

Contemporary Reconstruction and Practical Reason of Buluotuo Culture in Zhuang Nationality

【作者】 刘婷

【导师】 柏贵喜;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 民族学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 传统文化当代重构是一个普遍的现象,特别是在文化产业发展的背景下,这种重构已成为各地政府发展地方经济的重要手段。布洛陀文化是壮族优秀的传统文化,2006年被列为第一批国家级非物质文化遗产。在壮族人民心中,“布洛陀”是创造万物之神,同时也是排忧解难的救世主。在“文化经济”浪潮席卷人类的时候,至高无上的“布洛陀神”也成为人们操弄旅游经济的资本。布洛陀文化在文化产业化背景下的重构是民族文化当代重构的缩影。当代民族文化的这种重构仅仅是一种行为乱象,抑或蕴含着其自身内在的逻辑?本文以布洛陀文化为个案,在田野调查的基础上,运用布迪尔的实践理论,对民族文化在当代语境下重构的参与力量及其关系网络、参与重构的主体间资本的转换与交换过程中所采用的策略与体现的权力等问题进行分析,不仅有助于我们对民族文化重构的实践有一个明晰的学理认识,而且有助于在实践上进一步认清和把握把民族文化征用于民族经济发展时应遵循的原则和规律,并在此基础上制定切实有效的“重构”策略、方针、政策,避免行为上的乱象与对民族文化资源的过度开发。本文主要采取解构—重构的内容表述思路和田野表述—理论分析的分析思路,将田野调查与文献研究相结合,对布洛陀文化重构历程、重构的主要方式,以及重构行为的内在逻辑进行详细分析。全文除导论外,主要分三大部分,共六章。第一部分(第一章)主要论述了传统的布洛陀文化及其现代解构,详述了布洛陀文化的分布及其文化内涵,分析了布洛陀文化的现代解构表现。第二部分(第二至第五章)主要依据田野调查资料对布洛陀文化当代重构进行民族志表述:第二章以时间为“经线”,空间为“纬线”,详述布洛陀文化当代重构的历程;第三章主要描述了布洛陀文化的广场化重构,广场化重构主要采用了文化表达的广场化、表现形式的艺术化、表现主题的集中化等方式;第四章主要研究了敢壮山布洛陀文化的重构,重点描述了祭祀空间与祭祀仪式的重构、布洛陀文化碎片的展示等;第五章重点描述了布洛陀文化乐舞化重构现象。第三部分(第六章)为理论分析与全文总结部分。这一部分运用布迪尔的实践理论,特别是布迪尔实践理论中的“场域”、“惯习”、“资本”、“权力”等范畴,对布洛陀文化当代重构的内在逻辑进行分析,并根据布洛陀文化重构的实践反思布迪尔实践理论中的相关概念。通过研究,本文认为:1、布洛陀文化是壮民族文化的典型代表,是壮民族文化精神的集中体现,它作为一种文化体系,主要包括布洛陀神话文化、布洛陀经诗文化、布洛陀歌谣文化、布洛陀宗教文化、布洛陀歌圩文化等。由于受到政治因素和现代化因素等多种因素的影响,布洛陀文化与其他民族文化一样在现代社会被解构,解构的基本形式表现为布洛陀文化系统的破坏与文化断裂、布洛陀文化的“解构阅读”与“解构记述”和布洛陀文化当代“建构的解构”等。2、布洛陀文化的当代重构是民族文化自觉、民间社会文化消费欲望的复醒、文化产业发展特别是文化旅游发展与商业利益驱动等多种因素综合作用的结果。文化重构在当代是对文化解构的反动,其在中国的普遍性说明文化重构的必然性。3、布洛陀文化的当代重构作为一种实践行为,有其自身的内在逻辑。布洛陀文化当代重构为我们呈现了一种布迪尔式的场域,在这种场域中,各类行动者的惯习、资本与权力得以充分的运用。而正是各类行动者惯习的表现,资本与权力的展演,各种力量的博弈,才维持了文化重构场域的存续。当然,本文研究的对象不是传统意义上的静态的文化产品,而是动态的文化生产和再生产的过程即文化重构过程。布洛陀文化当代重构过程为我们提供了更大的理论思考空间与价值。因此,我们从布洛陀文化当代重构的事实中看到了布迪尔实践理论的相关概念的局限性。如布迪尔将“文化再生产”看作是文化的自我创造,而文化重构与文化自我创造一样,也是人类实践的一种基本形式,文化重构可以看作是文化再生产的一种方式。布迪尔提出场域的概念,其目的是反思“社会”概念的抽象性,但其场域概念太过具体,以致于影响了这一概念的解释力。从布洛陀文化重构实践的具体事实中,我们看到了一个比布迪尔场域要大,比社会要小的社会关系的网络或社会空间,这就是复合场域。这一复合场域,也可称为社会的中层结构。在这一复合场域中,布洛陀文化重构的实践理性不再表现为经济人理性、社会理性、政治理性或文化理性等理性中的某一种理性,它是在复合性的场域中展现出来的复合的理性。正是这种复合的理性使我们找到了当代文化重构实践的内在运行逻辑。

