

Evaluation of Water Environmental Capacity and Total Amount Control for Water Pollutants in the Xiangyang Reach of the Han River

【作者】 孙辰

【导师】 邬红娟;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 环境工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 污染物总量控制是保护水体环境质量的重要管理措施。当前我国正处在从“目标总量控制”向“容量总量控制”转变的重要时期,以水环境容量为理论基础的污染物总量控制研究具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文以汉江中游襄阳段为研究对象,主要研究内容包括:(1)按照《湖北省水功能区划》的水质目标要求,对汉江襄阳段2004-2010年的水质状况进行评价,确定各类污染源和工业行业的污染物排放贡献度,明确污染源、入河排污口、功能区划水域三者的对应关系及各控制单元的陆上汇流区范围;(2)选择化学需氧量和氨氮作为总量控制因子,采用二维对流扩散水质模型对汉江襄阳段水质进行模拟计算,并通过试错法得到汉江襄阳段各水期的水环境容量;(3)采用零维模型和局部江段二维模型相结合的方法,模拟和预测南水北调中线调水后及崔家营枢纽不同蓄水位条件下汉江襄阳段的水环境容量;(4)以1956~1998年汉江襄阳水文站实测流量数据为基础,采用负荷历时曲线法,分析汉江襄阳段各代表性断面污染物最大日负荷的月变化和季节性变化特征,提出有针对性的动态污染物负荷总量控制目标。本文的主要研究结论有:(1)通过对汉江襄阳段现有控制单元、污染源类型和排污口的分析,确定了汉江襄阳段2008年化学需氧量的入河总量为32975.64t,氨氮入河总量为4465.31t。汉江襄阳段大部分江段受点源污染影响比较显著。闸口~钱营江段排污口分布较密集,是排污集中区。从污染物入河量来看,化学需氧量和氨氮主要受城市生活排污影响。污染物入河量较大的排污口是鱼梁洲污水厂排污口、南渠、金环排污口和宜岛大沟排污口。(2)依据汉江襄阳段各计算单元的水质目标,采用试错法对汉江襄阳段的水环境容量现状进行了模拟计算。汉江襄阳段化学需氧量理想水环境容量为81406.27t/a,氨氮理想水环境容量为7732.14t/a。除了闸口至余家湖江段水体功能定为III类,理想环境容量较大,其余江段各排污口均需要削减污染负荷。(3)对汉江襄阳段近期(2015年)和远期(2020年)的化学需氧量和氨氮在丰平枯水期的水环境容量进行了预测。与现状相比,2015年汉江襄阳段的理想环境容量在闸口~钱营、钱营~余家湖、余家湖~郭安江段均呈下降的趋势,其中闸口~钱营江段氨氮理想环境容量减少2875.72t;钱营~余家湖江段化学需氧量理想环境容量减少1066.74t,氨氮理想环境容量减少100.0t;余家湖~郭安江段氨氮理想环境容量减少19.14t。(4)通过构建汉江襄阳段各代表性断面不同流量保证率的最大污染物日负荷历时曲线,得到了不同月份和季节的最大日负荷量的时间变化特征。汉江襄阳段在7~9月丰水期具有较高的日纳污能力,日纳污能力最高的是余家湖断面,该断面9月份平均化学需氧量日负荷达到了3858.45t,氨氮日负荷达到了192.9t。纳污能力最强的季节是夏季,其次是秋季。在此基础上,扣除安全余量值,得到汉江襄阳段的负荷年内分配目标,并将可分配负荷分解到各月份和季节。

【Abstract】 The total amount control on discharge of water pollutants is an importantmanagement measure to protect the water quality. At present, the water environmentalmanagement in China is being in the course from “target capacity control” to “loadingcapacity control”. Therefore, research on the total amount control for water pollutants is ofgreat value in theory and practical significance. The dissertation regards the XiangyangReach of the Han River as the study area, and the main contents of this thesis include:(1)the water quality of the Xiangyang Reach was evaluated on the basis of the water qualityrequirements of water functional area during2004-2010. The contribution of pollutantsfrom point and non-point sources and drainage areas were confirmed. The relationshipsamong pollution sources, sewage drains and water functional area in the Xiangyang Reachwere established.(2) The chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N)were selected as the control factors, and the allowable pollutant loads entering theXiangyang Reach were estimated using two-dimensional steady state water quality modeland trial-and-error method with different data sets.(3) According to the predicted changesof the flow regimes of the Han River considering hydraulic project operation, thezero-dimensional and two-dimensional models were used to work out the waterenvironmental capacity.(4) The monthly characteristics and seasonal variations of totalmaximum daily load were analysed using the load duration curves on the basis of flowdata of the period from1956to1998, and then the dynamic total pollutant loads controlobjectives were put forward.The main conclusions of this dissertation are generalized as follows:(1) The total annual pollutant loads on the Han River, which came from thewatershed including the point and non-point sources pollution, were32975.64t ofchemical oxygen demand, and4465.31t of ammonia nitrogen in the Xiangyang Reach in2008. Point source pollution produced the most pollutants, with the heaviest pollution loadin Zakou-Qianying. Domestic pollution source has been the main pollution source in thisarea, and the Yuliangzhou wastewater treatment plant outfall, South canal, Jinhuan outfalland Yidao sewage outfall contributed more pollutants load compared with other sewage emissions.(2) On the basis of the water quality requirements of water functional area, the waterenvironmental capacity of the Xiangyang Reach was estimated using the trial-and-errormethod. The loading capacities of the Xiangyang Reach were81406.27t of chemicaloxygen demand and7732.14t of ammonia nitrogen in2008. Except for the Zakou-Yujiahusection with Class Ⅲ of SurfaceWater QualityStandard, the rest of the Xiangyang Reachwas required to reduce the pollutant loads.(3) The water environmental capacity of short term (to2015) and long term (to2020)in the Xiangyang Reach was predicted, and the results indicated that the loading capacityof chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen will decline in2015compared withthe current status; the loading capacity of ammonia nitrogen in the Zakou-Qianyingsection will reduce by2875.72t; the loading capacity of chemical oxygen demand andammonia nitrogen in the Qianying-Yujiahu section will reduce by1066.74t and100.06t;the loading capacity of ammonia nitrogen in the Yujiahu-Guo’an section will reduce by19.14t.(4) According to the load duration curve of the Xiangyang Reach, the monthly andseasonal variations of total maximum daily load were obtained. The Xiangyang Reach hasmore loading capacity in the wet season from July to September, with the highest loadingcapacity in the Yujiahu section; the maximum daily loads of chemical oxygen demand andammonia nitrogen in this section are3858.45t and192.9t. Summer is the season with thehighest loading capacity, followed by autumn. And then, the targets of loading allocation,assigned to specific month and season within the year, can be confirmed by deduction ofthe Margin of Safety.


