

A Criticism of the Essentialist and Anti-essentialist Teaching Theory: a New Alternative

【作者】 杨丽

【导师】 李长吉;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 无论是本质主义,还是反本质主义都很难拯救陷入困境的中国教学论,宇宙及教育世界的联系性、复杂性、多样性,迫切需要一种令人确信的、综合性的洞察力,一种能够把诸多知识碎片整合为某种一般的、内在一致的统一体的思维方式,一种追求心灵与身体、事实与价值、守恒与变化统一的认识论,怀特海的有机理解模式迎合的这种需要。本论文旨在说明有机教学理论或许是教学论发展的理想选择,能使中国教学论研究摆脱困境,走向充满生机之路。论文共分六部分内容。第一部分内容为论文的第一和第二章,主要论述研究的源起、研究的目的和意义、主要概念界定、相关研究综述、研究方法与创新之处、研究思路与内容。第二部分内容为论文的第三、第四章。考察了西方哲学史上实体观的生成路径,从中我们感受到从唯实论与唯名论之争,到今天的本质主义与反本质主义的对峙,这一对思想伙伴事实上难兄难弟,彼此荣辱与共存亡一体。在此的基础上,论述了本质主义认识论生成之基础的十七世纪实体哲学的主要内容及其方法论特征,并分析了实体哲学所存在的局限性:实体哲学没有明确提出“简单位置”和“实体-属性”的理论假设;实体哲学犯了“具体性误置的谬误”;宇宙中不存在不变的、孤立的和“具体”的实体;实体二元论对哲学发展具有灾难性;实体哲学以感性知觉为基础的认识论具有狭隘性;实体哲学在方法论上具有局限性;实体哲学给社会进步带来不利影响。第三部分为论文的第五章和第六章。第五章旨在通过考查说明与我国文化不很切合的实体思维方式在我国是存在的,实体理解模式从传入我国(1840年)至今已有170多年的历史,对我国教学理论和实践的影响其影响共分六个时期,在不同时期有不同特点,20世纪70年代至90年代中期的特点是本质主义认识论至上。这六个时期是:实体理解模式开始传入,科学成为学校的必修课程(1840-1910);科学主义思想的占统治地位,教学实验实证研究方法受到推崇(1911-1948);“科学主义”一枝独秀,教学理论研究关注规律(1949-1965);教学理论和实践处于黑暗时期,实体理解模式被淹没(1966-1976);本质主义认识论至上,实体教学理论占支配地位(1977-1994);实体教学理论面临危机,反本质主义认识论兴起(1995-现在)。在此基础上,第六章专门探讨了本质主义知识观与认识论路线概况,分析了本质主义教学理论的追求与主张:在理论建构上,追求教学理论体系的建立;在研究内容上,以认识本质、规律等“确定性知识”为宗旨;在价值取向上,倾向科学主义;在研究方法上,以实验、观察等实证方法为主。同时,指出本质主义教学理论研究面临的三大困境:教学论研究对象与教学理论追求的背离、单向的科学研究方法与丰富的教学世界不对称、单纯的逻辑理解与经验的全面性相违背。第四部分为论文的第七章,论述了反本质主义对本质主义知识观和认识论的批判、反本质主义知识观和认识论的主要内容,阐释了反本质主义教学理论的主要观点:在理论建构上,反对“宏大叙事”,追求微观研究;在对事物理解上,放弃本质、规律的探寻,追求“民主的真理观”;在价值取向上,放弃科学主义,追求生命的意义;在研究方法上,否实证研究,主张叙事研究等质的研究方法。论述了人们对反本质主义及其教学理论八大方面的批判:“本质”是不可消解的;走向极端的反本质主义会导致不可知论和虚无主义;反本质主义否定有余建设不足,缺少方法论指导;在社会伦理方面可能会导致伦理道德的终结;反本质主义所强调的对事物的“描述”本身就包含了对本质的考察;只强调教育叙事研究等质性研究方法会陷入相对主义;教育世界中存在着确定性;反本质主义主张祛除教学目标的预设是不符合实际的。第五部分内容为论文的第八、第九章,介绍了不同于实体理解模式与“反本质主义”理解模式的、一直没有引起人们足够重视的有机理解模式,它旨在调和二者的,可能会使教学理论研究走出困境迎来新生。在阐释有机哲学的范畴体系、基本概念、基本原理、时空观、宇宙观和规律观的基础上,着重分析了有机哲学的知识观与认识论的路线概况:知识具有有机性和整体性,哲学要追求一般观念;“宏大叙事”对宇宙的阐释是近似的,体系要有开放性;“是其所是,在其所在”都是要认识的,守恒和变化都要坚守;“认识”包含三个因素:主体、资料和主体形式;因果效验、直接表象、符号指称是“认识”的三个阶段。论述了注重整体、强调联系、重视过程、不走极端、圆通融洽、超越门户之见的有机哲学方法论:理论支配方法,特殊的方法只适用于相关的理论;哲学要明晰自己的理论追求;思辨哲学体现了“合用的假设”的方法;有机哲学要明确哲学所诉诸的证据;处理证据的主要方式是描述归纳法。“活着,好好地活着,更好地活着”是有机哲学方法论的精神所在!第六部分为本论文的最后一章,提出以有机哲学为主要基础的有机教学理论,有助于摆脱我国教学理论研究在本质主义和反本质主义教学理论之间进行选择的两难困境,中国教学论发展应走“有机”之路。并认为有机教学理论要在以下六方面做出努力:在教学理论建构上,追求开放的“宏大叙事”,强调理解的整体性;在对教学理论认识上,坚持五个追求,不断完善发展;在对事物理解上,“是其所是”与“在其所在”都要研究,重视事物的意义性;在价值取向上,追求事实与意义的统一,重视经验的全面性;在研究方法上,质的研究与量的研究并重,尊重世界的丰富性;在未来发展上,进行观念的冒险,不断扩大理解。中国教学论发展正在面临自己以及人类生存与发展的挑战,无论是本质主义,还是反本质主义都很难拯救陷入困境的中国教学论,宇宙及教育世界的联系性、复杂性、多样性,迫切需要一种令人确信的综合性的洞察力,一种能够把诸多知识碎片整合为某种一般的、内在一致的统一体的思维方式,怀特海的有机哲学迎合的这种需要。相信追求心灵与身体、事实与价值、守恒与变化统一的怀特海的“认识论”与中国文化的结合会给中国教学论发展带来新的思维。中国教学论发展,既应有大胆的思辨,也应该有在逻辑和事实面前的谦卑,这应该是中国教学论发展的生存之道。

【Abstract】 Neither essentialism nor anti-essentialism can save Chinese teaching-theory studiesfrom their dilemma. The relevance, complexity, and diversity of the universe in generaland of the educational world in particular urge the appearance of a special assuring andcomprehensive insight; a new thinking mode which is able to integrate variousfragments of knowledge into a general, inherently consistent unity; a particularepistemology which seeks for the balance between soul and body, facts and value,consistency and change. Whitehead’s organic mode of understanding can meet the need.This thesis argues for the possibility of the organic teaching theory as an ideal choice forthe development of teaching studies. This choice may relieve present Chineseeducational theories studies from an embarrassing situation and bring in fresh air.The thesis falls into six parts. The first part consists of Chapter One and Two,illustrating the original motivation of this research, its aim and significance, definitionof the major concepts, an overview of the relative studies, and my own approaches,research thought, and the content.The second part is composed of Chapter Three and Four. Having examined thebecoming route of the conceptions of substance in the history