

Study on the Typical Truck Running Safety Tests Along51km-Distance Downhill on Yaxi Expressway

【作者】 王剑波

【导师】 陈荫三;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 车辆工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 雅西高速公路是北京至昆明高速公路(G5)在四川境内的重要组成部分,位于雅安市、凉山州境内。因地处青藏高原和四川盆地结合带,沿线地形地质条件复杂,全程共经过6次越岭,形成3处超长连续纵坡,其中拖乌山北坡越岭线的连续纵坡长度达到51km,平均纵坡度为2.97%,雪线以上里程还有16.7km,为当今中国第一长下坡。除长下坡自身因素造成的行车安全问题外,路段还受冰、雪、雨、雾等恶劣气候条件影响,这些都将给开通后的运营安全带来新的挑战。本研究围绕雅西山区高速公路51km长下坡货车行车安全问题,系统研究了我国西南山区高速公路货车安全运行状况,货车制动安全性能台架测试、场地测试与高速公路实际测试的差异性,雅西高速公路51km长下坡货车运行安全测试方法,开展了2轴、3轴、6轴典型货车的51km长下坡行车安全测试,并同步摄取了长下坡驾驶员视觉特性。最后,对各种测试结果进行了研究分析,将形成的研究成果在高速公路开通前应用于交通安全保障工程及运营管理实际。研究的主要内容有:(1)研究了近年来山区高速公路长下坡路段货车安全运行现状,内容包括:近年来我国及四川省高速公路货车运行状况、事故特征及行车安全因素分析;山区高速公路货车安全技术状况及货车辅助行车制动系统应用概况调查;山区高速公路职业驾驶员安全关联因素调查分析。(2)研究了货车制动性能台架测试、场地测试与实际道路测试的差异性,内容包括:货车制动性能台架测试的特点和不足;货车制动性能场地测试特点和不足;货车实车实际道路测试的特点和优势。(3)研究了雅西高速公路货车51km长下坡性能测试方案设计,内容包括:测试设备系统性整合与开发方案;测试系统的安装调试匹配;长下坡路段测试内容与方法设计;测试数据采集与结果分析方法。(4)研究了雅西高速公路51km长下坡货车运行安全实车测试实施方案,内容包括:对整个测试过程中的时间安排、车辆使用、各部门协调、资金预算、风险规避,及第二实施方案等。(5)研究了雅西高速51km长下坡货车运行安全运行参数分析方法及成果应用方案。本研究的创新点主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)首次在雅西高速公路51km长坡路段对两轴货车、三轴货车单车、六轴半挂列车进行标载、超载条件下的实车运行安全测试,并测试了单车排气蝶阀制动、Jacobs发动机缓速器、Voith液力缓速器不同工况条件下,在长下坡路段的行车辅助安全效能,为长下坡路段不同类型辅助制动系统在不同类型货车上的匹配方案提供了实证依据。(2)开发使用在线式货车制动鼓温度实时监测系统,在货车下坡行驶时,实时监测制动鼓的温升状况,根据制动鼓温升变化,找出51km长下坡路段货车易失控点,作为设置避险车道、紧急停车带等安全措施的依据;通过制动鼓冷热状态下的紧急制动测试,分析其热衰退的程度,并将实际测试结果与业内普遍使用的制动鼓热衰退理论模型进行了比较研究。(3)将驾驶员视觉信息测试同步应用于51km长下坡测试中,对51km长下坡路段已设的标志、标线、标牌进行系统性的评价,并根据测试结果对其不足之处进行了优化,提高了货车行车安全性。(4)及时将实车测试研究成果在雅西高速公路通车前及时应用于高速公路的运营安全保障工程,切实提高了长下坡路段的运营安全性,并取得了明显的经济和社会效益。

【Abstract】 In Sichuan province, Yaxi highway is the important part of the highway from Beijingto Kunming (G5), which is located in Liangshan Prefecture, Ya’an City. Because locatedin the Qinghai-tibet Plateau and Sichuan Basin combine belt, complex topographic andgeologic conditions along the line,the whole journey go through six times crosslinealtogether,form three long length continuous longitudinal slope, amomg the journeycontinuous longitudinal slope of the Tuowu Mountain’s north slope crossline reach51kmlong, average longitudinal grade is2.97%, and mileage above the snow line is16.7km,which is China’s first long downhill. In addition to the driving safety issues caused by thelong downhill itself factors, sections are also affected by ice, snow, rain, fog and otherinclement weather conditions, these will bring new challenges to the operation safety afteropening.Around the Yaxi mountainous area highway51km-distance downhill highway truckdriving safety problem, this research systematically studies highway truck safe operationcondition of China southwest mountainous area, the difference among truck brake safetyperformance bench test,field test and real road test, the51km-distance downhill in Yaxihighway truck driving safety testing method, carry out51km-distance downhill drivingsafety test of the two axis, three axis, six axis typical trucks, and synchronously take thelong downhill driver visual characteristics. Finally, study and analyse the various testresults, apply the forming research results to traffic safety engineering and real operationsmanagement before opening the highway. The main content of study are:(1)Study the mountainous area highway long downhill about truck safety operation ofthe status quo in recent years, including: our country and sichuan province highway truckoperation conditions, accident characteristics and driving safety factors analysis in recentyears; Mountainous area highway truck safety technical conditions and truck auxiliarydriving brake systematic appling situation survey;Mountainous area highway professionaldriver safety related factors investigation and analysis.(2)Study the difference among truck braking performance bench test, field test androad test,including: the feature and shortage of truck brake performance test; the featureand shortage of truck brake performance field test;The feature and advantage of the trucksactual vehicle road test.(3)Study the schematic design for trucks real vehicle long downhill performance testing,including: systematic integration and development program of test equipment;match the installation and commissioning of the testing system; experiment content andmethod design of the long downhill section; Test data acquisition and results analysismethod.(4)Study Yaxi highway51km-distance downhill trucks about running securityimplementation scheme of real vehicle test, including: the whole testing process scheduling,vehicle use, coordination of various departments, capital budgeting, risk aversion, andsecond implementation plan, etc.(5)Study Yaxi highway51km-distance downhill truck about analysis method ofrunning safety operation parameter and application scheme of results.The innovation point of this study is mainly reflected in the following aspects:(1) For the first time test running safety of the real vehicle including two axis truck,three-axis truck bicycle, six axle semi-trailer train under standard load and overloadconditions at Yaxi highway,51kilometers long slope sections, and under different workingconditions test the single truck exhaust butterfly valve, Jacobs engine retarder, Voithhydraulic retarder in the long downhill driving auxiliary safety performance, provideempirical basis for different types of auxiliary brake system on the different types of truckmatching scheme in the long downhill road section.(2)Develop and use online truck brake drum temperature real-time monitoring system,monitor the brake drum temperature rising condition in real-time when the truck drivedownhill,in order to determine the easy to get out of control sections in51km-distancedownhill truck; Through the brake drum emergency braking test under cold and hot state,analyse the heat recessionary degree, and take comparative study between the actual testresults and the industry commonly used brake drum thermal recession theory model.(3) Apply driver’s visual information test to51km-distance downhill experimentsynchronously, evaluate signs, marking, signs of the51km-distance downhillsystematically, and optimize according to the experiment results,then the road safetyimprove.(4) Apply real vehicle test results to the highway operation safety engineering timelybefore opening Yaxi highway, effectively improve the long downhill operation safety, andobtain obvious economic and social benefits.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

