

Research on Coordinating Urban and Rural Development of Economy and Society

【作者】 高宏志

【导师】 金浩;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 统筹城乡发展是城市化的最高阶段形式,是生产力发展到一定阶段的历史产物,它己成为社会发展的一种新趋向。从协调城乡发展关系的角度出发,统筹城乡发展被引入我国。十八大报告中提出,要加大统筹城乡发展力度,促进城乡共同繁荣和要着力促进农民增收,保持农民收入持续较快增长,具体到2020年,“实现国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比2010年翻一番”的目标。这一系列的战略构想不仅表明党中央进一步深化和发展了新时期新阶段社会主义现代化建设的指导思想,更将城乡统筹发展作为发展战略提到议事的日程。近年来,衡水市的经济高速发展,农村产业、产品结构正在实现由粗放型向集约型经营、由数量型向质量效益型增长的转变,开放水平向高层次提升,已经形成了较完善的市场体系,具备了一定的经济实力。但在衡水市的城乡发展过程中依然存在许多的问题,例如:产品在城乡之间的供给与配备问题,城乡居民发展环境问题与生存环境问题,农村产业依托问题,城乡居民就业、收入和消费问题,城镇化问题,资源流动问题,城乡教育问题等等。在新的历史条件下,衡水市要实现经济跨越发展,“三农”问题仍然是制约其全面建设小康社会的根本问题。因此,本文对衡水市城乡统筹发展做出整体战略规划。引导衡水市区与各区县发展密切配合,积极利用现有的资源,努力克服面临的挑战,这是本文立意所在。针对本文总体来讲,面对衡水以上城乡亟待解决的问题,我们从分析现有情况和涉及理论入手,将统筹城乡思想穿插于整个规划之中。通过对衡水市城乡各层面发展水平的综合评价,找出城乡差距原因根源以及解决方案,从而对衡水市城乡统筹规划发展给出指导和发展战略建议。从结构上来讲,本文分别从衡水市城乡社会保障角度、城乡经济社会角度、城乡产业集群角度、城乡物流发展角度、城乡交通规划角度、城乡教育统筹角度给出了探讨研究。为丰富论文内容及表现论文分析的科学性,作者还在采集大量数据信息的基础上,进行汇总报告,使用多种分析方法应用于论文主体分析。作者立足于衡水市城乡发展实际情况,有针对性的对城乡统筹提出规划和战略,并希望有助于衡水市未来的发展。

【Abstract】 Coordinating urban and rural development is the highest stage in the form ofurbanization. It is a historical product when the development of the productive forces get toa certain stage. Throughout the history,from in the latter part of the last century, manycountries and regions in the world has come into the the basic implementation phase ofurbanization. Balancing urban and rural development has become a new trend of socialdevelopment. In order to promote urban and rural development, the government reform thecity with the county and explore the construction of small cities and towns.In recent years, the city of Hengshui keeps the economy rapidiy developping. Ruralindustrial and product structures change from extensive to intensive management and theshift changes from quantity to quality and economic growth.The level of opening up hasgotten to a higher level promotion, formed a more perfect market system and been acertain economic strength. But there still exists a significant imbalance between urban andrural economic development in the process of development of Hengshui. Mainly as follows:the imbalance between urban and rural public goods supply, a serious shortage of ruralinfrastructure, the survival and development of urban and rural residents growing gapbetween the environment; the slow development of the rural economy, widening the gapbetween the level of urban and rural economic development; resources factor mobility andrural labor transfer imbalance, slow to improve the employment environment of farmers,urban and rural employment gap is widening; imbalance between urban and rural residents’income growth, income, consumption gap is widening; pillar industries, low level ofurbanization and so on. In the new historical conditions, to achieve economic developmentby leaps and bounds,"three rural" issue is still the fundamental problem in restrictingbuilding a moderately prosperous society.With economic globalization and regional integration in the further development,knowledge and technology update cycles become increasingly shorter. Hengshui City,facing economic and social development environment,will be more complex.Uncertainfactors greatly increase.The favorable and unfavorable factors, opportunities and challengeswill coexistence. Therefore, we should make the overall strategic planning of HengshuiCity, guide the city with the county development closely with the active use of existing resources and advantages and strive to overcome the challenges and disadvantages. This isthe idea of my essay.For this article generally speaking, facing the above urban and rural problems ofHengshui to be solved, we start the analysis from the existing situation and the involvedtheories, the idea of co-ordinating urban and rural areas interspersed throughout theplanning. Through the comprehensive evaluation of the level of development of HengshuiCity, we find the root cause of the gap between urban and rural areas as well as solutions,guidance and strategic of Hengshui City.From the structure,wo give our views of urban andrural social security angle, urban and rural economic and social point of view, the point ofview of urban and rural industrial clusters, the development of urban and rural logisticspoint of view, urban and rural transportation planning point of view, urban and ruralEducation and Manpower angle.With Scientific analysis of the rich thesis and performancepapers, the authors also collected large amounts of data on the basis of the summary report,use a variety of analytical methods to inrich the paper. Author based on the actual situationof Hengshui City, focused on urban and rural planning and strategy, and wish to contributeto the future development of Hengshui City.


