

Experimental Study and Simulation of Biomass Gasification Coupled with Gas Turbine for Power Generation

【作者】 兰维娟

【导师】 李惟毅; 陈冠益;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 热能工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 由于化石能源的减少和环境问题的严重,生物质能作为清洁的、可再生资源,在全球资源战略中日益受到重视。生物质气化是主要的生物质利用技术之一,目标是得到高品质燃气,这些高品质燃气可用于后续的供气供暖、发电乃至合成气。生物质气化与燃气轮机燃烧联合发电技术作为一个系统来考虑,可提高生物质发电系统能效及环境性能。基于此背景,本文在高等学校博士学科点科研基金“生物质气化与燃气轮机燃烧集成发电的机理性研究”(No:20090032110036)的资助下,开展了相关研究。本文综述了国内外生物质气化发电的现状,对气化发电技术、直接燃烧发电技术、混合燃烧发电技术进行了评述,详细讲述了生物质气化发电系统的流程及原理。在流化床实验台上,开展了生物质气化实验研究与分析,重点研究操作条件(气化温度、当量比)和催化剂对生物质气化的影响。研究表明:当气化温度升高,产品气中可燃气体体积分数增加,CO2含量有所下降,燃气热值增加;随着当量比的增加,H2、CO和CH4主要可燃气体含量下降,CO2气体含量增加;同一温度加入催化剂后下,随着CaO配比从0到20%不断增加,气体产物各成分含量变化较大。H2的含量增加显著,CO的含量有所增加,CO2含量下降,CH4含量也缓慢有所增加。焦油在生物质气化发电系统中有一定的副面影响,为了使系统稳定运行、提高气化效率,本论文研究了焦油的相关理化性质和化学性质。研究发现焦油成分中苯酚及其衍生物、萘及其衍生物、大分子芳香族化合物,包含了酚、萘等多环芳烃和呋喃等化合物,碳原子数在7~20之间。采用Coats-Redfern法分析生物质焦油热解过程表观动力学,求取了不同升温速率下的表观活化能E和指前因子A。研究发现,把焦油的主要失重分为挥发分析出和热解两个阶段。在挥发分析出阶段,升温速率对焦油的活化能基本没有显著影响,热解阶段的活化能E低于挥发段的活化能,说明高温更有利于焦油热解。基于ASPEN PLUS平台分别搭建了生物质气化-净化模型和燃气轮机系统模块,介绍了物性方程,选择适合各模块的物性模型和方法。并在各单元模块的基础上,建立生物质气化与燃气轮机燃烧集成发电整体模型,实现对生物质气化发电系统的整体模拟和分析,并计算验证了模拟系统是基本可靠的,为整体系统设计提供了理论基础。

【Abstract】 With fossil fuel depleting and increasing serious environmental problems,biomass energy as a clean and renewable resource has been paid more and moreattention in the global sourcing strategy. Biomass gasification is one of majorbiomass utilization technologies to get high quality gas. The high quality gas can besubsequently used for gas supply and power generation as well as syngas.Considering biomass gasification coupled with power generation technology as awhole system, the energy efficiency will be increased and the environmentalpollution problem can be reduced. Under the support of Ministry of Educationthrough fundamental research fund (No:20090032110036), a detail research wascarried out as follows.In this paper,the status of biomass for power generation is summarized, thethree main technologies based on biomass gasification, biomass combustion andco-combustion are also summarized and commented respectively, the process andprinciple of biomass gasification for power generation system is analyzed.Atmospheric air gasification of biomass was performed in pilot-scale fluidizedbed. The main influencing factors (equivalence ratio, bed temperature, addingcatalyst) were studied in detail. The results showed that the combustible gas contentand the heating value increased with temperature increasing, while carbon dioxidecontent decreased; the combustible gas content decreased with equivalence ratioincreasing, but carbon dioxide content increased. At the same temperature, with theratio of CaO variant from0to20%, hydrogen content was increased significantly,carbon monoxide content was also increased, methane content increased slightly,but carbon dioxide content was decreased.In biomass gasification for power generation system, tar has a negative effect.In order to make the system stable running and improve the efficiency ofgasification, properties of tar were studied. The results showed that the compositionof tar are mostly phenol and its derivatives, naphthalene and its derivatives,aromatic compounds, including phenol, naphthalene and other polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons and furan compounds, the carbon atom number is between7to13.Inthis paper, the kinetics parameters such as apparent activation energy andpre-exponential factor of different combinations in different heating rates werecalculated by using the Coats-Redfern method. Experiment results showed that loss weight of tar is divided into volatile and pyrolysis two main stages. In volatile stage,the heating rate didn’t have significant influence on activation energy, activationenergy of pyrolysis stage is lower than that of volatile stage. So in high temperatureconduce to tar pyrolysis.Based on the simulation software ASPEN PLUS, the biomass fluidized bedgasification-purification model and gas turbine system module were set uprespectively, the physical equation was introduced, suitable properties and methodfor each module were selected. On the basis of each unit module, the biomassgasification integrated gas turbine combustion for power generation model isestablished. The whole system model were applied to simulate and analysis thesystem facility, after these calculation, it is verified this system model can simulatethe whole process, thus provide certain theoretical basis for system design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

