

A Study on Gender Relations in Jack London’s Bildungsroman

【作者】 杨丽

【导师】 虞建华;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 杰克·伦敦是美国19世纪末20世纪初最重要的现实主义/自然主义作家之一。他的一生虽然短暂却极具传奇色彩。伦敦把自己一生丰富多彩的亲身经历和感受都融入到作品当中,使自己成为那个时代美国文化转型期最为关键性的代表人物。同时,伦敦的作品由于其多样性和丰富内涵成为那个时代最重要的文化代码。解读杰克·伦敦的作品既可以了解当时美国的文化特色,也可以探究他的内心世界。他的许多小说充分展现了人物成长过程中对世界与自我的了解,具有成长小说的特征。但迄今为止,我们鲜见有这方面专门的评论性文章,就杰克·伦敦成长小说的系统研究近于空白,而将人物之间的性别关系置于杰克·伦敦成长小说的框架中来研究则是一个从未被探究过的新领域。本文综合成长小说理论、女性主义理论、主体性理论、福柯的“知识—权力—话语”、“全景敞视主义”及“凝视”理论,以杰克·伦敦的三部成长小说《马丁·伊登》、《海狼》和《铁蹄》为研究文本,通过文本分析、文化背景分析、心理分析等方法,解读杰克·伦敦成长小说中人物之间的性别关系,阐释19世纪末20世纪初这位美国最有争议作家作品中强大的艺术魅力和文化张力,从新的视角对杰克·伦敦的作品展开思考,以期拓展杰克·伦敦研究的深度。论文内容除引言和结论外,共设三章。第一章主要以《马丁·伊登》为研究文本,依据成长小说理论和主体性理论,分析女性生存现状对马丁成长的影响,阐述马丁在成长过程中对自我身份的思考与困惑,解读马丁在女性文化塑造与阶级招降过程中身份认知的迷失;本章同时结合文本《铁蹄》,通过爱薇丝对主体地位主动放弃的行为,透视女性的反衬作用。通过对性别关系的分析,我们发现:在男性成长身份认知过程中,女性主体性的丧失成就了男性主体性的建构,女性客体地位凸显了男性主体地位。第二章以女性主义理论中的双性同体说和社会性别理论为依据,结合成长小说的叙事模式,集中探究《海狼》中具有双性同体特征的男性在成长过程中的性别建构和角色转换问题。由于女性缺失,男性在成长过程中往往面临着性别迷失的困境与性别倒置的危险。性别的迷失与倒置往往会带来社会角色的转变。女性的参与是男性明确自我性别、回归男性角色的必要条件。本章对性别关系的分析表明:男性在女性的帮助下实现了男性地位的确立、男性角色的定位和男性气质的恢复,完成了自我的性别建构,而女性传统角色的回归则折射出杰克·伦敦对父权制社会传统性别观念的维护与守卫。第三章以福柯的“全景敞视主义”和“凝视”理论为研究依据,系统探讨《马丁·伊登》和《铁蹄》中男性成长过程中的爱情定位问题。通过分析女性对爱情的背叛与坚守以及教育对女性的精神奴役,揭示在父权意识“凝视”下女性对道德规训内化的实质;通过对女性归顺与守望的分析,阐明男权话语中男性优越和男性崇拜的深层内涵。通过研究我们发现:男性和女性对爱情定位的不同,揭示了杰克·伦敦在爱情与婚姻中强烈的男性霸权思想。总之,本论文通过探究杰克·伦敦成长小说中的性别关系,阐明了杰克·伦敦的性别观:他尊重女性,尤其欣赏知识女性,但依然坚信男性优越;他认为男性的成长离不开女性,但女性只是他们成长之路上的陪衬角色;他向往真挚的爱情,但认为婚姻中的女性应该忠贞、服务于男性,同时,他认为“男主外、女主内”才是最平衡、最理想的婚姻模式。

【Abstract】 Jack London was one of the most famous realists/naturalists in American literature inthe late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In his short but legendary life, heincorporated his own rich experiences into his works so that facts and fiction mergedtogether and made himself the crucial representative of his epoch which manifested the fastsocial and cultural transition of America. London’s works are so characteristic of his timethat they have become important cultural codes to be deciphered with their profoundembedded meanings, through which not only can we comprehend the American culturalcharacteristics at that time but also explore London’s inner world. Most of London’s workshave the features of Bildungsroman, the type of writing that traces the protagonists’growing up in the process of the story development and reaching a better understanding ofthemselves and the world around them. Yet up to now, few critical articles on London’sBildungsroman can be found and there is no systematic study on this topic. No specialstudy on the gender relations in London’s Bildungsroman is yet attempted and the factleads to an unexplored yet challenging area of discussion which is the main task of thisdissertation.This dissertation, which takes London’s three major Bildungsromans, namely, MartinEden (1909), The Sea-Wolf (1904) and The Iron Heel (1908), as its case studies, makesspecial references, wherever appropriate, to such theoretical guidances as the theory ofBildungsroman, of Feminism and of Subjectivity, as well as Foucault’s “Knowledge—Power—Discourse,” Panopticism and Gazing theory to study the gender relations in JackLondon’s Bildungsroman. The dissertation explores the relationship between the literaryrepresentation and the social and historical milieu and cultural tension relevant to thecentral topic in Jack London’s works, hoping to provide a new perspective for the study onLondon.Apart from Introduction and Conclusion, there are three chapters in this dissertation.Based on the theories of Bildungsroman and Subjectivity, Chapter One, taking MartinEden and The Iron Heel as its case studies, analyzes the gender relations in the process ofMartin’s initiation. In this chapter, the author not only explains Martin’s awareness andpuzzlement in the process of his identity cognition, attempts to interpret the confusion of his self-identity during the cultural reshaping and class recruitment carried out by females,but also discusses Avis’s action of giving up her subjective position, which reflects the foilfunction of females. The loss of females’ subjectivity helps the formation of malesubjectivity, while the female’s position of objectivity projects the male’s subjective role.In association with the theory of androgyny and gender, Chapter Two, taking TheSea-Wolf as its case study and, in combination with the discussion on the narrative patternof Bildungsroman, interprets the gender relations in the process of male initiation. Sexformation is one of the major subjects in the growth of males who will face theembarrassment of gender blur and the danger of gender inversion. This chapter, mainlyfocusing on the problems of sex formation and interchange of sex roles and looking intothe problem of the inversion and loss of gender due to the absence of females and theregain of masculinity or manhood because of the presence of females, aims to reach theconclusion that, only with the help of the female, the male character establishes his status,locates his role and gains his masculinity. The final return of the female to their traditionalroles in the novel reflects Jack London’s deep-rooted defensive attitude toward thetraditional patriarchal norms.Applying Foucault’s Panopticism and Gazing theory, Chapter Three examines thefemales serving as foils in love from two aspects. On the one hand, the author discussesfemales’ moral discipline, their betrayal and loyalty to love and spiritual enslavement ofeducation to them under the gaze of patriarchal ideology; on the other hand, this chapteraddresses females’ submission, revealing the connotation of the veiled but prevailing malesuperiority and the desired female’s subservient role, and confirming Jack London’s malesupremacy in regard to love.To sum up, this dissertation is intended to explore the gender relations and analyzeJack London’s views on gender. Ostensibly, he appreciates the “liberated” new women,but subconsciously he still leans heavily toward male superiority. He insists that mencannot achieve their maturity without women, but regards his female characters only asfoils, playing a supplementary function to highlight the males’ achievement in the processof their development. He yearns towards the sincere love but regards women-serving-menas an ideal pattern in marriage.

  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】438

