

Study on the Acceptance Behavior of Ideological and Political Education

【作者】 刘新全

【导师】 罗承选;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 思想政治教育实效系于接受行为。如果受教育者不接受思想政治教育内容,教育活动便不能从实质意义上开始,其目的和价值也得不到体现,因此接受行为研究在思想政治教育理论中居于十分重要的地位。接受行为作为思想政治教育研究的理论核心,是完整理解思想政治教育接受现象的关键所在,而提升思想政治教育接受的实效,必须要以接受行为作为理论主干,明晰接受主体视野中的“真实”影响因素及其作用机制,在此基础上,才能分析思想政治教育影响要素的结构与功能,建构提升思想政治教育实效的科学路径。思想政治教育接受行为作为一个独立的系统性存在,必然受到主体与环境的影响。通过系统分析方法、文献分析方法、心理分析等方法,以马克思主义特别是其需要理论为基础,借鉴传播学受众理论、接受学(接受美学)、行为科学以及社会学特别是社会化理论的相关知识,以接受主体的现实生存为切入,从系统观的角度审视思想政治教育接受行为的机制与过程,厘清其系统内部核心要素之间以及与外部环境要素的关联形式与作用方式。以此为基础,通过对思想政治教育接受现状的评估分析,明确影响接受行为发展的内外部因素及其作用,进而探寻思想政治教育接受行为的优化方案和途径,使得思想政治教育接受研究的现实出发点与逻辑旨归达于统一。本研究首先阐释了思想政治教育接受行为研究的理论依据与知识借鉴问题,在此基础上,以接受者的现实生存为切入,展开对思想政治教育接受行为内涵、机制与过程的分析与界定。通过对思想政治教育接受行为内涵与过程的界定,提出了评估思想政治教育接受状况的“行为—过程”方法,并以此方法对当下思想政治教育接受状况进行了评估与致因分析,寻求导致接受行为不尽如人意的症结所在。以思想政治教育接受行为发生的内外机制以及相关影响因素的分析为基础,本研究对提升思想政治教育接受行为有效性的方案进行设计,提出了改进的范围与方式的择定原则,并在思想政治教育体系调适与功能提升,社会环境优化与主体自觉方面进行分别阐释。主要结论是:(一)思想政治教育接受行为是作为现实存在的接受者基于其自身现实生存或生活样态的感性经验与理性判断而对社会环境做出的一种能动反应。其过程主要是接受主体体认到其思想政治素质的现实状态与政治体系所设定的理想状态之间存在“状态差距”,并且认为这种“状态差距”会对其个人发展或利益实现具有负面影响,在自身需要的内驱与外在“诱因”的刺激下,对思想政治教育内容进行的能动反应,通过知情意信行以及反馈调节等环节构成的完整活动过程;思想政治教育接受行为发生的内部机制是源自接受主体的,主要是需要驱动、角色预期—理性选择、情境感受—感性选择与社会比较等机制;而外部机制是外在环境(包括教育)对思想政治教育接受行为的影响机制,包括角色引导、社会强化与群体认同机制。(二)当前思想政治教育接受现状是:(1)接受前提:需要旺盛,然诱因呈供有缺失;(2)接受动机:多为素质与发展,然功利色彩浓厚;(3)接受环节上知识性认知丰富,价值性认知相对模糊;情感认同正向,然理性基础不足;意志-践行的有效转化不足,(4)最终结果:接受者信以为“真”与信以为“值”的纠结以及信念坚定与信仰多元化的矛盾。而造成上述接受行为现状的症结主要是接受动力不足和接受行为环节的转化不畅或断裂;而具体原因是思想政治教育接受的诱因呈现不足,接受者对思想政治教育接受之价值的经验欠缺。(三)提升思想政治教育接受行为的优化方案需要以人的生存方式为依据调适思想政治教育体系,以单位为依托,强化对单位人的教育;以社会组织为依托,普及对组织人的教育;以社会服务和社会保障为依托,扩展为原子人的教育,实现思想政治教育影响从中心到边缘的辐射与效果的累积;按照有限且有效的原则优化社会环境,经济方面重发展与公平,政治领域重廉洁与高效;文化方面重先进文化的弘扬与对大众文化的引领;对需求牵引与技术推动的提升思想政治教育功能,贯彻以受教育者为本的理念,关切受教育者的需求与利益,对实践教学予以提升与拓展;对主体而言,要通过提高其对思想政治教育与个人发展之关系的认识,塑造稳固心理素质以及积极参与社会实践,了解世情、国情、民情,从而唤起思想政治教育接受的主体自觉。

