

Study on Theory and Method of Highway Alignment Selection in High Seismic Intensity Canyon Region

【作者】 贾兴利

【导师】 许金良;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 我国是一个地震多发国家,地震带来的地壳能量释放会引起地球表面的强烈振动,对地质条件较差的高山峡谷区道路、桥梁等基础设施造成了严重损害。同时,由于现有公路选线方法对高烈度地震峡谷区的地震风险未做重点考虑,进而加剧了区域生命线震时的受灾程度。因此,深入研究公路走廊带震害空间分布特征,考虑并评估区域潜在地震风险,建立高烈度地震峡谷区公路选线理论体系,不仅是保障交通设施地震安全的基础性课题,也是实现公路与环境和谐相处、科学合理安排公路建设任务的迫切需要。论文依托交通部重大科技专项“汶川地震灾后重建公路抗震减灾关键技术研究”和西部交通建设科技项目“武罐高速公路抗震优化设计及灾害防治技术研究”,以公路路线为研究对象,以高烈度地震峡谷为前提条件,采用ArcGIS技术平台,基于风险分析与管理理论,重点进行高烈度地震峡谷区公路选线理论与方法的研究,以期解决复杂条件下震区公路路线选择与设计难题。论文系统分析了国内外相关研究成果,针对现有公路选线理论体系和方法的优缺点及适用性,提出了本文的研究思路和技术路线。采用地理信息系统、遥感解译、全球定位系统等现代信息技术,针对汶川地震灾区,开展公路走廊带震害调查。归纳总结震区公路的主要成灾模式,分析了公路走廊带工程震害空间分布特征。考虑公路震害地带性分布规律分析需求,从概念、逻辑、物理三个方面对公路震害空间数据库进行结构设计,基于GeoDatabase框架,建立了异源异质公路震害空间数据库。提出以ArcGIS为技术支撑,以空间数据挖掘理论为基础的公路震害数据属性关联方法,构建了公路走廊带地质灾害与环境因子的属性关联数据模型,揭示了公路走廊带地质灾害地带性分布规律。针对高烈度地震峡谷区地震风险突出的特点,开展面向风险的高烈度地震峡谷区公路走廊带选择方法研究,并从系统工程思维的角度阐述了面向风险选线方法的具体内涵。采用主成分分析与专家调查相结合的方法进行因子辨识,筛选出对区域地震风险有显著影响作用的峰值加速度、植被覆盖率、地层岩性和坡度作为评价因子。基于云模型理论,提出云模型——层次分析法的公路震害风险评估赋权方法,建立了公路震害风险评估模型,用以表征公路走廊带区域潜在的地震风险状态,提高了公路震害风险评价的定量化程度。论文通过深入分析影响地震峡谷区公路路线方案决策的关键因素,建立以风险、经济、安全、环境为目标层,以9个单因子为指标层的两层次评价指标体系。在ArcGIS支持下,考虑路线方案评价需求,构建了路线方案评价单因子的计算方法和量化模型。引入最大限度考虑决策者交互要求的多属性评价理论,提出了基于方案综合度和达成度的高烈度地震峡谷区路线方案多属性评价方法,建立路线方案综合度和达成度的求解模型,并阐述了具体的评价步骤和流程,为实现路线方案的合理选择提供了技术支持。论文对比分析了震区公路路线设计指标及其大小与震害间的关系,明确了高烈度地震峡谷区公路路线关键设计指标,提出了平纵横合理布设要素。基于震时救援车辆特性,参照公路地震风险等级划分标准,制定了救援道路的具体设置方法。采用三维离散元数学建模,揭示不同频率、振幅、持续时间等地震波参数及岩层倾角条件下,边坡高度、坡度对边坡动力位移的影响规律,提出了震区公路边坡坡度与高度的合理值域。从桥梁、隧道、支档工程三个方面,归纳总结了高烈度地震区公路构造物的合理布置方法。最后,论文以武罐高速公路为依托,将提出的方法、指标体系、模型具体应用到路线选择与设计实践中,指导武罐高速公路的路线选择与设计,验证了研究成果的可行性。高烈度地震峡谷区公路选线理论与方法研究采用现场调查、数学建模、理论分析、工程验证相结合的研究方法,提高了数据分析与管理的精度,丰富了我国公路选线方法和理论体系。不仅对高烈度地震峡谷区公路建设具有重要的实践意义,对保障重大交通工程地震安全、协调公路与自然环境的关系具有长远的意义,而且对进一步推进我国交通事业的科学发展有着重要的理论意义。

