

Intelligent Planning of Medium Voltage Distribution Network Based on Power Supply Model

【作者】 程鹏

【导师】 葛少云;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 中压配电网是现代电力系统的重要组成部分,网架结构是中压配电网的筋骨。传统对网架结构的研究主要集中在接线模式方面,缺乏对电网整体的关注。而目前许多发达国家开始采用标准化的供电模型来构筑高水平的中压配电网,鉴于供电模型所具备的诸多优势,国内外对供电模型的关注和研究日益增多,如何对基于供电模型的中压配电网络进行合理的规划将具有重要的实际意义。对于中压配电网的布线规划,传统的研究方法存在局部性等问题,且无法直接应用于基于供电模型的布线规划问题。本文在国内外对供电模型研究的基础上,将供电模型理念与中压配电网规划相结合,从整体规划的角度进行了基于供电模型的中压配电网智能布线规划研究,主要工作如下:(1)在对供电模型相关概念梳理和总结的基础上,首先对单联络接线模式下的供电模型进行了自动布线规划研究。在规划的数学模型上,建立了包含主干辐射线路、联络线路、分支线路的综合费用模型,使优化目标更具整体性。在优化模型的搭建上,应用蚁群算法进行辐射线路的构建,进而应用Floyd最短路径法构建辐射线路末端节点间的联络组合,通过对由辐射线路及联络线路组成的染色体进行优化运算得到最优的布线结果。在优化方法上,通过应用遗传模拟退火算法,有效地克服了算法过早收敛的问题。相比传统的配电网自动布线规划,本文的布线方法具有全局最优性。(2)借鉴传统蚁群算法思想,提出一种多窝蚁群协同算法进行了分支线路的自动布线规划研究。该算法在每一个负荷点处放置一窝蚂蚁,以主干线路上的节点为终点进行爬行,通过局部及全局信息素的更新,使每只蚂蚁在择路过程中均利用整个网络的信息素进行状态转移,从而体现了不同窝蚂蚁间的协作性。通过算例分析可知,按照本文算法生成的分支线路的布线路径并非各条最短路径的简单叠加,而是从配电网络的全局角度进行路径的选择,因此布线结果具有整体上的最优性,验证了算法的有效性。(3)在单联络布线的基础上进行了多分段多联络供电模型的自动布线规划研究。根据三分段三联络供电模型的结构特点,采用了从单辐射到单联络再到三分段三联络的分步式方法建立了自动布线的规划模型,进而应用遗传模拟退火算法对供电模型进行整体优化,通过算例分析得到了符合配电网特点的布线结果,验证了算法的可行性。(4)对开闭所接线模式下的供电模型进行了自动布线规划研究。应用单联络供电模型的布线方法确定了站内单联络线路的布线结果以及站间开闭所的供电范围,在这一基础上借鉴变电站选址的思路确定了供电模型中各个开闭所的最佳位置,并设计了开闭所进线及出线的布局方法,通过算例分析得到了比较理想的开闭所布局结果,可为规划人员提供一定的参考。

【Abstract】 Medium voltage distribution network is an important part of the modern powersystem, the net structure is the bones of the medium voltage distribution network. Inthe past the research of the net structure is mainly concentrated in the connectionmode, but is lack of concern on the grid as a whole. At present, many developedcountries begin to use standardized power supply model to build a high level mediumvoltage distribution network. In view of the many advantages of the power supplymodel, attention and study to supply model at home and abroad are increasing moreand more. Thus it will have important practical significance to make a rationalplanning of the medium voltage distribution network based on the supply model.For the routing of the medium voltage distribution network, the traditionalmethod exists the local problems and can not be directly applied to the routingproblem which based on the power supply model. This paper is based on theresearches of the power supply model home and abroad, combines medium voltagedistribution network planning with the power supply model concept, makes a smartrouting planning study of the medium voltage distribution network based on thepower supply model from the overall planning perspective.(1) On the basis of the collate and summarize of the ralated concept of the powersupply model, this paper makes automatic routing planning based on the powersupply model with the single contact connection mode. In the mathematical model ofthe planning, comprehensive cost model including the radiation line, the contact lineand the branch line is created, which makes the optimization goals more holistic. Inthe course of the set up of the optimization model, ant colony algorithm is applied tocreat the radiation lines, and then Floyd shortest path method is used to construct thecontact combination of the terminal nodes of the radiation lines. Optimal routingresults are obtained by the optimize operations of the chromosomes constituted of theradiation lines and the contact lines. In the aspect of the optimization method, throughusing the genetic simulated annealing algorithm, the problem of prematureconvergence of the algorithm is effectively overcomed. Compared with the traditionalautomatic routing of distribution network planning, the routing method in this studyhas the global optimality. (2) Using the idea of the traditional ant colony algorithm for reference, a multiplenests ant colony synergetic algorithm is proposed for the automatic routing planningof the branch line. In the process of the algorithm, each load point is placed on onenest of ants, the nodes which the trunk lines were composed of are regarded as thefinal node which the ants crawl towards, through the local and global pheromone’supdate, ants take the state transition by using the pheromone of the entire network inthe process of the route selection, which reflects the collaboration between thedifferent nests of the ant. Through the sample verification, the routing path generatedby this algorithm is not the simple superimposed result of the shortest path, but is theselection of the path from the global perspective of the distribution network.Therefore, the routing results have the overall optimality, which verify theeffectiveness of the algorithm.(3) On the basis of the single contact routing, this paper makes the automaticrouting planning of the power supply model with the multiple segmentations multiplecontacts. In view of the constitution of triangle power supply model with triplesegmentation triple contact, a planning model of automatic routing is founded byusing the step by step method which is from the single radiation to single contact totriple segmentation triple contact. Then the power supply model is optimized from theglobal perspective by using the genetic algorithm. Through the sample verification,the routing result is in accordance with the characteristic of the planning are obtainedwhich proved the feasibility of the above mentioned algorithm.(4) This paper makes automatic routing planning based on the power supplymodel with the opening and closing connection mode. Routing results of the in-stationsingle contact line and the supply range of the between-station opening and closingare determined by using the routing method of the single contact power supply model,on this basis, the best location of the each opening and closing in the power supplymodel is determined by learning the idea of the substation location, and the routingmethods of the into and outlet line of the opening and closing are given. Through thesample verification, the ideal routing result is obtained which can provide somereference to the planner.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

