

Study on the Infulence of Different Fuels on the Exhaust Emissions from Diesel Engine

【作者】 高俊华

【导师】 宋崇林;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 动力机械及工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 鉴于车用燃油标准滞后于车辆排放标准,以及车用替代能源的迅猛发展,故建立一套针对燃油品质对柴油机排放性能的影响的评价体系尤为重要。本文研究基于不同技术方案满足不同排放标准的发动机,采用了23种油品,共进行了39组发动机台架试验,研究了不同燃油品质对柴油机燃烧特性、动力性、经济性、特性曲线下的排放、法规循环下的排放(THC、CO、NOX、PM)、颗粒物中SOF、SOF中的PAHs、ETC循环下的VOCs以及指定工况点下的半挥发有机物中的气态和固态有机污染物等性能及排放的影响。主要研究成果如下:1、在对进样模式、进样量、柱温程序、以及离子源温度等色谱质谱相关参数进行大量试验验证的基础上,建立了SOF中PAHs的痕量分析方法。方法检出限为0.1ng/mL,回收率介于81.9~101.3%之间。2、设计了外观及接口与颗粒物采样滤纸托架完全相同的半挥发性有机物采样装置。该装置利用全流系统的控制部分进行采样流量及采样时间控制,使用发动机台架主控系统PUMA对数据进行集成计算。可实现任意工况的半挥发性有机物中的气态和固态成分的精确采样。3、特性曲线下的排放不能完全反应法规循环排放的趋势,法规循环工况是目前评价发动机排放的唯一有效方式。发动机要达到相应标准的排放水平,必须使用相应排放标准的燃料。在研究中发现,使用更高标准的燃油能有效降低柴油机的NOX和颗粒物排放。4、评价发动机颗粒物中的PAHs排放量要考虑PAHs毒性当量。在评价国3柴油机排气污染物中的VOCs时,从中共检测出96种有机成份,其中烷烃46种,烯烃有6种,芳香烃17种。5、通过对国3柴油机燃用国Ⅲ柴油及FT混合油的半挥性发有机物试验研究,发现随着FT比例的增加,半挥发有机物中正构烷烃的比例增加,FT的正构烷烃排放约为国Ⅲ柴油的1.5~4倍;燃用FT柴油的姥鲛烷(Pr)和植烷(Ph)的排放水平较国Ⅲ柴油低;随着FT柴油比例的增加,Pr和Ph排放呈下降趋势,典型芳香烃排放降低。半挥性发性有机物中的PAHs定量分析结果证明,发动机排气中的半挥发有机物中的气体半挥发物较固态半挥发物的排放量高几十倍。

【Abstract】 In view of vehicle fuel standards lagging behind the vehicle emissions standardsand the rapid development of alternative energy for vehicles, it is very important toestablish an effective evaluation system, which can evaluate the the quality of fuel onthe influence of the emission performance of diesel engine.This paper based on thedifferent emission standards of diesel engines which meet different technical solutions,and39groups of the engine bench-tests were carried out using the23kinds of oil.This paper researched on the influence of different fuel quality on diesel enginecombustion characteristics, power, fuel consumption, the emission of thecharacteristic curve, the emission of regulation cycle (THC, CO, NOX and PM), theSOF in the particles, PAHs in the SOF, VOCs of ETC cycle and the gaseous and solidorganic pollutants of SVOCs at designated point. Here are the main results:1. On the basis of a large number of valid tests including the sample injectionmode, sample volume, oven temperature program,ion source temperature, and otherchromatographic and mass spectrometric parameters, trace analysis method of PAHsin the SOF was established in this paper. The minimum method detection limit is0.1ng/mL, and recoveries are in the range of81.9-101.3%.2. The SVOCs sampling device which appearance and interface are identical withparticulate sampling filter paper bracket is designed. This device controls thesampling flow rate and time through the control of CVS, and does data integrationcalculation through the PUMA system. At the same time, accurate sampling of thegaseous and solid components in SVOCs at any condition is realized on it.3. Nowadays regulation cycle condition is the only effective way to evaluateengine emission, as the emission of characteristic curve can’t completely reflectregulations cycle emission trends. To meet the corresponding standard of emissionlevels, engine must use the fuel of corresponding emission standards. In the actualresearch, using a higher standard fuel can effectively reduce NOxand particlesemissions of diesel engine.4. The PAHs toxic equivalent quantity (TEQ)should be considered whileevaluating the PAHs emissions of engine particulate. In the evaluation of the VOCs ofGuo3diesel engine exhaust pollutants,96kinds of organic ingredients are detected,including46kinds of alkane,6kinds of olefin, and17kinds of aromatic hydrocarbon.5. Through the semi volatile organic compounds (SVOCs)research of burning Guo3diesel and FT oil on Guo3diesel engine, the results found that with theincrease of the proportion of FT, the proportion of n-alkanes in SVOCs increase, andthe n-alkanes emission of FT is about1.5-4times of Guo3diesel. Pristane(Pr)andphytane(Ph) emissions levels while burning FT diesel are obviously lower thanGuo3diesel. With the increase of the proportion of FT diesel in mixed fuel, Pr and Phemission decrease, and the typical PAHs emission also decrease. PAHs quantitativeanalysis results in the SVOCs show that the the amount of gaseous PAHs is dozens oftimes higher than the solid particle PAHs

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