of western philosophy,this part states the major content and methodological features of the philosophiesstudying substances in17thcentury as the basis for the development of the essentialistepistemology; and it also points out the limits of the philosophies of this kind: they holdthe assumptions of “simple location” and “substance-quality” and accordingly commit,in Whitehead’s words,“the fallacy of misplaced concreteness”. Actually there is nosubstance which exists in isolation and unchanged. The substance-quality dualism isdisastrous for the development of philosophy; based on sensationalism, its epistemologyhas its own narrowness, its methodology has its own limits. The philosophy exertsunfavorable influence on the development of human society.Chapter Five and Six belong to part three. Chapter Five focuses on the influencesof essentialist notion since its introduction to China (1840) upon teaching theories andpractice. The influences have been extending in six periods: its being introduced to China, the period when natural sciences were accepted as compulsory courses at school(1840—1910); in the second period, scientism had gained its dominant position withexperimental and positivist methods widely admired and practiced (1911—1948);scientism dominated the third period with close attention drawn to fundamental laws inteaching theory studies (1949—1965); the fourth period was the dark age for Chineseeducational theories and practice when positivist teaching approaches were submergedin the revolutionary torrent (1966—1976); as essentialism was again passionatelyadvocated, the fifth period had the positivist approaches regain their dominant position(1977—1994); from1995up to now we have the sixth period in which, as theanti-essentialism arises, the traditional essentialist methods are facing their crises. Basedon the above-mentioned knowledge, the sixth chapter is devoted to studies ofessentialist conception of knowledge and, briefly, the development of its epistemology,analyzing its pursuit and positions in teaching theories: namely, seeking for establishinga theoretical teaching system; aiming at “definite knowledge”, such as essence and laws;as value-orientation is concerned, tending to advocate scientism; as to research methods,the positivist ones, experimental and observational, are mainly adopted. It is alsopointed out that the essentialist studies of teaching theory faces three greatdilemmas-irrelevance of the objects of some theoretical studies to what the teachingtheory basically seeks for; ill-balance of the one-sided research with the colorfully vivideducational world; pedantry of purely logical reasoning without concreteexemplification.The fourth part is the seventh chapter of this thesis, illustrating howanti-essentialism criticizes the essentialist conception of knowledge and itsepistemology; introducing the main points of anti-essentialism in regard to itsconception of knowledge and its epistemology: opposing grand narrative andadvocating micro-research in constructing a theory; in understanding concrete things,giving up essence-and-law seeking, sticking to the idea of “democratic truth”; invalue-orientation, pursuing the significance of life, rather than exalting scientism; as toresearch method, rejecting essentialist approaches, advocating the ones attachingimportance both to narrative and essence-research.This part also discusses how people criticize anti-essentialism in eight dimensions:essence can not be ruled out; extreme anti-essentialism may lead to agnosticism and nihilism; anti-essentialism is more negative than constructive, short of methodologicalguidance; over-stressed anti-essentialism may put an end to ethics and morality; it isself-contradictory of anti-essentialism to stress the description of things, as descriptionitself contains examination of essence; exclusive emphasis of qualitative research