

Study on the Analysis of the Data Algorithm by the Precise Maglev Gyro Total Station under Special Environment and Its Stability

【作者】 周志易

【导师】 杨志强;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 从陀螺仪的发展进程看,陀螺仪软硬件系统都在不断地发展和完善。国内外专家学者主要是集中在三个方面进行不懈的努力和探索,即仪器的硬件的改进和研制、观测方法的完善和观测数据处理公式和精度的研究以及仪器应用方面的拓展,通过这些研究来提高仪器的精度、稳定性和应用范围。多年来,长安大学测绘与空间信息研究所与中国航天科技集团第十六研究所经过联合技术攻关,研制的国内首台基于磁悬浮支承体系,数分钟内定向精度优于5″的高精度磁悬浮陀螺全站仪,先后应用于国内几十项重大工程,并取得满意的定向精度。该仪器系统借助磁悬浮技术使高速旋转的陀螺马达处于悬浮状态,消除了传统陀螺机械摩擦干扰力矩等不良影响,并通过力矩传感器和陀螺转子之间的相互作用,测量两个精寻盘位采集的4万组电流值,计算出测线的真北方位。但在某些实验和工程应用中,发现某些环境中的强风、振动或磁场对仪器采集的转子电流值产生影响,数据含有显著的噪声,离散度偏大,陀螺仪转子系统受测量环境的影响明显,影响了仪器的定向精度和稳定性。为了提高仪器的精度和稳定性,论文研究了磁悬浮陀螺全站仪系统误差问题,对其进行分类研究和分析,对仪器采集的转子电流数据运用时间序列分析、小波分析、自适应过滤法及自适应渐消滤波法进行滤波、预测和建模,以提高转子电流的数据精度,从而提高仪器定向精度和稳定性,为今后仪器的小型化、智能化、自动化发展提供改进的依据。论文研究的主要结论如下:1.仪器误差主要包括系统误差、偶然误差及起算数据误差的影响,仪器的转子圆度误差和质量不平衡等系统误差的影响可通过数理统计的方法加以检验判断,通过观测方法的改进、计算方法的改正和仪器的检校加以消除或减弱。而仪器电压的不稳定、频率的变化、外界振动及温度梯度变化使转子转速不均,从而产生干扰力矩导致力矩器的指向力矩突变而产生偶然误差可通过统计学的方法加以分析,用相应的数据处理方法加以剔除。2.利用时间序列分析法分析了用于计算定向角的转子电流数据统计特性,通过计算编程建立磁悬浮陀螺全站仪定向误差的线性、平稳的时间序列模型。根据建立的时间序列模型自主地修正转子电流数据,利用修正的转子电流数据计算定向角,提高了仪器的定向精度。3.基于磁悬浮支承体系的磁悬浮陀螺全站仪在定向测量过程中,由于受到仪器内部结构和外界观测环境多种因素的影响,其转子电流数据会产生非稳定性的波动,这种非稳定性可由残差序列的条件异方差特性所反映。通过对条件异方差模型(GARCH模型)的性质和建模过程的分析研究,经编程计算建立磁悬浮陀螺全站仪采集的转子电流数据的GARCH模型。通过所建模型分析不仅可得,产生转子电流数据非平稳波动的基本原因不是由于仪器内部结构所产生,而是由外界环境因素引起的。而且可以判断产生转子电流条件异方差数据具有时变性和簇集性两个特征,据此选择仪器采集数据的最佳时段,为转子电流数据特征分析和处理提供一种新方法。4.利用小波分析法,对仪器采集的转子电流观测数据的误差进行剔除,有效地从强噪声干扰的转子电流数据中提取用于计算定向角的数据,较好地改善仪器的定向结果,提高了仪器定向角的精度。5.利用自适应过滤法原理及计算方法,建立自适应过滤法模型动态地预测磁悬浮陀螺全站仪数据的变化趋势。这种模型适合于作周期性变化的磁悬浮陀螺全站仪观测数据的预报,此方法可以作为仪器观测数据自动监测的有效手段之一。6.将渐消因子引入到自适应滤波算法中,运用渐消自适应Kalman滤波算法原理处理磁悬浮陀螺全站仪系统采集的转子电流值,对仪器定向精度的提高有一定的作用,但是效果不明显。

