solve social problems and to rectify the undesirable tendencies.zhe advocated to inherited tradition of “fengya”, arguing that literary works should play therole of “remonstration and irony”. His literary creation was in pursuit of natural, real andsimple style.Yuan Jie’s poems included many aspects. He concerned about the common people’sdifficult life, complaining and satirizing the monarch; He also depicts landscape, showing theappreciation of beautiful scenery. He recorded his secluded life to express his satisfaction offarming and fishing life. He also wrote tour attraction to express a desire to return to theidyllic life. He narrated his gathering with friends and family and the emotion of reunion,expressing that he cherished the family and friends. Yuan Jie’s poems style mainly belongs to“wugu”, and he created “xiyuefu”; his language is plain and simply with a prose tendency.He applied lots of rhetorical devices, such as contrast, anadiplosis, refrain, and illustrated thepurpose by poetic preface.Yuan Jie’s prose revealed the dark side of politics, admonishing the monarch. Some ofhis prose depocting landscapes to rest his ideal of seclusion and morality. His prose’s style issimple and unsophisticated. Most of his prose are short and pithy, but with various genres.The author in this dissertation divided Yuan Jie’s128pieces of prose into18categories,based on Wu Na’s “wenzhangbiantixushuo” in Ming Dynasty. Yuan’s language are simpleand plain, and he was good at using fables and dialogues to criticize the society.Yuan Jie’s literary views and creations predicted the coming of culmination of “ancientliterature movement”. His literary views and reforms of type of writing and languageinfluenced Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan. His poetic theory of “fengya”and “guifeng”and poemsalso enlightened the “New Yuefu Songs Movement.”

【关键词】 元结文学主张文学作品影响
【Key words】 Yuan Jieliterary viewsworksinfluence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

