

Theoretical and Experimental Research for Gas-engine Heat Pump Water Heater

【作者】 王文斌

【导师】 杨昭;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 制冷及低温工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 燃气机热泵热水器系统是以天然气为一次能源输入,为建筑物制冷季节提供冷量、供暖季节提供热量和常年提供生活热水的新型装置,本文对燃气机热泵热水器系统进行了理论模拟和实验研究。以燃气机热泵热水器系统为基础,建立了燃气发动机和热泵系统的数学模型,以实验和仿真相结合的方法研究燃气机热泵热水器在冬季供暖季节的运行性能,结果表明所建立的模型能够有效预测燃气机热泵热水器的运行特性。对燃气机热泵热水器以循环加热模式和一次加热模式工作时的运行特性进行了对比研究,研究过程中主要考虑了环境温度、冷凝器冷却水流量、制冷剂过热度及发动机转速对系统性能的影响,结果表明系统以一次加热模式运行时具有更高的一次能源利用率。燃气机热泵热水器在供冷季节以板式换热器取代翅片管换热器做为冷凝器,在供冷的同时,冷凝器的冷凝热及回收的燃气发动机余热来制取生活用热水。研究结果表明:回收冷凝器冷凝热后系统的一次能源利用率PER得到了显著提升,当发动机转速为1900rpm时,系统的PER最小值也高达1.79,系统的节能效果显著。基于国内四个城市气象统计数据,对燃气机热泵热水器系统的制冷季节能效比(SEER)、制冷季节一次能源利用率(SPERr)、制热季节能效比(HSPF)和制热季节一次能源利用率(SPERh)进行了计算。在只考虑发动机转速和环境温度的基础上,提出了系统综合一次能源利用率PERzh的定义,并对燃气机热泵热水器在非供冷和供热季节的运行进行了评价,在实验基础上计算出系统的PERzh值为1.453,系统具有较高的一次能源利用率,节能效果明显。

【Abstract】 The gas-engine heat pump water heater system uses the natural gas as primaryenergy input, which can provide the chilled water for buildings in the cooling season,the hot water in the heating season and provides living hot water for using all the yearround. In this paper, the gas-engine heat pump water heater system had been carriedon the theoretical simulation and experimental research.The mathematical model of gas engine and a heat pump system had beenestablished based on the gas-engine heat pump water heater system, and compared theresults of the mathematical model and the experimental data for the gas-engine heatpump water heater when the system working in the heating season of the year, theresults showed that the model can effectively predict the running characteristics of thegas-engine heat pump water heater system.A comparative study on the gas-engine driven heat pump water heater working inthe instantaneous heating mode and cyclic heating mode had been done to reserch theperformance characteristics of the system. In the experimental process, the effectfactors of the system’ performance characteristics such as environmental temperature,the condenser cooling water flow rate, degree of superheat and engine speed had beentaken into account, the results showed that the system had the higher PER when thesystem working in the instantaneous heating mode than that of cyclic heating mode.The parallel plate heat exchanger is used as condenser but not the finned tube heatexchanger for the gas-engine heat pump water heater in the cooling season, the hotwater can be made by the recovered condenser heat and the waste heat released by thegas engine when the system supply cooling for buildings. The results showed that thePER of the system improved obviously, even the gas-engine running at1900rpm, theminimum value of PER was1.79, which indicated the gas-engine heat pump waterheater can save energy remarkably.Based on meteorological statistical data of four cities, we calculated the coolingseasonal energy efficient ratio (SEER), cooling seasonal primary energy ratio(SPERr), heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF) and heating seasonal primaryenergy ratio (SPERh) of the gas-engine heat pump water heater.A comprehensive primary energy ratio (PERzh) was definied only considering engine speed and environmental temperature for the gas-engine heat pump waterheater, and which was used to evaluate the performance characteristic of the systemexcept the cooling and heating season of the year. Based on the experimental date, thecalculated PERzh value was1.453, which indicated the system had the higher primaryenergy utilization and energy saving effect was obviously.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