【Abstract】 With the frequent earthquake in China, strong vibrations on the surface of Earth causedby the energy release from crust lead to serious damage to the roads, bridges and otherinfrastructures in gorge area. On the other hand, Existing selection method lacks considerationthe earthquake risk in high seismic intensity canyon region that intensifies the damage degreeof regional lifeline. Therefore, an essential question has been raised as to discuss spatialdistribution characteristics of earthquake damage in highway corridors, take into account andassess potential seismic risk, establish theoretical system of highway alignment selection forhigh intensity seismic canyon region, which are not only the basic issues, but also the urgentneeds of assigning construction tasks reasonable and realizing harmony with the environment.Sponsored by special funds of ministry of transport “Research on the key technology ofhighway’s anti-seismic and disaster reduction in reconstruction of Wenchuan earthquake” andwestern traffic technology funds “Research on optimization design of Wuguan expresswayanti-seismic and disaster control technology”, This thesis focuses on the highway alignmentselection in high seismic intensity canyon region. Based the theory of risk analysis andmanagement, the theory and method of highway alignment selection in high intensity seismiccanyon region are researched, in order to solve highway alignment selection and designproblems under complex conditions in seismic areas.In response to the limitation of existing theory system and method of highway alignmentselection, the main content is proposed. Using geographic information system, remote sensing,and global positioning system, the earthquake disasters are surveyed along the highwaycorridors in Wenchuan earthquake areas. The major disaster model is summarized and thespatial distribution characteristics are analyzed. Considering the zonal distribution of seismicdamage to highway, from three aspects of conceptual, logical and physical to design thestructure of spatial database, based on GeoDatabase, the heterogeneous spatial database forhighway earthquake disaster is established. Under the technical support of ArcGIS, based onspatial data mining theory, this dissertation presents a attribute correlation method of highwayearthquake data. The data model of attribute correlation between geological disaster andenvironmental factors is established, and the laws of zonal distribution along highwaycorridors are revealed.For the outstanding characteristics of earthquake risk in high intensity seismic canyonregion, the dissertation discusses the selection method for highway corridor risk-oriented andillustrates the specific contents of risk-oriented from the perspective of system engineering.Combining the method of main component analysis and experts surveys, the dissertationscreens out peak acceleration, vegetation coverage, formation lithology and slope asassessment factors that have significant effect on regional earthquake risk. Based on cloudmodel theory, the method of specifying assessment weights is proposed using cloud model and analytical hierarchy process, and the risk assessment model for highway earthquake isestablished, which express potential earthquake risk and improve the quantitative degree ofearthquake risk assessment.Analyzing the key factors influencing the alignment selection in depth, the dissertationestablishes an assessment system with two levels-a criteria level with risk, economy, safe,environment as index, an alternative level with9-single-factor as index. Using ArcGIS andconsidering the need of alignment selection assessment, the calculation method andquantitative model of assessment factor are established. Introducing multiple attributeassessment theory considering the interact requires between decision makers, the dissertationproposes the multiple attribute assessment method with integrated degree and matched degreein high intensity seismic canyon region, establishes approach model for alignment selectionintegrated degree and matched degree, and illustrates specific assessment procedure, which allprovide technological support for reasonable alignment selection.Analyzing the highway alignment design indexes and the relationship between theirvalues with earthquake, the key design indexes for alignment selection in high intensityseismic canyon region are specified, and factors of the reasonable plan, vertical and horizontalalignment layout are proposed. According to the rescue vehicle characteristics and followingthe standards of highway earthquake risk hierarchy, the specific method for rescue highway ismade. Using three-dimensional discrete mathematical modeling, for different seismic waveparameters-frequency, amplitude and duration-and angle of rocks, the influence laws of slopeheight and gradient on dynamic displacement of slope are revealed, and a reasonable regionfor height and gradient in earthquake areas is proposed. From the aspects of bridge, tunnel andretaining projects, a reasonable layout method for highway infrastructures in earthquake issummarized.In the case study of Wuguan expressway, the method, index system, model researchedabove are applied in alignment selection and design, which verifies the feasibility of researchresults.This theory and method for alignment selection combines field surveys, mathematicalmodeling, theory analysis and construction verification, improves the precision of dataanalysis and management, enriches highway alignment selection methods and theory systemin our country. It has an important practical meaning not only for the highway construction inhigh intensity seismic canyon region, but also for harmonious relationship between highwayand environment; and further more, it has an important theoretical meaning for the scientificdevelopment of transportation in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

