

A Research on Collaborative Innovations of Local Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Social Capital

【作者】 张廷

【导师】 孙应征; 陈海春;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 地方高校是一个相对于国家部属高校的概念,是由各级地方政府作为教育举办者的高等院校。开展协同创新是地方高校实现内涵式发展的重要路径,也是其突破发展困境的必然选择。国家启动以协同创新为主要内容的“2011计划”恰逢其时,对地方高校而言更具战略意义。“2011计划”明确提出不搞论资排辈,不划等级层次,鼓励特色发展,为地方高校实现“进位赶超”提供了历史机遇。协同创新本质上是科技创新的社会网络化,地方高校由于办学历史短、积淀少,无法具备部属高校所具有的那种特殊号召力和吸引力,特别是在融入区域创新网络方面缺乏体制机制支撑,导致创新资源管理封闭、分散、低效,难以形成聚合效应,从而制约了协同创新的有效开展。社会资本是近年来社会学研究领域备受关注的分析工具,它所强调的社会网络关系、互惠规范和信任合作等要素高度契合了协同创新的社会治理需求。社会资本结构维度主要表现为网络联系和网络结构,有利于协同各方获取高质量的信息;关系维度主要表现为组织之间的信任,有利于组织学习和知识共享;认知维度主要表现为共同愿景和共享价值观,有利于促进协同各方实现有效沟通。社会资本三个维度可以推动协同创新网络各结点在加强行为互动和资源共享的基础上实现风险共担和利益共享,从而激发创新聚变效应。社会资本还以组织学习为中介变量对协同创新产生影响,社会资本是组织学习的实现路径和动力机制,而组织学习有利于促进协同创新体内隐性知识的转化并为技术创新输送知识来源,利用式学习有利于渐进式创新,探索式学习有利于变革式创新。另外,宏观层次的社会环境、社会信任、社会文化、社会制度,中观层次的地方高校内部社会社会资本、外部社会资本,微观层次的地方高校内部领导、师生员工个人社会资本,通过投资和开发,可以生成创新联盟的社会资本,促进协同创新水平和绩效的提升。投资和开发社会资本是推动地方高校协同创新的重要力量,体制机制建设是实现协同创新目标的关键。结合“2011计划”的政策导向,以社会资本的整合为着眼点构建科学合理、规范有效、富有活力的体制机制成为推动地方高校协同创新的重要路径。一是健全互动网络体系。通过密切协同创新共享式社会网络、建立有效联结机制、构建高效沟通机制、积累社会资源,形成多方参与协同创新的合力。二是完善信任治理机制。通过建立协同创新联盟内部信任机制、发挥政府协调各方关系的服务功能、健全社会评价机制,促进良好信任关系的形成。三是建立互惠社会规范。通过建立公平合理的利益分配制度、建立协同创新激励机制、完善促进协同创新的科技法律体系,巩固协同创新网络关系。四是培育社团组织。社团组织是生成社会资本的重要载体,通过加强政府制度供给、改进社团组织管理方式、优化社团自身建设,推动民间社团组织健康发展。五是推动文化价值整合。通过加强校园文化和联盟文化建设、强化联盟身份认同、构建协同创新社会环境,以文化啮合协同创新网络关系。

【Abstract】 Local colleges and universities, compared with colleges and universities directlyunder ministries and commissions of the central government, are institutions of highereducation sponsored by the local governments at all levels. Collaborative innovation is animportant path to realize the connotative development in local colleges and universities, aswell as an inevitable choice to break through the predicament during the development. It istimely for China to launch the collaborative innovation as the main content of “2011plan”, which is also of great strategic significance for local colleges and universities. Thecore principle of “2011plan” is to break the hierarchy of domestic colleges anduniversities and to encourage the characteristic development, thus providing a historicopportunity for local colleges and universities to achieve the goal of “carry catch up”.Collaborative innovation is essentially a social network of science and technologyinnovation. Local colleges and universities, due to their short history and lack ofaccumulation, can’t have the same special appeal and attraction as colleges anduniversities directly under ministries and commissions of the central government,especially in the case of integrating into the regional innovation networks. Lacking thesupport of a mechanism, the innovation resource management is closed, scattered,inefficient and difficult to form an aggregation effect in local colleges and universities,which as a result restricts the effective development of collaborative innovation.Social capital is an analytical tool which has attracted much attention in the field ofsociological research in recent years. Elements it emphasizes, such as the social networkrelationships, reciprocal norms, trust cooperation and so on, highly conform to the socialgovernance needs of collaborative innovation. The main forms of structure dimension ofsocial capital are network structure and network connection, which are beneficial to allparties to get high quality information; Relationship dimension, characterized by the trustbetween organizations, is good for organizational learning and knowledge sharing; Cognitive dimension, featured by common values and shared vision, is conductive todifferent parties to achieve effective communication. Influenced by the three dimensionsof social capital, each node of collaborative innovation networks shares interests and risksand therefore maximizes innovation effect through resource sharing and interaction. Socialcapital, using organizational learning as the intermediary, affects collaborative innovationin that social capital is the realization path and dynamic mechanism of organizationallearning, which is conducive to promoting the transformation of tacit knowledge incollaborative innovation and transmitting the source of knowledge for technicalinnovation. In the organizational learning, learning for use is good for incrementalinnovation and exploratory study is helpful to evolutional innovation. In addition, socialenvironment, social trust, social culture and social system in the macro level, internal andexternal social capital in local colleges and universities in the middle level, personal socialcapital of leaders, teachers and students within local colleges and university in the microlevel, can generate social capital of innovation alliance through investment anddevelopment, promoting cooperative innovation and performance improvement.Investment and development of social capital is an important force to promotecollaborative innovation in local colleges and universities, and the key to realize the goalof collaborative innovation is to establish a mechanism. Guided by the policy of “2011plan”, it is an important path to build a scientific, rational, standardized, effective, anddynamic mechanism to promote collaborative innovation in local colleges anduniversities, regarding the integration of social capital as the starting point. Firstly, theinteractive network system should be improved. Through close and shared social networkof collaborative innovation, an effective linking mechanism and an efficientcommunication mechanism can be established and social resources can be accumulated,thus forming a multiparty force involving in collaborative innovation. Secondly, a trustgovernance mechanism should be promoted. To form a good trust relationship, an internaltrust mechanism of strategic alliance in collaborative innovation should be established.The government should coordinate the relationship among parties and a social evaluation mechanism needs to be developed. Thirdly, mutually beneficial social norms should beestablished. Through the establishment of a fair and reasonable benefit allocation systemand an incentive mechanism of collaborative innovation, science and technology and legalsystems of collaborative innovation can be promoted and the collaborative innovationnetwork relationship can be consolidated. Fourthly, the community organization is to befostered. The community organization is an important carrier of generating social capital.The healthy development of civil societies can be achieved by facilitating the governmentsupply, improving the management of community organizations, and strengthening theconstruction of the community itself. Fifthly, the integration of cultural values should bepromoted. By strengthening the construction of campus culture, the culture of union, andthe alliance identity, a social environment of collaborative innovation with culture fittinginto the innovation network can be established.