【Abstract】 From the development process of gyro, software and hardware of the gyroscope systemare in constant development and improvement. Domestic and foreign experts and scholars aremainly to make unremitting efforts and exploration in three aspects, namely the improvementof hardware and development, research on the observation method improved and the formulaof the observation data processing and the precision of the observation data, applicationdevelopment of the instrument, to improve the precision, stability and application range of theinstrument through these studies.Over the years, the Chang’an University of Surveying and Spatial Information ResearchInstitute and the Study on the Sixteenth Institute of China Aerospace Science and technologygroup through joint technical research, developed the domestic first based on the magneticbearing system, high precision maglev gyro total station directional accuracy of better than5"in a few minutes, it has applied to several important domestic projects, and achievedsatisfactory precision of orientation. The instrument system using magnetic levitationtechnology makes high-speed rotation of the gyro motor in a suspended state, eliminates theadverse effects of traditional gyro mechanical friction torque, and the interaction between thetorque sensor and gyroscope rotor, measuring two fine for disc position acquisition of40000groups of current value to calculate the North range line. But in some experiments andengineering applications, we find the influence on the value of the rotor current by theinstrument collection for wind, vibration or magnetic field in some environment, data containssignificant noise, dispersion is too large, gyroscope rotor system affected by measurementenvironment, affects the orientation precision and stability of instrument.In order to improve the precision and stability of the instrument, the paper studies themaglev gyro system error problem, the classification research and Analysis on it, it studies thedata of the rotor current through the instrument colledted, using time series analysis, waveletanalysis, adaptive filtering method and the adaptive fading filter for filtering, prediction andmodeling of rotor current data collected, in order to improve the rotor current the precision ofthe data, so as to improve the instrument orientation precision and stability, these are providedan improved basis for future miniaturization, intelligent, automation instrument. The mainconclusions are as follows:1The instrument error mainly includes the system error, random error and the influenceof initial data errors, instrument rotor roundness error and mass unbalance of system error canbe judged by the method of mathematical statistics, observation method, the error is to eliminate or weaken by improving the calculation method and the instrument calibration.These make the rotor speed is not uniform for the voltage instability, the frequency changes,external vibration and temperature gradient changes, it caused moment to point mutation ofactuators by resulting in disturbing torque and accidental error can be analyzed by thestatistical method, using the corresponding data processing method to eliminate.2It is used to analysis the statistical characteristics of the the rotor current data by timeseries analysis which is calculated the directional angle, the orientation error model of themaglev gyro total station about time series of linear and stationary established by computingprogramming. It independently modified rotor current data according to the time sequencemodel built, it can improve orientation precision instrument by using rotor current datacorrection calculation orientation angle.3Due to the influence of the internal structure of the instrument and the externalenvironment, rotor current data of maglev gyro total station will produce unstable fluctuationsduring the directional measurement processes, this instability can be reflected by the residualsequence of conditional heteroscedasticity characteristics. Through the model of conditionalheteroskedasticity (GARCH model) analysis to study the nature and the process of modeling,then it depends on the rotor current data to build a conditional heteroskedasticity model,through the model analysis can not only have basic reason, rotor current data non-stationaryfluctuation is generated from external environmental factors, rather than resulting from theinternal structure of instrument. And can judge the rotor current conditional heteroscedasticdata of the time-varying and clustering of the two characteristics, the best time of instrumentto collect data selection accordingly, and provides a new method for rotor current dataanalysis.4By using wavelet analysis, the error is rejected in the current observation data collected,the effective rotor current data from the strong noise is extracted for calculation of directionalangle data, it effectively improves the directional results of the instrument and the precision oforientation angle.5By the principle and calculation method of using adaptive filtering method, it isestablished the dynamic adaptive filtering method to predict the trend of data model ofmaglev gyro. Prediction of maglev gyro total station observation data of this model is suitablefor periodic variations, this method can be used as the effective means of observation data ofthe automatic monitoring instrument.6The fading factor is introduced into the adaptive filtering algorithm, by using the evanescent adaptive Kalman filtering algorithm to process maglev gyro system acquisitionrotor current value, it has a certain effect on the instrument orientation precision improved,but the effect is not obvious.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

