

Research on Science and Technology Policies of Strategic Emerging in Hebei Province

【作者】 张洁

【导师】 王云峰;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在全球经济发展环境恶化的情况下,各国都加快了发展战略性新兴产业的步伐,培育新的经济增长点,在新一轮经济腾飞中抢占先机,把战略性新兴产业发展成为本国或本地区的主导产业。在这种背景下,如何培育和发展战略性新兴产业就成为一个重大研究课题。战略性新兴产业发展依赖于技术创新,而技术创新不能完全靠市场经济的“无形的手”,因为任何一个新兴产业都需要国家的扶持才能培育壮大。于是,在提出战略性新兴产业的发展战略后,各国纷纷出台了促进新兴产业发展的政策措施。河北省战略性新兴产业包括新能源、新一代信息、生物、新材料、高端装备制造、节能环保、新能源汽车和海洋经济等八大产业。本文首先对河北省战略性新兴产业发展现状、科技人才资源和科技财力资源现状以及科技政策的现状进行了分析,并与全国其他省市相比较,指出了河北省战略性新兴产业在科技人才和资金投入上的不足;其次,本文在分析政策需求的基础上提出了河北省战略性新兴产业发展的4项科技政策建议和4项配套措施。然后论文在论述科技政策绩效评价原理的基础上重新设计了科技政策的绩效评价指标体系。评价指标应该包括科技投入、科技效果、科技效率、科技效应四类一级指标,跟一般的指标相比,强调了效率和社会效应类的指标。最后论文运用层次分析法从这四个一级指标方面对发展战略性新兴产业的科技政策措施进行了分析,突出了政策重点。本文主要创新性工作及成果是:(1)设立面向战略性新兴企业申请的河北省战略性新兴产业重大科技专项计划;(2)制订了河北省战略性新兴产业专项引才计划,并就京津冀区域人才合作的前景提出了自己的见解;(3)设计了高校和研究机构科技人员到企业有期限任职制度,以解决企业研发人员缺乏的问题,提高科技人员的利用效率;(4)针对战略性新兴产业的特点,构建了科技资助项目的评价和选择指标体系。

【Abstract】 Under the circumstances of global economic development deterioration, all countries haveaccelerated the development pace of strategic emerging industry fostering new growth areas in theeconomy. In order to occupy advantage in the new round of economic boost growth, they are trying tocultivate strategic emerging industries as the national or regional dominant industry. In this background,how to cultivate and develop strategic emerging industries becomes a significant research subject. Thedevelopment of strategic emerging industries depends on technology innovation. Technical innovationcannot completely rely on the "invisible hand" of market economy, because each of new industries needsthe support of government. Consequently, all countries have published policies to promote thedevelopment of emerging industry after proposing the strategy of strategic emerging industriesdevelopment.Strategic emerging industries of hebei province include eight main industries such as new energy, anew generation of information, biology, new materials and high-end equipment manufacturing, energyconservation and environmental protection, new energy vehicles and Marine economy. In this article, thepresent situation of strategic emerging industries in hebei province, the scientific and technologicalpersonnel resources, the technology financial resources and science and technology policies have beenfirstly analyzed and compared with other provinces and municipalities of the country, which pointed outthe lack of science and technology talents and capital investment of strategic emerging industries inhebei province. Secondly, based on the analysis of policy demand, four science and technology policyrecommendations and four supporting measures have been put forward in order to promote thedevelopment of strategic emerging industries in Hebei province. Thirdly, a new index system ofperformance evaluation on science and technology policy has been redesigned on the basis of scienceand technology policy evaluation principle. The evaluation index should include first level evaluationindexes such as investment in science and technology, science and technology effect, science andtechnology efficiency, science and technology, of which the efficiency and social effect indexes areemphasized. Lastly, the paper has been an analysis on Countermeasures about Technology Policies ofStrategic Emerging Industries with AHP.The mainly innovative work and achievements of this article are the following:(1)Recommendation on establishment of special major science and technology programs of strategicemerging industries in Hebei province has been proposed, which directly faces strategic emergingenterprise application.(2) This paper has made special plan to attract talents for strategic emergingindustries, and put forward its own views on talent cooperation prospects of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebeiregional.(3) The article has designed a new office system of encouraging scientific and technicalpersonnel to work in the enterprise within a limited time, which can solve the problem of the lack ofenterprise R&D personnel and improve the efficiency in the use of scientific and technical personnel.(4)According to the characteristics of strategic emerging industries, this paper has constructed evaluationand selection index system about funded projects of science and technology.


