

Study on the Push-broom Infrared Imaging System Based on Imaging Fiber Bundle

【作者】 闫兴涛

【导师】 杨建峰;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(西安光学精密机械研究所) , 光学工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 针对推扫式红外遥感成像技术在高分辨对地观测领域的重要地位,结合我国红外遥感技术发展现状和长线阵红外探测器技术水平,本文研究了利用线面转换的异型红外光纤传像束线阵端实现大视场推扫,面阵端每根光纤与成熟的小面阵红外焦平面阵列像元间一对一耦合获得高分辨红外遥感图像的方法。该方法规避直接获取长线阵红外探测器的技术难度,对我国红外遥感技术的发展意义重大。全文对基于红外光纤传像束的推扫式红外相机系统的工作原理、结构组成、系统像质评价方法、各光学系统的选型设计、光纤传像束与光学系统间高效率耦合等关键技术进行了论述,并进行了推扫式红外光纤传像系统原理演示实验。分析出的系统调制传递函数表达式和仿真结果可用于系统的像质评价,对其它离散采样成像系统的光学系统设计和评价也具有指导意义。所介绍的像方远心型离轴三反光学系统设计方法简单快速,利用该方法设计的Wetherell型离轴TMA光学系统不仅可作为本文红外相机的前置望远系统,还可用作成像光谱仪等其它要求像方远心结构的各类仪器中。所设计的两种型式后继耦接系统结构参数、成像质量、温度灵敏度和公差分析结果等均满足设计要求,还可用作其它要求100%冷光阑效率的红外中继系统。所设计的用于红外光纤传像束耦合的微透镜阵列解决了系统填充率低、焦比退化引起耦合损耗大等问题,模拟结果表明,引入微透镜后可使系统的光能利用率提高40%以上,且所述设计方法还可设计用于红外焦平面耦合的微透镜阵列。最后进行了光纤传像红外系统推扫成像演示实验,获得了良好像质的拼接图像,实验结果及分析表明利用红外光纤传像束实现推扫成像具有可行性和优越性,为后续进一步的原理样机实现奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 For the push-broom infrared remote sensing imaging technology plays animportant role in the high-resolution earth observation, but the internal developmentof infrared imaging technology has been baffled by the technical level of long-lineararray infrared detector, the use of line-plane-switching infrared fiber bundle toachieve high-resolution push-broom infrared imaging has been studied in thisdissertation. In this method the linear array end of the imaging fiber bundle is usedas a long-linear array infrared detector and the plane array end of the bundle iscoupled by a mature small infrared focal plane array with the single fibercorresponding to the pixel of the focal plane one by one. It can evade the difficultyto get the long-linear array infrared detector directly, and has a signally significanceto the development of our country’s infrared imaging technology. This dissertationintroduces the composition, working principle and optical system design process ofthis novel infrared optical system particularly. And the key technology, such ashigh-efficiency coupling method, system pupil matching, and image qualityevaluation method of the system has been discussed respectively. Meanwhile, theexperiments to prove the feasibility of the system have been completed. Theexpression of the system’s modulation transfer function can be used for the imagequality evaluation of other similar discrete sampling imaging system. The opticalsystem design result and method of the telecentric structure off-axis TMA foretelescope system can also be used for the design of imaging spectrometer foretelescope. The designed two structure successor coupling system have good imagequality, small size, low temperature sensitivity and loose tolerance, which couldmeet the requirements of the100%cold diaphragm matching infrared relay system.The use of the microlens arrays for infrared fiber bundle coupling could solve theproblems, such as low fill factor, coupling loss caused by the focal ratio degradation of fibers and other issues, availably. The simulation results showed that the couplingefficiency of the system could be improved by40%. The design method of themicrolens arrays is also suitable for the microlens arrays coupling with infrared focalplane arrays. Finally, the system principle-demonstrating experiment has beenaccomplished, the results of which prove that the push-broom infrared camera basedon the imaging fiber bundle is feasibility and superiority. This experiment is thefoundation for the subsequent further verification experiments.