【Abstract】 The performance of Ideological and Political Education depends on the acceptanceeffect, and the key of Ideological and Political Education is the content of educationidentified and accepted by the educated. If the educated cannot accept the content,Ideological and Political Education is worthless, and its aim and value can not beactualized. As the media between the instructor and educate, the acceptance behavior isvery essential in the theory and practice field of Ideological and Political Education.The acceptance behavior of Ideological and Political Education is an integratedprocess, it means that under the influence of social environment, especially the educationcontrol influence. By the research method of systems analysis, document analysis,psychological analysis and procedure analysis, the paper bases on the Marxism theory, andthe communication science and the receptional aesthetic also can be used for reference.The paper analyses the IPE acceptance behavior mechanism and procedure, and evaluatesthe current situation, explores the improvement of the IPE acceptance behavior.Based on the analysis to the IPE acceptance behavior’s Theoretical Basis andReference Knowledge,the paper defines the IPE acceptance behavior’s connotation,mechanism and procedure. As a result, the paper proposes the procedure appraisal methodto IPE acceptance behavior based on the acceptance behavior’s procedure character. By theanalysis the cause and influence factors, the paper proposes the improvement design. Bythe analysis, the Paper’s innovative aspect lies in the following:(1) IPE acceptance behavior is based on the acceptance subject’s survival. theacceptance subject cognizes the gap between his(her) realistic state of ideological andpolitical quality and the ideal state of ideological and political quality defined by politicalsystems, and living and development, physical and spiritual interest harm caused by thegap, so droved by the interior need, the subject reflects, cognizes, appraises and shapes theattitude and intention to put it into practice, and receive the feedback, adapt the acceptancebehavior in the end. By the effective acceptance behavior, the subject can make selfideological and political quality approaching to the ideal state, and eliminate self tension.The process of acceptance behavior has the general features that the happeningprecondition is need from the subject and incentive from exterior, and the need integratedby incentive shapes the motivation of behavior, and the acceptance behavior link consistsof cognition, affection, faith, practice, and reception of the feedback and adjustment.(2)To completely comprehend the current performance of Ideological and Political Education acceptance, especially the behavior link, research by the method ofbehavior-process is necessary. By the sample of the collage student, the appraisals tocurrent performance is that in the acceptance behavior foundation filed, there is lots ofwant or need, but incentive is poor presented; in the respect of acceptance motivation,more for self quality or development, but more for self utility; in the respect of behaviorlink, cognition of knowledge is enough, but value judgment is poor, affective identificationis positive, but its rational basis is poor; and the willingness-practice phase cannot beeffectively realized; as a result, their belief is pluralistic. So the crux of the currentacceptance behavior of Ideological and Political Education is the driving force is notenough, and the link of acceptance behavior is not continuous. The concrete reasons arepoor present of incentive of the acceptance of Ideological and Political Education and theinadequate experience of the subject to the value of the acceptance of ideological andPolitical Education.(3)The design to optimize the acceptance level must insist on the effective approachand limited bound. In the aspect of environment, government officer Style construction isessential. In the aspect of education, Ideological and Political Education must highlight itsindividual value. In the aspect of the subject, the educated need consciously act.


