

On Transformative Learning of Teachers at Vocational School and Colleges

【作者】 刘奉越

【导师】 庞学光;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 转化学习是指学习者在面临新的学习任务、突发性事件等新的环境中,通过检验、批判性反思、质疑等方式,不断改变“被扭曲的意义观点”,形成新的意义观点和意义体系,以适应新的环境的学习过程。对于职业学校教师的专业发展来说,转化学习具有不可或缺的意义。一是转化学习其实就是从一个意义范畴进入另一个意义范畴的过程,通过改变职业学校教师的认知和经验方式,对他们“起一种塑造作用。此后,无论在他们自己还是其他人看来,很多方面都会不一样”,从而有效地促进他们的专业发展。二是转化学习将原本聚焦于传统学校学习、课堂学习的目光向职业学校教师专业生活空间和社会生活空间中的学习扩展与延伸,侧重于他们个体的生活经验及其意义建构,这样有利于更好地调动职业学校教师的积极性和主动性,不断获得专业发展。本文运用转化学习的有关理论,以职业学校教师为特定研究对象,运用文献研究法、个案研究法、访谈法等,结合他们的专业实际和特点,对他们的转化学习进行较为深入的剖析、探究和反思,从专业发展的视角诠释职业学校教师转化学习的动因、特点、过程、影响因素等,并从多个方面提出促进他们转化学习的策略,力图描绘出职业学校教师转化学习的基本图谱,进一步丰富和发展转化学习理论,为促进职业学校教师专业发展提供理论和实践上的建议和指导。本文具体结构和内容包括以下几个方面。第一章为绪论。主要由研究缘起、研究现状、研究目的与意义、研究设计和论文创新点五个部分组成。第二章为转化学习的理论诠释,对转化学习的内涵、核心概念、基本框架和发生机制等进行探讨。第三章为基于专业发展的职业学校教师转化学习应然分析,分析职业学校教师专业发展的诉求,从中推演出转化学习是职业学校教师专业发展的重要途径。第四章为职业学校教师的转化学习——基于个案的呈现,主要运用访谈法和个案研究法,通过具体案例,展现职业学校教师转化学习的样态。第五章为理解职业学校教师转化学习——基于个案的分析,结合对上述具体个案的剖析,对职业学校教师的转化学习进行较为深入的探讨。第六章为推进职业学校教师转化学习的策略,运用转化学习理论和教师专业发展理论,切合职业学校教师的实际,从职业学校教师、职业学校、家庭和转化学习研究四个方面构建推进职业学校教师转化学习的策略,即职业学校教师要树立主动学习的理念,合理运用已有经验,注重反思和加强合作;职业学校要制订相关激励政策和措施,营造终身学习氛围,提供组织支持,创新培训形式和完善专业发展机制;建立良好的家庭结构和积极营照家庭文化氛围;在转化学习研究方面要加强研究,推进本土化研究,注重研究战略的整合,不断拓宽研究视野和创新研究方法。第七章对本文进行概括和总结,结合研究存在的不足,对未来的深化研究进行展望。

【Abstract】 Transformative learning refers to the learning and adaptive process in which learnersconstantly change “the distorted meaning view” and form new meaning view and system toadapt to the new environment via inspection, critical reflection, questioning, etc whenfacing new learning tasks and emergencies. For teachers’ professional development atvocational schools and colleges, transformative learning is of indispensable significance. Onone hand, it is actually a process from one meaning category to another through changingteachers’ mode of awareness and experience, which “plays a role of shaping. Since then, intheir own views or others’, many aspects make a difference”, so as to promote theirprofessional development effectively. On the other hand, it prompts teachers to extend theirfocus to professional living space and social living space and not limited to traditionalschool learning and classroom learning, which plays emphasis on the construction oftheir individual life experience and meaning so as to mobilize their enthusiasm and initiativeand continually gain professional development.This dissertation applies the relevant theory of transformative learning, takes teachers atvocational schools and colleges as particular research objects, use literature researchmethod, case study, interview, etc. It combines with teachers’ professional practice andcharacteristics to make a in-depth analysis, inquiry and reflection on their transformativelearning; interprets the motivation, characteristics, processes, influencing factorsof their transformative learning from the perspective of professional development; putforward the strategies to promote their transformative learning from several aspects; depictsthe basic map of their transformative learning; and hence further enriches and develops thetheory of transformative learning, and provide theoretical and practical advice and guidance topromote their professional development.This dissertation’s specific structure and contents include the following aspects. The firstchapter is an introduction. It is composed of five parts: research origin, research status,research purpose and significance, research design and innovative points. The second chapteris the theoretical interpretation of transformative learning, and the analysis of connotation,core concepts, basic framework and mechanism, etc. The third chapter is the ideal analysis oftransformative learning for teachers at vocational schools and colleges. Based on the analysisof their professional development demands, it can deduce that transformative learning is animportant approach for their professional development. The fourth chapter is therepresentation of case study on teachers’ transformative learning. It analyzes some specific cases and displays the state of teachers’ transformative learning by virtue of through interviewand case study. The fifth chapter is the understanding of case study on teachers’transformative learning. It analyzes some specific cases and thoroughly discusses theteachers’ transformative learning. The sixth chapter is the promoting strategies of teachers’transformative learning. It adopts the theories of transformative learning and professionaldevelopment for teachers at vocational schools and colleges, combines with their actualsituations, and thus think about the strategies of prompting teachers’ transformative learningbased on the following angles: teachers, vocational schools and colleges, families andresearch on transformative learning. That means, teachers should build up the idea of activelearning, rationally use of existing experience, attach importance to introspection andstrengthen cooperation; vocational schools and colleges should formulate relevant, incentivepolicies and measures, create lifelong-learning atmosphere, provide organizational support,make innovation training and improve professional development mechanism; actively buildgood family structure and create cultural family atmosphere; strengthen the study ontransformative learning, prompt indigenous research, emphasize integration of researchstrategies and continually broaden research perspective and innovate research methods. Theseventh chapter is the summary of this dissertation and prospect of future research whichbased on the imperfection of existing research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

