

Reservoir Management Research Based on Multisource Data Analysis of Oilfield

【作者】 张伟

【导师】 刘建朝; 高志亮;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 地学信息工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球市场对石油需求量的逐年增长,各个油田都在努力提高采收率。同时,面对石油资源的不可再生及开采难度和开采成本的增加,如何避免资源的浪费及节约成本是摆在油藏管理者面前的一大难题。将先进的管理理念同先进的信息技术手段相结合,建立先进的油藏管理模式及油藏管理系统,对提高工作效率、降低成本、寻找剩余油、实现油藏的定量化研究等具有非常重要的意义和作用。本文以先进的管理理念为指导,着重研究了以油藏数据为基础,以信息技术为手段,建立适合我国油藏管理的新模式。信息技术随着全球化、数字化的快速发展,也在快速地推进与创新。目前,信息技术代表了当代最先进的生产力和先进生产力的发展方向。论文通过多源数据分析与各种数据模型的建立,展现了油藏管理、数据与信息技术三者之间的关系,并在这个基础上应用数字油田三维可视化的先进技术,实现与完成了三维空间的现代油藏管理模式建设。本文以柳沟油田为例,根据油藏管理的需要建立了各类数据模型,完善了数据库建设,实现数据审核、专业库向中心库加载、项目库与知识库的数据加载、项目库向中心库返回成果加载功能,并根据数字油田技术采用采用C/S、B/S模式,构建了一个基于多源数据的油藏管理平台。本次论文研究的主要内容与成果有:1、基于油田多源数据的分析和研究,并以延长油田柳沟地区为定例,对柳沟油田地质基础做了较为详尽的研究。柳沟油田地处鄂尔多斯盆地中心,油藏管理的地质基础是以侏罗系的延安组和三叠系延长组为主要研究对象,在延安组以延10油层组为主要对象,如延10属河流沉积体系中曲流河亚相沉积,最主要的砂体是边滩砂(或称点坝),延103砂岩体(油砂体)厚度大、分布面积广。隶属印支期形成的柳沟鼻褶群上的构造——岩性油藏。三叠系延长组以长6为主要研究对象,长6主要为三角洲沉积体系,属岩性油藏。2、在充分了解研究区地质背景的基础上,采用数字高程模型(DEM)进行确定性建模,建立研究区的地形、地貌三维模型。实现地面三维可视化,并将地面工程中的基本建筑物、油井抽油机等建成模型植入三维可视化地形的原有位置上,可实现地面工程的三维可视化管理。3、通过对油井数据的分析、挖掘与建模,将柳沟油田多源离散数据体,应用国际领先的三维可视化软件平台进行了展现,使得在油田开发过程中,更多的数据得到了利用和挖掘。本次利用研究区274口井的井位、高程、测井、测井解释结果,特别是井斜、分层等数据,应用Amira软件完成柳沟地区的三维数字高程模型(DEM)的数据处理和可视化,部分油井的三维空间轨迹的数据处理和可视化,三维地层模型的数据处理和可视化以及柳沟区的三维有限元地层模型的网格制作,完成数字油田的地下油藏的三维可视化建模与开发。4、应用多源数据和信息技术的手段表现了地下地层的三维结构和油井空间轨迹的信息,同时完成了网格剖分的前处理工作,为以后进一步开展油藏数值模拟可视化提供了基础条件。该研究过程完成了基本数据处理和数值计算需要的程序编制工作,建立了数据库和数据分析挖掘程序集,实现了三维立体沉浸式显示,这些工作都为以后开展其它研究区的可视化研究提供了必要的软件保障和示范性作用.5、利用三维可视化技术完成了柳沟油田的18个地层三维空间模型建立,通过将油田实际数据用可视化软件的处理,我们得到了初步的可视化结果和示范性可视化工作流程,并将所有地层实现三维可视化展示。三维可视化的实现有利于油田管理者和工程技术人员更加直观地了解地下地层的三维构造地层走向,以及层与层之间接触关系及其规律,可直观地发现油田布井中存在的问题、可能的剩余油分布位置和有利油区的储油构造,并十分有利于指导未来油田勘探、开发工作中的重大决策,如补孔布钻,注水二次开发等,可为提高采收率提供技术支持。

