

Research on the Evaluation Focus of Operation Drivers’ Safety Capability

【作者】 杨鹏飞

【导师】 付锐;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文从当前我国营运车辆道路交通事故现状出发,借鉴分析国内外驾驶员安全性研究成果,重点从营运驾驶员人因因素出发,阐述了营运驾驶员安全性的定义,探索导致营运车辆交通事故的深层次原因,针对营运驾驶员安全性进行了深入研究。基于营运驾驶员人因因素对道路交通事故的影响机理,以事故致因理论、计划行为理论和海因里希因果连锁理论为基础,对营运驾驶员安全性的主要影响因素进行分析,得出营运驾驶员安全性的影响因素主要有安全意识、潜在危险预知能力、驾驶技能和应激反应能力等4项能力。分别对营运驾驶员安全意识、潜在危险预知能力、驾驶技能和应激反应能力等4方面安全性评估关键技术展开研究,分析以上4方面各自的特点和影响因素,提出和构建相应的表征指标体系及评估方法、模型,分别运用问卷法、实验法、计算机仿真、实车测验等方法,研究开发相应的评估系统,对营运驾驶员以上4方面能力进行客观、准确地评估,给出评估结果,分析出被评估营运驾驶员存在的不足及缺陷,提出针对性的对策和建议。在实现以上4项能力单项评估的基础上,集成开发营运驾驶员安全性综合评估系统,实现对其安全性的总体评估并给出相应提升对策和建议,运用该系统可对单个营运驾驶员进行评估,也可以对多个营运驾驶员进行评估,分析群体安全性。立足当前营运驾驶员安全管理的现状及存在问题,进行了总结和分析,结合营运驾驶员安全性综合评估系统的实际应用,提出了加强和改进营运驾驶员安全管理的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Departing from the current status quo of the road traffic accidents of operating vehicles inChina, the present author has conducted an in-depth research about the security of operationdrivers. Based on research studies about the security of domestic drivers, the present articleexplores the deep-seated reasons for the road traffic accidents of operating vehicles, the focusof which is the human factor of operation drivers.Based on the affecting mechanism of human factors to road traffic accidents, the affectingfactors, as well as the definition, of the security of operation drivers have been elaborated bymaking use of the accident cause theory, theory of planned behavior, Heinrich causal chaintheory. It is concluded in the present article that chief affecting factors for the security ofoperation drivers are four abilities such as security consciousness, precognition of potentialdanger, driving skills, and stress response ability.The research has been developed into the Gordian technique of security assessment inrespect of the operation drivers’ security consciousness, precognition of potential danger,driving skills, and stress response ability. Based on the analysis of characteristics andaffecting factors of the four aspects mentioned above, the corresponding characterization ofthe index system and assessment methods of weightiness and quantification have been putforward; meanwhile, corresponding models have to be constructed. Then what is followed isto do research and to develop the corresponding assessment software by way of questionnaire,experimentation, computer simulation and real vehicle tests, aiming at realizing objective andaccurate assessment of the four abilities of operation drivers mentioned above, according towhich the existing defects of operation drivers could be figured out and correspondingsuggestions might be put forward.Then with the single assessment and Gordian technique of the four abilities combined, acomprehensive evaluation software of the security of operation drivers could be developed,which can achieve comprehensive assessment and supply relevant measures and advices. Inaddition, such a software helps to evaluate one or more operation drivers, which means that ithelps to analyze community security.Finally, the present author draws a conclusion and makes an analysis of the status quo and existing problems of safety management about operation drivers.Furthermore, on the groundsof practical application of the comprehensive evaluation system of the security of operationdrivers, a few countermeasures and proposals have been presented.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

