

Research on Traffic Simulation and Real-time Control for Construction of High Core Rock-fill Dam

【作者】 刘宁

【导师】 钟登华; 张宗亮;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 水利工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通运输系统结构复杂,影响因素众多,该系统在运行过程中体现了较强的随机性和不确定性,这对交通的方案设计和运行管理提出了更高的要求。交通仿真方法已被广泛用以辅助设计方案分析,但其本身难以提出最优方案;交通控制方法在大型水电工程中的应用尚未普及。因此,如何在交通仿真的基础上进行科学的方案寻优,以及如何实现有效的交通实时控制,成为亟待解决的问题。本文基于系统仿真技术及系统控制理论等,开展高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通仿真与实时控制关键技术研究,主要研究成果如下:(1)提出了基于土石方调配模型的高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通仿真与优化理论。结合对高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通运输过程的详尽分析,深入剖析了土石方调配模型对施工场内交通仿真与优化的影响机制,建立了基于土石方调配模型的施工场内交通仿真与优化模型,并针对研究对象实现了粒子群优化算法的改进。该理论为高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通运输方案的优化设计提供科学依据。(2)提出了高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通运输多方案评价理论。在详尽分析综合评价指标的基础上,全面建立了高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通运输多方案评价的综合评价指标体系,阐述了基于仿真的评价指标数据采集方法,提出了基于AHP-Entropy的指标权重确定方法和基于Gray的综合评价方法。该理论为高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通设施布置方案与交通运输方案的设计提供有效的技术支持。(3)提出了基于实时信息的高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通在线仿真建模理论与方法。在全面分析实时信息对高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通仿真模型影响机制的基础上,建立了基于实时信息的施工场内交通在线仿真模型,提出了基于AutoCAD平台的施工场内交通在线仿真建模方法,阐述了建模策略。该理论与方法为高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通运输过程的动态分析提供有效的手段。(4)提出了高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通实时控制理论与方法。在详尽分析高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通状态不确定性因素的基础上,根据智能交通系统思想,研究了施工场内交通诱导和交通信号控制的理论与方法,并提出了二者的一体化协同框架。该理论与方法为高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通的有效管理和料物运输方案的科学动态决策提供了一种新的研究思路。(5)研制了高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通仿真与实时控制系统。为高心墙堆石坝施工场内交通运输方案的优化和交通实时控制提供了有效平台。

【Abstract】 The transportation system structure of high core rock-fill dam is complex andaffected by many factors. In the process of running the system embodies therandomness and uncertainty, and this puts forward higher request for the schemedesign and operation management of transportation. Traffic simulation method hasbeen widely used as the assistant of design analysis, but it is difficult to put forwardthe optimal scheme for itself. Traffic control methods in the application of largehydropower projects have not yet spread. Therefore, how to make optimization planscientifically on the basis of the traffic simulation, and how to implement effectivetraffic based on real-time control, become a problem to be solved. This article is basedon computer technology, simulation technology and system control theory, to carryout key technology research on traffic simulation and real-time control based on thehigh core rock-fill dam. The main research results are as follows:(1) Traffic simulation and optimization theory of high core rock-fill dam basedon earth-rock allocation model is proposed. Combining with the detailed analysis oftransportation process of high core rock-fill dam, the influencing mechanism that howthe earth-rock allocation model affected the traffic simulation and optimization isdissected. Traffic simulation and optimization model based on earth-rock allocationmodel is established, and the particle swarm optimization based on research subject isimproved. This theory proves a scientific basis for the optimization design of highcore rock-fill dam construction transportation plan.(2) A multi-program evaluation theory for the transportation of construction sitein the high core rock-fill dam is proposed. After the detailed analysis of thecomprehensive evaluation index, a comprehensive evaluation index system formulti-program evaluation of transportation in the construction site of high corerock-fill dam is established based on the AHP-Entropy index weights method andGray comprehensive evaluation method which describes the simulation-basedevaluation index data collection method. The theory provides effective technicalsupport for the design of facilities and transportation layout program in theconstruction site of high core rock-fill dam.(3) Traffic online simulation modeling theory and method of high core rock-filldam based on real-time information is proposed. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of influence mechanism from real-time information to the simulation model,traffic online simulation model of high core rock-fill dam based on real-timeinformation is built. Traffic online simulation modeling method based on AutoCADplatform is presented, and the modeling strategy is elaborated. The theory and methodprovide an effective means for dynamic analysis of the transport process of high corerock-fill dam.(4) Traffic real-time control theory and method of high core rock-fill dam isproposed. Based on a detailed analysis of the uncertainty factors of traffic state inhigh core rock-fill dam, and according to the idea of intelligent transportation systems,the theory and method of traffic guidance and traffic signal control is studied, and thecollaborative framework of integration of the two sides is proposed. The theory andmethod provide a new idea of scientific research in the dynamic decision of effectivetraffic management and material transport scheme of high core rock-fill dam.(5) Traffic simulation and real-time control system of high core rock-fill dam isdeveloped. The system provides an effective platform for transportation planoptimization and real-time traffic control of high core rock-fill dam.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】TV641.41;TV52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】111
  • 攻读期成果

