

Study on the Value Chain of Chinese Newspaper Groups

【作者】 翟红蕾

【导师】 屠忠俊;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 传播学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 论文运用价值链理论研究框架和价值链分析方法,探讨中国报业集团价值链的建构和重构。运用这个理论和方法帮助中国报业集团分析自身特点、规划价值活动、确定价值链模式、调整价值链与组织结构关系、筹划合理的竞争战略、争取报业市场上的竞争优势。论文辨析了长期以来在价值链研究领域经常被混淆的三个概念:价值链、供应链和产业链,为“价值链”概念正名,以明确报业集团价值链研究的对象和范围。论文对中国报业集团价值链模式的发展演进过程进行了回顾,鸟瞰中国报业集团的价值链从传统价值链、纵向一体化价值链、横向多元化价值链到虚拟价值链的发展历程。通过上述论说,论文描述了中国报业集团的常见价值链形态,总结出中国报业集团的常见价值链模式。论文以波特基本价值链图为原型,结合每一模式的具体情况进行变形处理,给出各类模式的模式图,在逻辑进程与历史进程统一的高度上,揭示价值链模式发展演变的规律。论文在价值链理论的指导下,对湖北日报传媒集团的经营实践进行实证分析,通过基于实证材料的对湖北日报传媒集团的价值链建构、重构的观照,检验价值链相关理论的适用性。论文按照中国报业经营的特点,对报业集团价值活动进行识别、分类,揭示报业集团内部价值链业务单元之间的联系及报业集团自身价值链与外部的上、下游企业价值链的联系。论文强调,要重点培养价值链中的优势环节,削弱、减少、回避价值链中的劣势环节。论文提出价值活动的“权重”概念,并通过专家调查法,给出中国报业集团价值链上的各价值活动的“权重”值,解决了价值活动的排序问题。在上述研究的基础上,论文探讨了报业集团价值链的竞争策略,对成本优势策略、差异化策略、市场集中策略的执行步骤、操作细节、注意事项、市场风险等问题进行了分析。论文还对中国报业集团向价值网络、全球价值链发展的趋势做出前瞻性展望。

【Abstract】 In order to find a way of rebuilding the value chain of Chinese newspaper groups,this dissertation focuses on the framework and analytic methods of value chain theory,which can help all the Chinese newspaper groups analyze their own characteristics,replan the value activities, redefine precisely the mode of value chain, adjust therelationship between the value chain and the organization, arrange the strategicguidance properly and struggle for more possible completive advantages in the pressmarket.This dissertation pays much attention on the definition of value chain, whichmeans, it distinguishes three similar definitions-value chain, supply chain and industrychain which are confusing in the related field. It clarifies what the research want tostudy and it also lays the foundation of the reestablishment related the value chain ofChinese newspaper groups.The paper gives a concrete review and description about the development of thevalue chain of Chinese newspaper groups, and it lays out the process of the value chainof Chinese newspaper groups, from traditional value chain, integrated value chain,diversiform value chain to the virtual value chain. What mentioned just now describesthe form of usual value chains and draws a conclusion about the model of newspapergroups’ value chain in China. Michael Porter’s Value Chain Model is regarded as thefoundation in the dissertation, and can be transformed into several different modelsaccording to different value chain. The models of the newspaper groups’ value chaindisplay the changes of the different states, which can facilitate the comparison of thedifferences and understand its evolution rules directly.With the help of the value chain theory, the paper does researches on the HubeiDaily Newspaper Group, especially on their business affairs, through which can test and verify the usability of some related theoryAccording to the characteristics, this dissertation identifies, classifies these valueactivities so that we can understand the relationship both among the different businessesof inner value chain and among the different enterprises of outer value chain. What’smore, the paper optimizes the value chain, including emphasizing, developing andfostering the dominant parts while weakens, diminishes and avoids the inferior ones.The paper also brings out the definition of weight of value activities, and offers thevalues of various value activities, which helps reorder these activities through expertinvestigation method.On the basis of mentioned study, the paper investigates the application of differentcompetitive strategies and analyzes the cost dominant strategies, differentiated strategiesand marketing strategies.This dissertation also puts forward a promising future about the tendency thatvalue chains of Chinese newspaper groups will develop into value net and internationalvalue chains.


