

The Study about Evolution Process of Teacher Education Professional Standards in USA after WWⅡ

【作者】 贾国锋

【导师】 朱文富;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 教育史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 战后,美国为提高教师教育质量,十分重视教师教育专业标准的制定和实施。全美教师教育认可委员会(以下简称NCATE)作为美国最具权威性的教师教育认证机构,自1952年成立以来,积极致力于教师教育专业标准的制定、完善与认可活动,曾先后出台并实施了多个颇具影响力的教师教育专业标准,极大推动了战后美国教师教育的专业化发展。根据专业标准所依托的评价理论及评价导向的不同,战后美国教师教育专业标准的演进过程可大致分为四个阶段。自1945年二战结束至20世纪60年代初是教师教育专业标准的“目标本位”阶段。战后初期,在美国社会变革及提高教育质量的改革需求下,NCATE于1952年应运而生。1957年,NCATE出台了第一个教师教育专业标准,该标准是以“教师教育目标”为核心的评价体系,通过评价与教师教育专业目标相关的条件和过程来判断教师教育专业水平,最终做出专业认可判断。该标准的实施,对战后美国开启提高教师培养质量新阶段起到奠基作用。20世纪60年代初到70年代是教师教育专业标准的“课程本位”阶段。20世纪60年代,NCATE遭到了多方指责和批判,在一片质疑声中,NCATE开始着手对1957年标准进行修订,并于1970年出台了新的专业标准。该标准是以“课程”为核心的评价体系,通过评价教师教育专业所设置的课程计划及实施课程计划的其他条件来判断教师教育专业的水平,最终做出认可判断。相比1957年标准,新标准有了长足的进步,它确立了普通教育、专业教育、教学科目和实习等四方面组成的教师教育课程结构。20世纪80年代至90年代初是教师教育专业标准的“知识基础本位”阶段。20世纪80年代,NCATE在内外多重危机的背景下开始对自身进行改革,与此同时也对1970年标准进行反思与修订,并于1990年出台了新的专业标准。新标准的特征是强调教师教育的知识和技能,明确要求教师教育应以知识基础为依托来设置课程。该标准顺应了美国教师教育改革和发展的潮流,促进了教学专业化的进程。20世纪90年代中期至今是教师教育专业标准的“绩效本位”阶段。1995年,NCATE出台了新的教师教育专业标准,此后又于2000年和2008年分别进行了修订。新的标准是以“绩效”为评价核心,将评价的重点放在以知识的生成观为基础,要求学生展示学习成果,即通过学生的活动和成果来评价学生的发展,考察教师教育专业的水平。由联邦政府认可的社会评价机构制定教师教育专业标准,并由其对教师教育实施专业评价,以及在标准制定过程中注意评价理论与评价实践的结合,是战后美国教师教育专业标准演进的重要特征。专业标准的制定与完善,对战后美国教师教育健康发展起到了重要的促进作用,有效推动了教师教育质量的提升,促进了教师的专业化发展。战后美国教师教育专业标准的演进历程,对正处于教师教育转型期的我国,有着极为现实的借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 Since World War II, in order to improve the quality of education, the United Statesattaches great importance to the development and implementation of teacher educationprofessional standards. As the most authoritative organization, the National Council forAccreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) actively committed to the development,improvement and accreditation activities of the professional standards of teacher educationsince its establishment in1952. It has introduced and implemented a number of influentialteacher professional standards, which has greatly promoted the specialization development ofpostwar American teacher education.According to the different theory and orientation of evaluation, the progress of postwarAmerican teacher education professional standards can be roughly divided into four stages.The phase from the ending of WWII in1945to1960s was the “objective-based” stage.Early postwar, NCATE came into being in1952under the needs of improving the quality ofteacher education. In1957, NCATE introduced the first teacher education professionalstandards, which is a set of teacher education professional standards with the core of “teachereducation objective”, which determine the level of teachers’ professional education throughthe evaluation conditions and processes and eventually to make judgments of professionalrecognition. The implementation of this standard played a good promoting role in enhancingthe quality of teacher education program in the United States.The phase from1960s to1970s was the "curriculum-based" stage. In1960s, NCATE gota lot of criticism, with these doubt sound, NCATE began to revise the1957standards andintroduced a new teacher education professional standards in1970. This teacher educationstandard was based on the “curriculum” and to determine the level of professional teachereducation by the evaluation of teacher education profession lesson plans and other conditionsof implementation of the curriculum plan and ultimately make recognition judgments.Compared to the1957standards, the new teacher education professional standards has madegreat strides and established its curriculum structure including the following four aspects: general education, professional education, teaching subjects and student teaching.The phase of1980s to the mid-90s is the "knowledge-based" stage. In1980s, NCATEsuffered multiple crises from both external and internal and began to rebuild, at the same timealso to rethink and revise the1970standards. In1990, the rebuilt NCATE introduced the newteacher education professional standards, which focused on the effect and quality of teachereducation. The standard explicitly requires the teacher education program should beknowledge-based, which is the theoretical basis of curriculum development and curriculumdesign. The teacher education professional standard in1990conforms to the trend of reformand development in the United States, and promotes the process of teachingprofessionalization.The phase from the mid1990s until now is the "performance-based" stage. A newteacher education professional standard was introduced by NCATE in1995,and this standardwas revised twice respectively in2000and2008. The new standard evaluation based on"performance”, that made the evaluation focused on the knowledge generation, requiringstudents to demonstrate their learning outcomes, that is to assess students’ knowledge, skillsand development through students’ activities and achievements and to investigate the level ofteacher education profession.It is the social evaluation authority recognized by federal government to establish theteacher education professional standards and to evaluate the teacher education majors and tocombine the theory and practice during the process of making the teacher education standards,which is one important character of the evolution process for teacher education professionalstandards in America after WWII. The formulating and evaluation of teacher educationstandards had played an important role for improving the quality of American teachers andfurther for improving the quality of education and therefore had promoted the development ofteacher professionalization forward. The teacher education in China is during the transitiontime, so the experiences of the evolution process for postwar teacher education professionalstandards in America could be helpful for China’s teacher education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期

