

Research on the Problems of New Town Construction in China during Transitional Period Based on Theory of Production of Space

【作者】 彭恺

【导师】 周均清;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 每一个社会发展阶段或是特定历史时期,不应仅仅作为城市空间发展的背景,它应当是渗透、融入城市空间发展的“骨子”里。空间与社会相互生产、相互作用,又共同推进社会与空间的再生产行为。社会变迁与经济发展赋予了城市物质空间以深刻的内涵。来源于西方国家、为缓解城市问题的新城模式在我国当前正处于广泛实践过程中。不可否认其在缓解城市住房、交通压力等方面的突出成效,但也出现了不顾城市客观规律“冒进”式扩张、在建设过程中乱占耕地等问题。尽管我国学术界从来不乏针对新城的研究,但为何在实践过程中仍然问题频发?基于此,本文将新城置于中国体制转型期的特定时空中,在沿用常规新城研究路径依然无法找出问题“内核”后,借助于西方空间的生产理论并进行中国式改良,尝试转变新城研究范式,建立起转型期中国新城空间生产行为的分析框架,回到新城被生产的过程之中寻求制约新城发展的根本问题,以期能进一步指导我国新城实践行为。本研究主要分为四个层次展开:首先,明辨中国新城问题发生的时空背景。我国当前正处于体制转型期,经济体制的转变、政治体制的改革以及新型城镇化的推进无不影响着新城的空间生产行为。只有在明确此种时空背景的基础上讨论新城问题才有理论与现实意义。此谓“明势”。其次,按照现有新城常规研究路径对中国新城建设行为展开分析。在完成对新城界定、发展历程回顾、发展状态评析、新城问题表象总结以及西方经验借鉴可行性的讨论后,却依然无法透彻地探究新城问题内核及其解决之道。由此判定常规研究路径存在若干困境。此谓“存惑”。再次,引入西方新马克思主义城市学派空间的生产理论,特别是其代表人物列斐伏尔的“空间的生产”和大卫.哈维的“资本的城市化”思想。从研究对象和研究方法两方面论证其具备分析中国新城问题的可行性,中国新城问题“内核”只能在其被生产的过程中寻找。此谓“得法”。最后,通过引入西方“空间的生产”理论核心,并结合中国转型期特征,识别我国土地要素的基础上,主要从空间生产者和空间生产机制(空间实体和社会关系的生产)角度,建立起中国新城空间生产行为的分析框架,将中国新城空间的生产过程实实在在的还原、剖析。并从中找出新城问题的症结在于目标缺陷、路径缺陷以及空间生产者的状态缺陷,提出应当从目标和路径两方面进行空间生产行为矫正,辅以武汉城市圈咸宁梓山湖贺胜新城为实例进行探索式研究。此谓“破难”。本研究将重点聚焦于新城问题是如何被发现的分析过程,通过研究范式的转换强调以空间的生产角度看待新城建设行为。新城问题来源于其被生产的过程,从新城空间生产行为中找寻问题内核,为构建中国新城自身发展的理论提供一种贴近社会现实的新路径。

【Abstract】 As an integral and inseparable part of urban spatial development, social developmentstages and historical periods shall not be studied as a context in isolation. Space and societynot only interact with each other, they mutually constitute and facilitate the reproduction ofeach other. Social changes and economic development endow urban physical space withprofound meaning.The new mode of urban construction, which was first adopted by western countries inthe process of urbanization, has now been widely applied in the construction of Chinesenew towns. Though there is no denying that the new mode has been effective in relievingsome urban issues, such as housing shortage and traffic congestion, it also bring about someunwanted side-effects, such as blind and excessive urban expansion which goes againstfundamental urban development rules and unlawful appropriation of cultivated land forconstruction project. Despite extensive researches that have been made on Chinese newtown construction, no effective solutions to these problems have been found yet. Therefore,starting from the realities of Chinese new town in transitional period, this paper intends tobreak free from conventional research approaches and resort to western theories of spaceproduction. Necessary adjustment will be made to the western theories in the hope ofbuilding a new research framework appropriate for Chinese new town construction, whichcan serve as guidance in locating and settling the main problems restraining the new towndevelopment.The paper mainly constitutes the following four parts:First, our analysis is based on a clear understanding of Chinese realities. In currentChina, which is now undergoing massive system restructuring, a complex array of factorsare constantly exerting significant influence on space production behavior, including thetransformation of economic system, the reform of political system and the implementationof new town construction as our long-term national strategy. Therefore to be conscious ofcurrent social, political and economic context in China is the premise for any discussion ofnew town construction, whether at theory or practice level.Second, we attempt to analyze the Chinese new town construction problems followingconventional research procedures: first give a definition to new town, then summarize itsdevelopment path, evaluate its development status (focusing on contradictions andproblems) and finally discuss the feasibility of learning from western experience. It is thenproved by us that we could not rely on conventional research approach for settling contradictions in new town construction process since the approach lacks rigorous logics,and it merely touches on several aspects of new town construction, but fails to get to thecore of the matter.Third, the Space Production Theory proposed by Western neo-Marxist Urban School isintroduced, the representative works of which are The Production of Space by Lefebvre andUrbanization of Capital by David Harvey. After a comprehensive feasibility analysis on theresearch object and approach, the Space Production Theory is employed by us to analyzethe problems of Chinese new town and the conclusion is being made that the core of thecontradictions existent in Chinese new town construction process can only be explored inthe course of space production.Finally, the Space Production Theory will be adjusted and improved to make itconsistent with Chinese unique characteristics. We will establish a framework from theperspective of space producers and space production mechanism in order to describe spatialproduction process of new town as it is and to find the crux of Chinese new townconstruction, which are the unclearly defined objective, the imperfect system, theincompatibility between production of space and social relations, and the vaguely definedresponsibilities for space producers. Then corrective strategies related to productionbehavior of new town space are proposed from two aspects, one is the objective and theother is the approach. Meanwhile, the new town construction in Hesheng of Xianning cityinside Wuhan City Circile is taken as a case for explorative analysis.The paper aims at shifting the research perspective of new town construction fromconventional research approach to the theory of space production. It is found that the issuesconcerning Chinese new town construction must be discussed and settled in the course ofspace production. The paper is a practical and meaningful attempt to richening the theory ofChinese new town development.


