

Study on Dynamic Characteritics and Vibration Stability of the Screed

【作者】 孙健

【导师】 徐桂云;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着公路建设事业的迅速发展,对于路面的要求也在不断提升。混凝土摊铺机是铺筑高等级路面的主要设备,是边走边作业的施工机械,熨平板性能的好坏是决定所摊铺路面质量的关键因素。为解决摊铺机熨平板施工过程中出现的振动过大、振动均匀性差等问题,本文建立了熨平板的动力学模型及虚拟样机模型,对熨平板的动态特性及振动稳定性进行了研究,分析了熨平板各参数对其振动稳定性的影响。通过结构参数调整,使熨平板的性能得到了很大的改善,对工程具有重要的实践意义和工程价值。首先,通过对熨平板工作原理的分析,建立了熨平板压实装置双振捣机构的动力学模型并进行了分析,研究了双振捣机构的动力学特性。在此基础上,进一步建立了熨平板的理论计算模型,分析了熨平板在不同参数下的动态特性,为后续的研究提供必要的理论基础。其次,应用结构有限元分析法对熨平板进行了有限元分析,研究了系统的结构动力学特性,得到了其静态变形和主要的振动模态及模态频率。基于模态分析结果,采用灵敏度分析法对熨平板结构进行动力学修改,通过结构优化提高熨平板的刚度,使熨平板的各阶模态频率多数避开了工作频率,提高了熨平板的稳定性和工作可靠性。依据熨平板的实物模型,建立了熨平板的可视化三维数字模型,根据熨平板的实际约束状态,将斜支撑和动臂视作柔性体,采用ADAMS软件建立了熨平板的刚柔耦合虚拟样机模型,详细分析了熨平板在不同作业参数和工况下的动态特性,并设计及进行相应的实物试验进行对比验证。通过研究,发现了熨平板各作业参数对其振动稳定性的的影响规律,为摊铺机熨平板的设计及施工参数的调整提供了指导。最后,进行系统结构的改进设计的研究。依据建立的虚拟样机模型及动态分析结果,研究提高熨平板振动稳定性的方法。通过优化调整振动机构的结构参数,提高熨平板的横向振动稳定性;对双振捣机构进行惯性力平衡分析,优化其结构参数,减少双振捣机构产生的惯性力对熨平板的影响;研究熨平板的振动机构安装位置及双振捣机构间相位差对熨平板动态特性的影响。以数字方式进行,避免了物理样机的重复建造和改制,能够很好的缩短产品开发周期和降低成本,且使后续建造的物理样机的性能更加可靠和成熟。通过对熨平板改进前后的对比分析,得到改进后,熨平板的振动稳定性得到很大提高,改进效果显著。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of highway construction, the requirement ofpavement also increases. Concrete paver is a main equipment of paving high graderoad and is the construction machinery while walking to work, the screed of paver hasa very important role in the quality of construction whether its performance is good ornot. To solve the problems of excessive vibration and poor vibration uniformity ofpaver screed appeared in the process of construction, In this paper, the dynamicsmodel and the virtual prototype model of screed is presented, the dynamiccharacteristics and vibration stability of the screed is studied, and the effects ofparameters on the vibration stability of screed is analyzed. Screed performance hasbeen greatly improved through structural parameter adjustment, and the project hasimportant theoretical and practical significance.First, the dynamics model of double-tamper mechanism is established throughthe analysis of the principle of the mechanism, and the dynamic characteristics isstudied. On this basis, the theoretical model of screed is established for the analysis ofthe dynamic characteristics of the entire screed, which provide the necessarytheoretical basis for the follow-up study.Secondly, finite element analysis was carried out on the screed with the finiteelement analysis software ANSYS to study the structure dynamics of the system, andthe static deformation, mainly vibration modal and modal frequency is obtained. Thestructural dynamics modification was carried out to make the each modal frequencyof screed as far as possible to avoid working frequency, in order to prevent the bodyvibration is too large to affect the quality of pavement paving.Based on the physical model of screed, the visualization of3D digital model ofscreed is established. According to real constraint state of the screed, taking theinclined support and movable arm as a flexible body, the virtual prototype model ofrigid-flexible coupling of the screed is established by using ADAMS software, and thedynamic of screed is analyzed in detail under different operation parameters andworking conditions, and the corresponding physical experiment is designed andcarried out to compare and verify. Through research, the influence of the operationparameters on the ironing plate vibration stability is founded, which provides areference for the design of paver screed and the adjustment of constructionparameters. Finally, the practical application of research to improve the design of the systemstructure is carried out. According to the virtual prototype model and dynamicanalysis results, the method of improving the screed vibration stability is researched.By optimizing the structural parameters of the vibration mechanism to improve thelateral vibration stability of the screed. Inertia force balance analysis is carried out onthe double-tamper mechanism to optimize the structure parameters and as far aspossible reduce the influence of inertia force produced by the vibrating mechanism onthe screed. The impact regularity of the vibration mechanism installation location andthe phase difference between double-tamper mechanism as a result of the screed isobtained. The study is performed digitally to avoid duplicate construction andrestructuring of the physical prototype, which can very good to short productdevelopment cycles and lower costs and make the subsequent construction of physicalprototypes more reliable and mature. Through the analysis of the contrast before andafter the improvement, after improved, the vibration stability of the screed get greatlyimproved, and the improved results is remarkable.


