

The Research on Fang Yurun’s the Book of Songs’ Original Meaning

【作者】 韩立群

【导师】 李金善;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 方玉润是清末《诗经》研究的大家,其《诗经原始》融汇汉、宋《诗经》研究的精华,综理诸家,自出机杼,在《诗经》学史上是一部承前启后的著作。方玉润是一个奉儒守道的学者,智略胸怀都比较恢弘。他的《诗经原始》也具有这样的学术特点,且是他所拟的经学研究的重要组成部分。本文以方玉润及其《诗经原始》为研究对象,本意就是希望在深入了解方玉润生平、思想、性情襟抱的同时,对他的《诗经原始》进行全面而细致的研究。本文分为三大部分,第一部分是第一章至第三章,主要是在确定本文研究内容和方法的基础上,对方玉润和《诗经原始》研究的现状进行了分析。并进而以方玉润生平、交游、思想、文学创作为中心,揭示了方玉润《诗经》研究的个人才性、政治文化、思想学术背景。如第二章从清代嘉、道以后《诗经》学发展脉络及出现的趋势入手,在汉学与宋学的斗争和融合的环境中,呈现嘉、道以后《诗经》学发展的政治背景、学术背景,来把握《诗经》学研究的基本走向,和其在新思潮影响下的新变化,探求方玉润《诗经原始》的学术地位。第三章则主要阐明了他的《诗经》研究与其文学创作的内在关系。指出其诗教思想在他《诗经》研究和文学创作中的核心地位。第二部分是第四章至第六章,也是本文的核心部分。这一部分重点介绍《诗经原始》的著述体例与说《诗》方式,论述了《诗经原始》的“总论”法及其渊源,圈点批评与《诗经原始》解《诗》之旨趣,眉评、旁批与集释所反映的解《诗》特色,“标韵”及其“取便今人”的著述观念。在此基础上探索《诗经》阐释之源,并挖掘了《诗经原始》阐释法的学术背景,从《四库全书总目提要》的《诗经》阐释模式对方玉润《诗经原始》的影响着力,把握方玉润《诗经原始》折中于“文士”与“讲学”之间的阐释模式。并由接受史入手,梳理了他对《毛诗序》、《诗集传》、《诗经通论》三部不同时期的重要《诗经》学著作阐释方法和内容的尊崇与超越。第六章则更进一步,分析方玉润《诗经》研究的指导思想和具体探讨诗人原旨的方法,总结其独特的文学理论和诗学观,从而丰富了《诗经原始》研究的内容。第三部分是本文的第七章,重点探讨了《诗经原始》的学术成就和不足之处。当然这样的分析并不是以现代的标准为标准,而是从历史的观点和学术的理路入手,对《诗经原始》的学术特征和成就进行了总结和概括。

【Abstract】 Fang Yurun was a great master of The Book of Songs researching in Qing Dynasty.Hiscreative working The Book of Songs’ Original Meaning reflects the abstract of The Book ofSongs researching in Han and Song dynasties, playing an important role in the history of TheBook of Songs researching. Fang Yurun was an open-minded and intelligent academic ofConfucian and Taoism. His masterpiece reflects his personal character. Fang Yurun and TheBook of Songs’ Original Meaning is the object of our researching, we will analyze hisworking on the basic of understanding his thinking, personality, living experience and mind.This dissertation consists of three parts. The first part is chapter1-3. In this part,identifying the context and method of researching and analyzing the current situation of FangYurun and The Book of Songs’ Original Meaning researching. The dissertation focus on theresearching of his living experience, social intercourse, thinking and literature writings,indicating the literary talent, academic background and political culture of Fang Yurun’s TheBook of Songs’ Original Meaning. In order to explore the academic status of Fang Yurun ‘sThe Book of Songs’ Original Meaning, In the premise to grasp the development trend of Theresearching of The book of songs in later Qing Dynasty. In section2,We analyzed thedevelopment of the political background, academic background. In section3,We mainlyexpounds the inherent relationship between his The Book of Songs’ Original Meaning and hisliterary creation. pointing out The poem Enlightenment’s core position in his " The book ofsongs" researching and the creation of literature.The second part is chapter4-6, core of this paper. In this part,Analyzing the style andInterpretation way of The Book of Songs’ Original Meaning.Discussing The "general" methodand its origin, The relationship between Handle criticism and its Interpretation Purport, Thecharacteristics of its interpretation eflected in the Mei ping、Pang pi、Annotations.Rhyme andThe conception of for convenience of modern people.Based on all of the above, exploring theinterpretation source of The book of songs.From the Influence of the interpretation of Si kuQuan shu Zong mu on The Book of Songs’ Original Meaning,Analysising the interpretationmode of compromising between the "Scholar" and "lecture" in the book of The Book ofSongs’ Original Meaning. And starting from the history of reception, discussesed Fangyurun‘s reverence for Mao shi xu、Shi ji zhuan、Shi jing tong lun, The Classic of researching of The book of songs in different historical periods. In section6,analysising his guiding ideology andspecific methods of poet originalism, summarizesing the unique literary ideas, enriched thecontents of The Book of Songs’ Original Meaning researching.The third part is chapter7.This part focus on the academic achievements andshortcomings of The Book of Songs’ Original Meaning. Of course, this analysis is not amodern standards, but starting from the historical point of view and academic thinking.baseedon that,Summarizesed the academic characteristics and achievements of The Book of Songs’Original Meaning. In the view of historical development, We summarizesed the academicinfluence of The Book of Songs’ Original Meaning in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republicof China Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