ineducational narrative studies may fall into relativism; certainty does exist in educationalworld; anti-essentialist urge to rule out presupposed teaching aims is not practical.Part five contains Chapter Eight and Nine. It introduces organic mode ofunderstanding, which is different from essentialist and anti-essentialist ones and towhich adequate attention has not been paid. This mode of understanding aiming atintegrating the other two and it may relieve the present teaching studies in China fromthe dilemma and lead to their rebirth. After explaining organic philosophy regarding itscategoreal system, basic notions, basic principles, its temporal-spatial conception, itscosmology and its ideas about laws, this part mainly analyzes its theory of knowledgeand its epistemology: knowledge is organic and integrative and what philosophy seeksis generality;“grand narrative” provides only an approximate description of theuniverse, a system should be open and adequate; both “what it is” and “where it is”must be known, diversity and identity should both be taken into consideration;“knowledge” consists three factors: subject, data, and subjective form; the three steps ofknowledge are: causal efficacy, presentational immediacy, and symbolic reference;This part also discusses process philosophy’s methodology: taking things asintegrative, stressing the importance of relatedness, process, and harmony, rejectinggoing to extremes and parochial prejudices. This methodology holds that theorypresupposes method, special methods apply to special theories; philosophy must clarifyits own theoretical pursuit; speculative philosophy embodies the method of “properassumption”; organic philosophy attempts to make certain the evidence to whichphilosophies appeal to; the major method to handle evidence is descriptivegeneralization.“To live, to live well and to live better”, that is what organic philosophyadvocates!Part Six is the last chapter of this thesis. It strongly believes that Chinese teachingtheory studies should follow an “organic” route. Efforts should be made in the followingsix dimensions: adopt an open “grand narrative” method in the construction of teachingtheories, stressing integrative understanding; in the process of absorbing new teaching theories, stick to five pursuits, constantly polishing them in accordance with facts; inunderstanding things, study both “what it is” and “where it is”, digging out theirinherent significance; in value-orientation, try to achieve the unity of facts andmeanings, paying close attention to comprehensive experiences; both qualitative andquantitative researches should be stressed and respect should be paid to the richness ofthe world; during the future development, be brave enough to widen one’s own scopeand to go through “adventures of ideas”.Modern Chinese teaching-theory studies are now, after their one hundred or so ofexperiences, facing, together with mankind in general, the challenge for its existenceand its development. Neither essentialism nor anti-essentialism can save them fromtheir dilemma. The relevance, complexity, and diversity of the universe in general andof the educational world in particular urge the appearance of a special assuring andcomprehensive insight; a new thinking mode which is able to integrate variousfragments of knowledge into a general, inherently consistent unity. Whitehead’s organicmode of understanding can meet the need. It is strongly believed that the integration ofWhiteheadean epistemology, which seeks for the balance between soul and body, factsand value, consistency and change, with Chinese culture will generate a new kind ofthinking mode for the development of teaching-theory studies in present China.“Speculative boldness must be balanced by complete humility before logic, and beforefact”, with this spirit the present teaching-theory studies are sure to develop favorably.


