

The Basic Study of Mechanical Properties on Diagrid Tube Structural System for High-rise Buildings

【作者】 赵丰

【导师】 陆化普;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 土木工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 高层斜交网筒结构体系是一种新型的结构体系,由桁架筒结构体系发展而来。主要特征为取消了竖向直柱,由斜柱相交连续环绕建筑外表面形成网格筒体。由于其具有建筑形式优美、抗侧刚度大、空间整体性能优越等特点,近年来已经出现于部分世界知名的高层与超高层建筑中。但高层斜交网筒结构体系的应用尚不成熟,依然局限于工程个案,相关理论研究也未深入展开,尚未建立对工程应用具有指导意义的理论体系。本文在总结斜交网筒结构的已有工程实践和理论研究资料的基础上,对高层斜交网筒结构体系的概念进行提炼,针对其在抗侧刚度、主要构件内力和结构延性等方面的基本力学性能展开研究。主要研究工作和成果如下:1、提炼高层斜交网筒结构体系的基本概念,拓展其立面网格布置与空间形式,并具体提出受力更加合理的直线与曲线变角度斜交网筒结构的网格布置方案。2、从高宽比、斜柱角度、主环梁跨数等几何因素方面,以及环梁刚度、角柱设置、杆件连接形式等结构因素方面对等角度斜交网筒结构进行抗侧刚度影响分析。结果显示斜交网筒结构抗侧刚度优于传统筒体结构,且存在最优的斜柱角度使斜交网筒结构抗侧刚度最大化。3、提出针对矩形平面、基于实际层间位移关系的斜交网筒结构斜柱截面初步设计方法。将该方法应用于变角度斜交网筒结构的抗侧刚度影响分析,确定变角度相对于等角度的优势范围,得出不同高宽比下最优的斜柱角度布置。4、结合剪力滞后分析对斜交网筒结构的斜柱内力特点进行研究。指出水平力作用下斜柱轴力分布不均,存在弱轴力斜柱。但从空间整体而言,斜交网筒结构剪力滞后效应低于传统筒体结构,其底层剪力滞比随斜柱角度增大而增大。5、对斜交网筒结构环梁内力特点展开研究。指出竖向荷载作用下转角区域的主环梁与相应楼板存在较大的拉力作用,并针对环梁与楼板受拉提出具体的改善措施。6、对斜交网筒结构进行弹塑性分析,指出其弹性承载力大,但结构延性较差。利用屈曲约束构件和钢管混凝土构件,对提高斜交网筒结构延性的方式展开具体分析讨论。

【Abstract】 The Diagrid Tube Structural System is an innovative structural system for high-risebuildings, which is developed from Braced Tube Structure. Generally, Diagrid TubeStructure utilizes diagonals, instead of the traditional vertical columns, to form anexterior tube. Compared with conventional tubular systems, Diagrid Tube StructuralSystem provides significant lateral resistance, and represents an excellent developmentfor tall buildings. In recent years, Diagrid Tube Structures have seen a worldwideapplication as the major structural system for certain tall buildings. However DiagridTube Structural System is only applied in a limited quantity of building cases, thesystematic research on it is not yet implemented.Based on the practical experience and the few existed research on diagridstructures, the basic mechanical behavior of Diagrid Tube Structural System isinvestigated in this dissertation. The main work and achievements are as follows:1) The basic conception of Diagrid Tube Structural System is extracted and theconfiguration of diagonals is developed. A preliminary design guideline specifically fortwo types of Diagrid Tube Structure composed of diagonals with gradually changingangles is proposed.2) With respect to the geometric parameters of height-to-width aspect ratio,diagonal angle, number of bays, along with the structural elements of main beam, cornercolumn, connection pattern, the sensitivity investigation of the lateral stiffness ofDiagrid Tube Structure composed of diagonals with uniform angle is conducted. Theresults indicate that the lateral stiffness of Diagrid Tube Structure is much larger thanconventional tubular structures, and the maximum lateral stiffness is achieved withoptimal diagonal angle.3) A valid method for estimating the cross-section area of diagonals in preliminarydesign of Diagrid Tube Structure is deduced. By using the section estimating method,the sensitivities of lateral stiffness of Diagrid Tube Structure composed of diagonalswith gradually changing angles is investigated. The advantage of diagonals withchanging angles over diagonals with uniform angle is confirmed. The optimalcombinations of diagonal angles are presented.4) The study on diagonal internal forces of Diagrid Tube Structure is conducted. Diagonals with relatively small internal forces are observed. However, due to the spatialbehavior of diagrids, the shear lag effect of Diagrid Tube Structure is smaller thanconventional tubular structure. The shear lag ratio at1st story increasesas the diagonalangle increases.5) Ring beam internal forces of Diagrid Tube Structure are analyzed, whichindicates that the main beams and nearby floors around corner suffer larger tensileforces. Several measures are considered to improve this phenomenon.6) The elasto-plastic analysis is conducted to evaluate the seismic performance ofDiagrid Tube Structure. Large overstrength is confirmed for Diagrid Tube Structure,however, the structural ductility is not sufficient owing to the buckling of diagonals.Buckling-Restrained Diagonals and Concrete-Filled Steel Tubes are used to improve thestructural ductility.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

