

Technology Research on Silicon Germanium Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors and Low Noise Amplifiers

【作者】 贾素梅

【导师】 杨瑞霞;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,移动通信、雷达、GPS及高速数据处理系统的迅猛发展大大刺激了市场对高性能半导体器件的需求,高频、低压、低功耗、低噪声、小体积、多功能、低价格成为半导体器件的发展方向。而与硅和Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半导体器件相比,以能带工程为理论基础的SiGe技术产品以更高的性价比迎合了市场的发展需求,成为国内外的热门研究领域。国外对SiGe技术的研究已有多年,且集中于大公司的研发部门,如IBM公司一直是SiGe技术的领跑者,其大量产品已投入市场。国内起步较晚,研究工作主要集中于高校,研究内容也偏重于理论,对SiGe产品的开发受工艺条件限制进展较慢。鉴于此,选择低成本、可实现量产的SiGe HBT及其低噪声放大器为研究对象,以中国电子科技集团公司第十三研究所硅芯片工艺部和硅设计应用部0.6μm工艺线为研究平台,开展了对实用SiGeHBT及以其为基础的低噪声放大器研究。1)讨论了SiGe合金材料特性,包括临界厚度、迁移率、禁带宽度、介电常数、有效态密度、重掺杂禁带变窄效应、本征载流子浓度等,并对SiGe HBT的直流特性和交流特性进行了理论分析。2)根据SiGe HBT电学参数要求,基于器件异质结构与实际工艺条件,设计了SiGe HBT的横、纵向结构参数,根据设计结构参数对SiGe HBT的特征频率和最大电流增益进行了理论计算,计算得到fT为16.9GHz,最大电流增益β=103。3)将APCVD SiGe外延技术,发射区台面自终止腐蚀技术,多晶硅磷掺杂及退火技术,铂硅金属硅化物制作技术有机结合起来,开发了一套多晶硅发射极台面SiGe HBT的制作工艺。基于该工艺制作的器件常温下测得β为70,集电极电流25mA下发射结正向导通电压VBEF=0.85V,发射极开路下集电极与基极反向击穿电压BVCBO=25V,最高截止频率为11.2GHz,在1GHz下最小噪声系数为1.54dB,相关功率增益达13.86dB。4)将SiGe HBT的管壳用等效电路表示,采用微波仿真软件Microwave Office提取了晶体管管芯S参数。5)采用制备的SiGe HBT作为有源器件,设计了一款两级级联低噪声放大器,在发射极上并联电容平衡了带宽内增益平坦度与电路噪声性能之间的关系。仿真结果表明:传输增益S21在0~2GHz内达到20dB以上,增益平坦度控制在1dB以内,噪声系数在02GHz频段内小于2.5dB,并在整个频带内稳定性系数大于1。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of mobile communication, radar, GPS and high speed data processsystem stimulates a lot of demands to high-performance semiconductor devices greatly in recentyears, semiconductor devices turn to high frequency, low voltage, low power consumption, lownoise, small size and low cost application. Compared with Si devices and Ⅲ-Ⅴcompoundsemiconductor devices, the SiGe technology products with higher performance-cost ratio cater tothe development needs of market and become the hot field in the semiconductor world.Foreign research and development departments of large companies have studied SiGetechnology for many years, IBM has pushed much products into commerce. The research ofSiGe technology starts a little later in our country and is mostly developed in university, whichjust pay their attention on the theoretical research, the development of SiGe products advancedslowly by limited process conditions. Therefore, we choose the low cost SiGe HBT withAPCVD epitaxy and SiGe low noise amplifier as research object, we use the0.6μm Si processesline of the13thresearch Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Coporation as ourexperimental platform to develope practical SiGe products, the main research contents in thisdissertation are as follows:1) Models of SiGe physical parameter are summarized, emitter junction current injectionration, the hole reversed injection current in base, neutral base region recombination,space-charge region SRH recombination and space-charge region Augre recombination areanalysized, on the base of which the model of AC parameter and DC parameter are analyzed.2) According to requirement of electrical parameters of SiGe HBT, the hetero emitterjunction structure and practical process conditions, lateral and vertical structure parameters ofSiGe HBT are optimized, based on which characteristic frequency and the maximum current gain are expected, fT=16.9GHz, β=103.3) APCVD SiGe epitaxy technique, emission mesa self-ceasing etching technique, N typedoping poly silicon and annealing technique, and metal silicide fabricating technique are realizedsuccessfully, a set of processing technology of poly silicon emission mesa SiGe HBT isdeveloped, the test results show that the maximum DC current gain is70, its VBEFis0.85V atIB=25mA, BVCBOis up to25V, fT=11.2GHz, its Noise Fingure is1.54dB and GPis13.86dB atf=1GHz.4) The SiGe HBT package is represented by equivalent circuit and S parameter of the chipextraction is realized by Microwave Office.5) A low noise amplifiers using two stage cascade topology is designed, SiGe HBT as theactive device is used in the circuit. The contradiction between gain flatness in the wholebandwidth and the noise performance of circuit is solved by shunt capacitance at the emitter,simulation results show that its gain S21≥20dB, gain flatness is controlled in1dB, NoiseFigure≤2.5dB and the stability factor≥1in the whole0~2GHz frequencies.


