

To Look for the Power of Education Science

【作者】 刘亚敏

【导师】 李太平;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 “学科(discipline)”是高等教育学的重要范畴,然而学术界关于“学科”的重要研究成果,多是在知识社会学与科学社会学的名义下进行,高等教育学亟待就“学科”范畴形成自己的解读方式。高等教育学的学科使命,决定了其对“学科”范畴的探讨应该着眼于创新人才的培养与高深知识的探索。然而,这并不是否定知识社会学与科学社会学的相关学科理论的价值,相反,本研究对学科问题的探讨恰恰建立在前述两门学科的研究成果之上,是对福柯的规训权力理论与华勒斯坦等的学科规训理论的“接着讲”。本研究对“学科”范畴的初步探索正建立在福柯规训权力理论与华勒斯坦学科规训理论的薄弱之处,由研究者自身的学科身份出发,将学科规训权力的研究由整体学科群转向具体学科,提出了“教育学规训权力”的概念,并具体就其概念结构与分析框架进行了较为系统的分析,由此带来了教育学立场的规训问题的言说逻辑的转捩。建基于“教育学规训权力”的概念结构与分析框架,本研究分别着眼于“教育话语实践”与“教育学局内人”,就中国教育学规训权力的运作方式进行了历史与现实两个层面的“呈现”。在历史层面,本研究运用社会学倾向的话语分析方法,在“话语主体——话语内容——话语方式——话语平台——话语性质”的分析框架下,通过对中国教育话语实践的流变脉络的考察与整体特征的分析,发现中国教育学规训权力谱系中的三种主要力量,即异域理论、意识形态与相关学科。在现实层面,本研究借助于“教育学的学科规训”与“教育活动的规训”这两个“前台”,运用内容分析与引文分析的方法,借鉴三项问卷调查的研究成果,对三种类型的“教育学局内人”所承载的教育学规训权力的运作方式进行了具体的考察。综上,本研究以“规训社会”为背景,以教育学规训权力为中介,对教育学的学科领域与对象领域(即活动领域)的运作方式进行了历史与现实两个层面的“呈现”,并在此基础上进行了理论反思,最终形成了三方面的研究结论。首先,教育学规训权力的作用并不是要划定并保持一种稳定不变的学科边界,恰恰相反,教育学的综合性特征使其学科边界不仅具有渗透性,而且表现为一种分裂与交杂的变化倾向。因此,教育学不应畏惧边界的变化与渗透,应该以一种开放的姿态迎接其他学科带来的新思想与新方法,但是任何试图进入教育学领地的其他学科的思想与方法都必须经过教育学层面的检验与改造,这种检验与改造的唯一标准正是教育学的最高价值,即“使人向善与助人成长”。其次,在外部的“秩序轨道”的影响下,学科也在其内部形成了其自生自发秩序,正是自生自发秩序彰显着不同具体学科的独特性,标识着不同具体学科之间的差异性。教育学正是在其自生自发秩序的作用下,随着学科知识与学科建制的发展而发生着某种渐变和突变,因而学科规训理论的作用主要在于总结、概括、分析与反思,其预知的作用非常有限。然而,“教育学的局内人”在这一过程中可能发挥“有限建构”的作用,这需要一种“局内人的局外人意识”。最后,依托于教育学的实践性,在教育学规训权力的对象领域(即教育活动中)反思教育学规训权力的运作方式,还需要从规训的性质、规训与教化的关系、规训中的人等多个方面进行阐释。基于此,进一步提出,教育学的规训自身便是一种反规训的力量,要通过教育者来引导受教育者形成一种“被规训”意识,我们称之为“被规训”意识觉醒中的自我规训,这正是教育学规训权力区别于其他学科规训权力的最显著标志。因此,教育学应该进行一种常态化的、经常性的自我审视。

【Abstract】 Discipline is one of the important categories in the Discipline of Higher Education. However, important research results on discipline are almost in the name of Sociology of Knowledge and Sociology of Science, and it is urgent to develop its own way of interpretation for the Discipline of Higher Education. According to its disciplinary mission, the Discipline of Higher Education need to focus on the cultivation of innovative talents and the exploration of advanced knowledge in order to explore the category of discipline. However, we can not deny the value of the related discipline theory in the Sociology of Knowledge and Sociology of Science; to the contrary, this paper is based on these two disciplines above, and continues to speak this question following Foucault’s Disciplinary Power Theory and Wallerstein’s Disciplinarity theory. In this study, the preliminary exploration of the category of discipline was built on the weakness of Foucault’s and Wallerstein’s theories, and turned to specific discipline from the overall discipline group. By the author’s own disciplinary identity, the concept of Disciplinary Power of Education Science was put forward, and its conceptual structure and analysis framework were analysed systematically, which brought the speaking logical transition of the disciplinary problem in Education Science.Based on the conceptual structure and analysis framework, this paper tried to present the operation mode of the disciplinary power of Chinese Education Science both in history and reality, with a view to educational discourse practice and Education Science insider. In historical perspective, this paper investigated the rheological choroid and analysed the overall characteristics of Chinese educational discourse practice in the analysis framework of "discourse subject---discourse content---discourse method---discourse platform---discourse nature", by using the discourse analysis method in sociology tendency. Moreover, we found three main powers in the disciplinary power lineage of Chinese Education Science. In reality perspective, this paper, by means of disciplinarity of Education Science and discipline in educational practice, investigated the operation mode of the disciplinary power of Chinese Education Science which carryed by three kinds of insides, by using the method of content analysis and citation analysis, and drawing on the research results of three surveys.In summary, taking the disciplinary society as the background, this study continued to a theoretical reflection on the basis of presentation of the operation mode of the disciplinary power of Chinese Education Science, and ultimately formatted three-pronged research conclusions.First of all, the role of the disciplinary power of Education Science is not going to draw and maintain the stable disciplinary boundaries, on the contrary, its disciplinary boundaries are not only penetrated, but also performe as a changing tendency of split with a mixed. Therefore, Education Science should not be afraid of change and penetration, but open to meet the new ideas and new methods from other disciplines. However, any ideas and methods from other related disciplines, which attemptes to enter the territory of Education Science, must be tested and transformed by the sole criterion of Education Science that is to perform good deeds and to help others to grow.Secondly, under the influence of the external order track, the discipline also has formed its spontaneous order internally. It is the spontaneous order to highlight the uniqueness of the different disciplines. Under the influence of spontaneous order, it occurres gradual and abrupt change in Education Science with the development of disciplinary knowledge and disciplinary organization. Thus, the role of Disciplinarity Theory is to summarize, to analyse and to reflect rather than to predicate. The insiders might play the role of limited construction, which requires a kind of insider’s outsider awareness.Finally, relying on the practice nature of Education Science, this paper also reflectes the operation mode of disciplinary power of Chinese Education Science from the object area (i.e. educational activities), which needs other aspects of interpretation from the nature of the discipline, discipline and enlightenment, persons in the process of discipline. On this basis, it is put forward that the disciplinary power of Education Science itself is a kind of anti-disciplinary power, and it is needed to formate a kind sense of discipline through education which is what the disciplinary power of Education Science is different from other disciplines. Therefore, education should keep the normal and regular self-examination.