【Abstract】 With the increasing demand of global market for oil year after year, each oil field striveto improve oil recovery ratio, at the same time, we face the characteristic of non-renewable ofoil, as well as the augmentation of the difficulty of exploitation and mining costs, therefore,how to avoid waste of resources and cost saving is a vital problem for reservoir managers.Combination of advanced management conception and sophisticated information technologymethod, establishment of forward-looking reservoir management model and direction system,both of them have a significant meaning to improve work efficiency, reduce costs, findremaining oil and achieve a quantitative research of oil reservoir.The paper establishes a new reservoir management model based on advancedmanagement conception and abundant reservoir data and sophisticated IT method. With therapid development of globalization and digitization, information technology progresses andinnovates quickly. At present, information technology represents the most advancedproductive forces and its development direction. Through the establishment of the originaldata analysis and a variety of data models, the paper shows the relationship among reservoirmanagement, data and information technology. To make use of this relationship and digital oilfield of3D visualization, the construction of modern reservoir management model inthree-dimensional space has been realized and achieved.This paper takes Liugou oil field as example, according to needs of reservoirmanagement; it set up various types of data models, perfected database construction,accomplished functions as: data audits, loading from professional library to central repository,loading of project database and knowledge database, loading of feedback from projectdatabase to central repository. It built as well a reservoir management platform withmulti-source data in using C/S and B/S mode. The main contents and results of this thesis areas following:1. A detailed research in geological background of Liugou oil field is located in thecenter of Ordos Basin; the geological basis of reservoir management is aimed to studyJurassic Yan’an Formation and Triassic Yanchang Formation. In Yan’an Formation, yan tenreservoir group is considered as the main object of study, because the yan ten belongs to riverdeposition system meandering river sub-facies, the principal sand body is beach sand (or pointbar), the yan103sandstone (oil sand body) has a big thickness and is widely distributed. Alsothere is a lithology reservoir-a structure which was formed under the Indosinian period andwas taken shape on fold group of Liugou nose. Triassic Yanchang group is aimed to studylong six, the long six is mainly deltaic depositional system, consisting of lithologic reservoirs.2. On the basis of full understanding of the geological background of the study area, thispaper uses the digital elevation model (DEM) to precede uncertainty modeling and builds upthe study area topography and geomorphology three-dimensional model. All these researchesare designed to complete ground three-dimensional visualization, to implant the basic building and ground engineering and oil well pumping unit into the original position of the3D terrain model, and to realize the management of three-dimensional visualization of theground works.3. Multi-source discrete data of Liugou oil field is presented by the world’s leading3Dvisualization software platform, through Well analysis of the data mining and modeling,thanks to this method, more and more data is investigated and used. Taking advantage of welllocation, elevation, logging and log interpretation results of274wells of study area,particularly with well inclined and layered data, etc, data processing and visualization of theLiugou region3D digital elevation model (DEM) is completed in utilizing Amira software.Data processing and visualization of three-dimensional trajectory of some of the wells, as wellas data processing and visualization of three-dimensional stratigraphic model andthree-dimensional finite element Liugou District stratigraphic model grid are accomplished atthe same time. The target is to complete three-dimensional visual modeling and developmentof underground reservoir of the digital oil field.4. Three-dimensional structures of the subsurface and well space trajectory informationare displayed by quantitative data and visual manner. Completion of the pre-treatment of themeshing of work provides the basic conditions for future further development of numericalreservoir simulation visualization. The study process completes basic data processing andnumerical calculation programming, builds up database and data mining assembly, realizeimmersed manifestation of three-dimensional. All of those work offered necessary softwareprotection and exemplary role for visualization research of other study area.5. Making use of3D visualization technology,18Strata3D space model of Liugou oilfield is established. We get a preliminary visualization results and the demonstration videoworkflow by combination of actual oil field data and the visualization software.3Dvisualization display of all strata helps oil field managers, engineers and technicians tounderstand more direct viewing the three-dimensional structure of the underground strata andthe relationship between formation direction and layers. We can find out more directlyproblems of oilfield cloth well, remaining oil distribution location and favorable oiloil-bearing structure, which is very conducive to guide future oil field exploration and to giveimportant decisions during development period, such as fill the hole cloth drill, injection ofsecondary development, etc. This Provides technical support for enhanced oil recovery.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

