

The Fortress Besieged Effect: the Study on the Social Values of Shouchun Ancient Town in Anhui Province

【作者】 郭福亮

【导师】 许宪隆;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 民族学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 价值观念作为观念的一种,指可能存在或实际存在的主、客体之间的价值关系,以及由此形成的相对稳定的心理行为取向或心理动态和行为定势。它是人们在一定环境中有关动机、目的、需要和情感意志的综合体现,构成了人们的精神面貌,广泛地影响着人们的生活。2006年10月,党的十六届六中全会提出了发扬社会主义核心价值观的号召,此为我国对价值观大传统的论述,那么老百姓小传统的价值观念是什么呢?基于这样的一种认识,本文选取寿春古镇作为田野点,运用主位和客位相结合的研究方法,对当地居民生活价值观念进行研究,归纳并阐释了“围城效应”,从而对理解社会转型期我国居民价值观念具有重要意义。全文共分八章。第一章从寿春镇的区位和历史沿革入手,对古镇人家进行描述,对古镇基本情况进行了介绍,为下文论述价值观念作了铺垫。第八章对产生寿春古镇价值观念的文化生境进行描述,指出价值观念是自然环境、文化积累、文化濡化的结果,并对当地价值观念进行评估。论文关于价值观念结构的分类,基本参照马斯洛的需要层次理论进行设计,因为需要是人的本性,人的需要是支配人的行为的内在动因,涉及到一定的心理行为取向或心理动态和行为定势,则是价值观念的问题。第二章主要通过问卷调查和个案访谈,从当地居民职业选择、职业等级、自我认同、人口迁移的流出和流入的“推拉”等几个维度,描述了寿春古镇居民职业价值观念,指出古镇居民在职业选择中“有些人渴望出去,而出去的人渴望回到古镇”的围城效应,以及作为小镇居民面对下岗再就业这个时代问题,而表现出的深层次价值观念。第三章对古镇居民财产观念分为财产获取和财产的支配两个层次进行长时段的考察,尤其对“当面锣对面鼓”、“时苗留犊”、“挖松土”等人们熟知的典故进行详述,对当下居民财产的观念进行评估。第四章对当地居民的生存性消费、发展性消费、享乐性消费观念,尤其对“穷身子富嘴”、“浮生偷得日日闲”等具有地域特色的价值观念进行解析,指出当前居民消费力上升,消费欲望被激发出来,但实际收入下降带来的困惑和价值观念上的冲突。第五章按照空间将居民分为城内和城外居民,城内居民按照不同民族分为回汉两个民族,然后对城内同一民族和不同民族居民、城内与城外居民的交往观念进行交互研究,揭示了传说背后的历史心性和外地人对当地人“欺生”的理解。第六章通过梳理寿春镇多元宗教文化,结合当地居民的信仰状况,剖析了贯穿居民生活的民俗宗教,尤其对当地三月十五日四顶山庙会的抱娃娃习俗和挖仙药等进行详述,对民俗中存在的所谓“迷信”进行合理性解释,试图寻找到当地居民生活和民俗宗教的内在逻辑。第七章是对居民幸福观念的论述,涉及到“福禄寿”观念、“光宗耀祖”观念和“知足常乐”观念、“尚节义”观念。文章最后是结论,借用钱钟书先生小说《围城》的论述,对寿春古镇价值观念的围城效应进行理论提升。总体上讲,寿春镇作为社会转型期的一个典型,其价值观念既具有普遍性、特殊性;在时序上又有延续性,兼具传统与现代;空间上的相对性,东西方价值观念的激烈碰撞。当然,寿春镇价值观念既包含促进当地社会发展的合理因素,又具有阻碍当地发展的因素。所以,客观认识价值观念,对有利于地区发展的价值观念要加以传承和发扬,对于阻碍社会发展和居民社会适应的价值观念要勇于清除。

【Abstract】 Values as one of the value may possible exist and actual existence between thesubject and object. It has formed the relative stability of psychology and the behaviororientation or psychological dynamic behavior and stereotype. It is the motivation,objectives, needs and emotions will of the people in a certain environment. It’s acomprehensive reflection of people’s spirit. Values widely influence and control peoplelife. In October2006, the party’s sixth plenary of sixteen session puts forward topromote socialist core values. This is the values of Great tradition of our country, andthen what are the people’s little traditional values. Based on such understanding ofvalues, this paper selects Shouchun ancient town as the field points, combining emicand etic approaches, studying the values of local residents, summarized and explainedthe meaning of the ’The Fortress Besieged Effect’. This study is very important to theunderstanding of the social transformation of our residents’ values.The paper is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter narrated the location andhistory of Shouchun town. And discussed the residents living in it and the source ofFortress Besieged. In Chapter8, described the cultural habitat how to produceShouChun town values, and pointed out the results of the natural environment, thecultural accumulation, cultural Acculturation is produce values. The classification ofvalues structure in this paper is based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Because peoplehave the needs, the needs have the relationship to a certain attitude, the attitude wasinvolves the values of people. The second chapter discussed the career values from localresidents career choice, career class level, identity of themselves and the ’push-pull’theory of ShouChun town through the questionnaire survey and case interviews. Thischapter points out that the residents in career choice reflect’ The Fortress BesiegedEffect’. As well as reflect the deep career values of the small town residents facelaid-off again obtain employment this age problem. The third chapter divided intoproperty access and control of the property of the two layers.Then, investigated theancient town citizens property values are n of long time, especially discussed"DangMianLuo DuiMianGu"," When ShiMiao left ShouChun town, he leave a calf inthe town ","dig SongTu" people well known values as the view details. The fourthchapter discussed on the survival of local residents’ consumption, development of consumption, hedonic consumption, especially for "poor body rich mouth","floating" tosteal day and idle "which reflect regional characteristics. In this chapter the authornoting the current residents the rise in consumer power, the consumer desire is inspiredby the Social situation, but the actual income is declined and brought about confusionand conflict in values. Chapter5divided the city residents and residents outside the cityaccording to space, and divided into the Chinese and Hui peoples of different ethnicgroups. Studying the same and different national peoples, the city and the townresident’s association concept on interactive, reveals the history truth behind the legendof the nature of mind and outsiders "strangers" misunderstandings. Chapter6analyzingthe ShouChun multiple religious culture and the residents of folk religion throughoutlife, especially for local March fifteen fair in top mountain temple combined with thelocal resident’s faith status, trying to find the local residents and the inner relations ofthe folk religion. Chapter7is discussed the concept of the happiness of local residents,involves ’FuLuShou’ concepts,’ To bring glory on one’s family and ancestors’,’Acontented mind is a perpetual feast’,’advocate integrity’ At last, the paper quoted Mr.Qian Zhongshu novel of fortress besieged to advance values and effects of values ofShouChun town.Generally speaking, ShouChun town as a typical town of the social transitionperiod. The values not only common, but also particularity. And both have the conceptsof traditional and modern, Eastern and Western values. At the same time, the valuescontain Positive factors to boost the development of the town and the negative factors toblock local development. So, we must make an objective evaluation of values,Inheriting and putting forward the Positive values and clearing the negative values.


