

Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility Through Microblog

【作者】 谷羽

【导师】 舒咏平;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 传播学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 企业公益传播是企业以实现公共利益为目标,以自身可得资源投资社会公益事业,获得对等的企业声誉资本的积累,实现企业可持续发展。1涵盖了西方管理学的多个理论概念,包括企业社会责任,公益营销和企业慈善。近年来,在GRI等国际组织下,企业公益传播逐渐形成了全球化的标准,成为国际商业界的行为准则。随着社交媒体的发达,企业公益传播走向了以微博客为代表的社交网站。这一全新的组合结合了信息技术与商业创新,在实践和理论上尚属新生事物。其现状如何,效果如何都有待考察。为了弥补现存企业公益传播理论功利主义研究导向的缺憾,本研究以社会效果为导向,以微博客平台上的文本为样本,对中国和丹麦企业运用微博客进行企业公益传播的操作和微博客用户的反馈展开内容分析。本文的抽样框是企业公益传播的微博客用户,抽样结果由这些企业用户发布的微博文本以及其他微博客用户的反馈(包括粉丝评论以及@发帖)构成。经过筛选,新浪微博的三家中国企业用户:戴尔公益的@戴尔公益,中粮集团有限公司的@中粮美好生活,中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司的@平安爱心公社,以及推特(Twitter)网的一家丹麦企业用户:诺和诺德制药公司的@NovoNordiskTBL,构成了本研究的样本来源,四家企业用户在2012年连续6个月内发布的微博,以及期间其他微博客用户对企业用户的反馈构成了本研究的样本总体。在语料库语言学的工具和研究方法的辅助下,从四个纬度对企业公益传播的操作展开基于语料库的解读式内容分析Hermeneutic content analysis),包括企业用户的微博客功能使用情况,企业公益传播的品牌战略性,修辞和利益相关者对话。其中,根据微博客平台的传播特征,在互动性的研究中描述了企业用户与粉丝用户的对话模式。最后,通过将企业公益传播的操作与微博客用户的公众信任和反馈结果进行相关分析,得出了本研究的基本结论。即:赢得微博客用户信赖和反馈的企业公益传播要有丰富的第三方消息来源为企业背书,善于用多媒体资料的链接吸引用户,其次要有切实的企业社会责任行为和线下公益活动。可见,在微博客平台上,企业公益传播要获得公众信任,最关键地是企业以自身的公益行动来说服用户,。本研究首次对微博客内容展开了定性研究,关注了企业公益传播与微博客平台进行创新结合的前沿动态,以微博客用户的反馈为参照指标,从公众视角为企业公益传播如何赢得社会效果提供了新的知识。通过引入公众信任的指标,本文强调了考察社会效果对企业公益传播领域的研究的意义。尤其是建立了基于公众信任的微博客平台的企业公益传播模型,揭示了品牌战略与企业公益传播结合的冲突性,并突出了企业产品/服务质量管理对企业公益传播效果的重要作用。随着企业公益传播的日益全球化,大型企业进行跨国界的企业公益传播的需求越来越强烈。本研究通过对中国、丹麦企业公益传播的操作差异和效果差异进行比较,提供了在东、西方两种文化背景下进行企业公益传播的指导意见,为建立企业公益传播的跨文化传播模式提供了理论参考。建议在全球化的市场环境中,结合东方式情感和西方式职业精神的企业公益传播可能会产生更好地协同效应。这一结论对于中国企业完善现有的企业公益传播操作具有借鉴意义,同时对中国企业进行跨国的企业公益传播,以及外资企业在华进行企业公益传播具有重要的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is corporation invest onsocial responsibilities to fulfill social goals while gain sustainability.It includes relatedconcepts as CSR, Cause-related marketing and Corporate philanthropy. Communicationof CSR had reached international standards due to the promotion by internationalorganizations as Global Report Initiatives, now it’s a behavioral norms of globalbusiness.With the development of social media, communication of CSR has taken intomicroblog.This integration combined IT with business creation are quite new both inpractice and theory. With questions like the status quo and effect yet to be known. Tocorrect the present theoretical skew of utilitarian studies, this project will investigatehow Chinese and Danish corporation communicating CSR on microblog by usingqualitative methods oriented towards its social effects.The sampling frame of this research is corporation’ microblog account thatspecifically communicating CSR, and the samples are consisted of text sent bycorporation user as well as other users’ feedback(follower’s comments and@text).According to the sampling rules, three Chinese corporation users on Sina Weibo: DellChina (@戴尔公益), Chinese oil&Foodstuffs corporation (@中粮美好生活)and PingAn Insurance(@平安爱心公社), one Danish corporation user on Twitter Novo Nordisk(@NovoNordiskTBL) had been choosen as the source of samples.Then the samples arecollected, including all the texts these four corporations had sent during six successivemonths in2012, as well as the feeback they got during the same period of time.With thetools and research methods provided by Corpus Linguistics, this research carried out aHermeneutic content analysis from four dimensions: technology application, Brandstrategy, rhetorics and stakeholder dialogues.According to the characteristics ofcommunication on microblog, a dialogue model had created to map the interactionbetween corporation user and its followers.At last, a correlation study had conductedbetween the operation of communicating CSR and the public trust and feedback statistics it earned, it reached basic results of this research as:To earn trust and feedbackof users through communicating CSR on microblog, the corporation needs endorsementas information from diversified third parties, good at using video links to attract users,and carried out CSR behavior and off-line CSR programme. It is obvious that behaviorof CSR would be the key factor to convince users on microblog platform.As the main contribution, this research had accomplished a qualitative researchinto weibos/tweets, explored into the cutting-edge situation of CSR communication,providing new knowledge on how to gain social impact of CSR communication from apublic perspective. The importance of social impact to CSR communication had beenemphasized by introducing the indicators of public trust developed by LeizpigUniversity.More importantly, it had built a model of CSR communication on microblogbased on results of public trust. And revealed that the Brand Strategy won’t help withcommunication of CSR. At the same time, the quality of products and services areimportant to CSR communication.As the globalization of CSR communication, the large corporations are in keenneeds to communicate CSR in other countries, especially those located their supplychain. Through the similarities and difference of CSR communication of Chinese andDanish corporation, it instructed corporations how to communicating CSR in the othercontext, and provided reference for a cross-cultural model of CSR communication. Theconclusion that integrating the emotional relationship usually built by Chinesecorporation and their stakeholders, and the professional spirits of western counterpartsmight synergize together, is relevant for Chinese corporation to improve the currentoperation of CSR communication, and it is beneficial for both Chinese and foreigncorporations to communicate CSR in the other context.


