

A Study on Modern Vocational Education Ethics

【作者】 宋晶

【导师】 肖凤翔;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 职业教育伦理关注职业教育学习者的幸福,关照个体职业活动的主动性、创造性和责任感。本研究的基本目的在于,以伦理视角审视现代职业教育的伦理精神,探索现代职业教育精神生成的有效途径。培养个体自主、自为意识,具有积极职业精神,勇于承担责任的劳动者,是现代职业教育的使命。本研究综合采用历史、文献、比较、调查等研究方法,在对职业教育伦理精神的历史与现实判断的基础上,综合运用哲学、伦理学、历史学、教育学、社会学、经济学和心理学理论,形成职业教育伦理研究的基本理论框架,通过理论分析和实地调查,论证和证实该理论框架的合理性,提出培养学习者职业伦理精神的有效途径。研究得出如下结论:首先,职业教育伦理精神渊远悠长、短暂迷失和自觉。它源于原初生存教育中的自然、朴素、平等,体现于师徒教育之爱,迷失于契合大机器生产的工厂学徒教育,自觉与对学习者主体价值的呼唤。其次,“人道”、“理性”和“公正”是现代职业教育伦理的基本范畴。人道是理性和公正的基础,以人为本是它们共同价值追求,生成职业教育学习者主体价值是现代职业教育伦理的核心。第三,科技理性和享乐主义挑战我国职业教育伦理,表现为“待价而沽”与职业理想、信仰的冲突;工具化与职业教育中“人”的模糊与支离破碎;“单子式”存在造成人的隔离;区域职业教育的不平衡发展和职业教育政策倾斜以及职业教育实践活动中人道的残缺、公正的倾斜和片面追求不完整理性等伦理问题。第四,现代职业教育伦理精神回归是生态自由意志的生成。现代职业教育培养学习者伦理精神的过程中,生成具有主体性的“准职业人”,孕育与传承绿色工业文化。第五,现代职业教育伦理精神回归的实践策略包括:超越功利主义和工具理性的教育观念,确定追求人的幸福的现代职业教育目的;遵循公正性和完整理性原则,保证职业教育政策正义性;职业教育教学承担孕育与传播绿色工业文化的任务;形成体现职业教育特点的师生“主体间性”关系;体现职业认同的职业教育课程伦理诉求;职业教育评价突破一元方式,实现情境化多元智能评价。

【Abstract】 Ethics refers to standards to regulate relation among people, between one and self,between human beings and nature, with the ultimate goal to make a better life and guidepeople in their day-to-day activities. Concerning of individual happiness of vocationaleducation learners, vocational education ethics is about their initiative, flexibility, creativityand responsibility in their professional activities. Studying modern vocational education fromethical perspective, the thesis is to find the ethical spirit in it and explore effective ways torealize it. Society builders and professional people should be independent, self-action, andresponsible, so people who receive modern vocational education should be subject withemotion and soul rather than tools or dependent beings. In addition to the introduction, thisstudy consists of three other parts.The first part is a basic theoretical research, including the second chapter of relatedresearches and the third chapter on basic concepts. Exploring the source of the vocationaleducation ethics spirit from the start, it focuses on ethical element contained in primitivenatural, simple survival education, ethical spirit of traditional apprenticeship education whichreflects the love and the pursuit of teaching holistic, the ethical “paradox” of modernvocational education and ethical pursuit of individual and social values. Spiritual motivationin social progress is the pursuit of a better life, and the development of vocational education isalso a part of the pursuit of truly wonderful life. Chapter three explores the connotation ofhumanity, rationality and justice of the modern vocational education, with a reference to aethical concept tool, while the later two are based on the first one and the core of the first oneis the establishment of principal value by vocational education learners.The second part, including chapter4and5, is about ethical challenges faced by vocationaleducation from macro and micro aspects. While constructing full market, vocationaleducation is facing following ethical challenges, expansion of human subjectivity andliberation of morality pushed by contract spirit, conflicts between “waiting for a better price”and career aspirations and beliefs, obscuring and fragmenting “humanity” in vocationaleducation and its toolization, the existence of “list style” causing isolation among people,between human beings and the nature, between people and oneself. What is more, thechallenges are worsen by regional uneven development of vocational education and somepriority policy, thus China’s vocational education is in an ethical dilemma, controlled byutilitarianism and pragmatism, losing oneself, and learners losing their principal value. In Chapter five, qualitative research is the main method. From interviews, some ethical problemsin vocational education have been revealed and analyzed, like fragmentation of humanity,unfairness and the pursuit of unintegrality. The third part is chapter6, taking modernvocational education ethics regression into consideration. The return of modern vocationaleducation ethical spirit is to develop the "subjectivity" of quasi-professional people and topass and innovate "green" professional culture. The following points should be carried out tomake the return come true: the purpose of vocational education should be beyondutilitarianism and toolization viewpoint for the pursuit of happiness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

