

Comprehensive Research on Traditional Buildings along the Shandong Canal

【作者】 赵鹏飞

【导师】 宋昆;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 元初,大运河经过截弯取直后开始流经山东,历史上将这部分河段称为山东运河,其临清至济宁一段,亦称会通河。元朝至元二十六年(公元1289年)会通河全线开通,标志着京杭大运河基本形成。山东运河的贯通,极大促进了该区域社会、经济、文化的大发展,催生出各种不同类型的与运河直接或间接相关的建筑,这些传统建筑具有明显的地理区域性和文化区域性的特征,是典型的地域性建筑。本文以传统建筑作为运河研究的切入点,从建筑学、历史学、地理学、民俗学、社会学、人类聚居学等多角度进行综合研究,通过山东运河传统建筑的地域特征和表现模式探求其深层次内涵。本论文共分六章:第一章是绪论部分,对论文的相关概念进行了界定,论述了课题研究的背景、意义以及方法和内容,对已有研究成果进行了总结,并提出论文的研究框架和创新点。第二章分析了大运河与沿岸传统聚落相互依存,相互推动的发展关系。根据属性和规模不同,把山东运河沿线聚落的划分为城市、市镇和村落,并对它们发展的整体环境和表现模式进行了分析研究。第三章对山东运河传统居住建筑进行深入研究,分析了生土民居、商业街巷、庭院民居和宅邸园林四种类型都直接受到运河文化的影响,具有运河区域的独特风貌和明显的地域特征。第四章结合具体的传统公共建筑实例,探讨了山东运河对衙署建筑、会馆建筑、寺庙建筑、书院建筑这四种建筑类型的深远影响,反映出运河文化和传统公共建筑的长期互动。第五章通过对山东运河的河闸、桥梁、码头、堤坝等水工建筑及其遗迹的考察和研究,总结出山东运河的治河方略和河工技术,探讨了传统水工建筑这一特殊建筑形式的发展历程及其价值延伸。第六章分析了山东运河作为文化线路的特质,指出山东运河传统建筑的衰败现状和原因,并提出了保护原则和策略。最后结合实际案例,综合论述了山东运河传统建筑的保护利用实践。

【Abstract】 At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the Grand Canal, after its curves being cutoff and course then being straightened, began to flow through Shandong. The sectionof the river through Shandong is historically called the Shandong canal, and the partfrom Linqing to Jining is called Huitong River. In1289, during the reign of KublaiKhan of the Yuan Dynasty, Huitong River was fully open for transportation, whichmarks the formation of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. The Shandong Canal beingopen for use greatly promotes the rapid development of society, economy and culturein the Canal region, and causes the architecture of various types to be built, related tothe Canal directly or indirectly. These traditional buildings, which have bothgeographically regional features and culturally regional features, are typically regionalarchitecture. From the perspective of architecture, history, geography, folklore,sociology, and human settlement, the thesis is devoted to the exploration of theprofound connotation of traditional buildings of the Shandong Canal through itsregional features and patterns of manifestation, with the traditional architecture as thebreak-through point of the Canal research. The thesis consists of six chapters:Chapter one is the introduction. It defines the concepts concerned, discusses thebackground, significance, methods and content, reviews the precedent researches, andputs forward the research outline of the thesis.Chapter two aims to analyze the interdependent relationship of Grand Canal andtraditional settlements and their relationship of mutually promoting each other. Basedon the difference of category and scope, the settlements along Shandong Canal aredivided into cities, towns and villages. Their overall environment of development andpatterns of manifestation are analyzed.Chapter three is devoted to the in-depth study of traditional residentialarchitecture along Shandong Canal. Earth dwellings, commercial streets, courtyardhouses, garden mansions, which are all directly influenced by the Canal culture, havethe unique styles and obvious regional features typical of the Canal region.Chapter four focuses on the far-reaching influence of the Canal on governmentoffice buildings, hall buildings, temple buildings and college buildings with specifictraditional public architecture as examples, which reflects the long-term interaction ofthe Canal culture and public architecture.Chapter five summarizes the river managing strategy and river technology of theShandong Canal and points out the development history and the value extension ofthe traditional hydraulic construction as a special form of architecture, through theexamination and research of such hydraulic construction as river brake, bridges, docksand dams.Chapter six analyzes the decay of traditional architecture along ShandongCanal and its cause, puts forward the protective principles and strategies, andexpounds on the practice of protecting and utilizing the traditional architecturealong the Shandong Canal.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