【Abstract】 The modern reconstruction of traditional culture is a common phenomenon,especially under the background of culture industry development, this reconstructionhas already become an important method for many governments to develop their localeconomy. Buluotuo culture is a famous culture in Zhuang nationality and it has wonthe first national intangible cultural heritage in2006. buluotuo is the God who cancreate every thing as well as the Saviour who can get out worries and problems in theheart of Zhuang people. To meet the challenge of culture economy, the sovereignbuluotuo God has become the capital for people to control tourism economy. Bulutuoculture’s reconstruction under the background of culture industrialize is the epitome ofmodern reconstruction of national culture. Whether the modern reconstruction ofnational culture is just a behavior disorder or it includes the inner logic? This thesistries to analysize the problems as the partake of the national culture reconstructionunder the modern language environment, the transform of main part investment takingpart in this reconstruction, the strategies adopted in exchanging course, and theembodies power, etc. using the Buluotuo culture as a case, on the base of fieldwork,and adopting the theory of Pierre bourdieu’s practice theory. This analysis could notonly help us have a clearer theoretical understanding on practicing of national culturereconstruction, but also could help to grasp the principles and rules of the using ofnational cultures in national economy. Furthermore, on the base of this understandingto formulate the practical reconstruction strategies, rules and policies, and try to avoidthe behavior disorder and over-exploit of national culture resource.This thesis mainly adopts the deconstruction and reconstruction expressingmethods and Field expression theory analysis deconstructions, combining thefieldwork and literature survey together, analyses detailed the procedure of buluotuoculture’s reconstruction, the major methods of reconstruction and the inner logic ofreconstruction. This thesis consists of three parts, sis chapter except lead-in part. Thefirst part (chapter one) mainly expounds traditional buluotuo culture and modernreconstruction, the distribution and inner connotation of buluotuo culture and the representation of buluotuo culture’s modern reconstruction. Part two (chapter two tofive) give the Ethnography expression of buluotuo culture’s modern reconstruction onthe base of fieldwork materials. Chapter two using time as meridian and space asparallel, discusses in details about the procedure of buluotuo culture reconstruction.Chapter three mainly describe the Squared reconstruction of buluotuo culturereconstruction. And Squared reconstruction mainly adopts squared expression, theart presentation of expression, the centralize of expressing topic. Chapter four,discusses the reconstruction of Ganzhuang mountain buluotuo, and stresses on thesacrifices space and customs, the representation of buluotuo culture’s fragment.Chapter five places stress on buluotuo culture’s Danced and musiced reconstructionphenomenon. Part three (chapter six) is theory analysing part and conclusion part.This chapter uses Pierre bourdieu’s practice theory, especiallythe category of“champs”、“habitus”、“capital”、“power”inPierre bourdieu’s practice theory,expounds the inner logic of buluotuo culture modern reconstruction, and rethink therelative theories inPierre bourdieu’s practice theory according to the practice ofbuluotuo culture reconstruction.After research, the thesis finds the following results. First,buluotuo culture is thetypical represent of zhuang national culture. As a culture system, it mainly includesbuluotuo mythology culture, buluotuo poem culture, buluotuo ballad culture, buluotuoreligion culture and buluotuo music culture. Because of the influence of politicalfactors and modern factors, just like other national culture, buluotuo culture has beendeconstructed in modern society. The main forms of deconstruction are the damage ofbuluotuo system and culture fracture, the“Deconstructive reading”and“Deconstructivedescribed”and the “constructived Deconstruction”in buluotuo modern culture, etc..Second, the modern reconstruction of buluotuo’s culture is the results of notionalculture consciousness recovery, and the recovery of folk social culture consumptiondesire, the development of cultural industry, especially the culture tourismdevelopment and the drive of commercial profits. culture reconstruction is thereaction against culture deconstruction in modern society, and the commonphenomenon in china means the necessity of culture reconstruction. Three, themodern reconstruction in buluotuo as a practicing activity, has its inner logic. buluotuo culture modern reconstruction presents us a Pierre bourdieu type field, andin this field, the customs, capital and power of all kinds of actors could be fullyutilized. And just because of theses custom representations, the show of capital andpower, the contests of various powers, the culture reconstruction could maintain itsfields.Of course, the research target is not the traditional static culture products, but adynamic procedure of culture production and reproduction that is the procedure ofculture reconstruction. Buluotuo culture reconstruction provides us a wider theoreticalspace and greater value. Therefore, we could find the limitations of relative theories inPierre bourdieu’s practice theory from the facts of buluoto culture reconstruction.For example, Pierre bourdieu takes culture reproduction as self culture creation, whileculture reconstruction as the same as self culture creation, is also a basic form ofhuman practice, and culture reconstruction could be taken as a way of culturereproduction. Pierre bourdieu advances the concept of champ, the purpose is to thinkover the abstractness of “society”, but the concept of champ is too concrete, and itaffects the explanation of this concept. From the detailed facts of buluotuo culturereconstruction, we can find a social net or social space which is larger thanPierrebourdieued champ, and smaller than society, that is Composite field. This Compositefield could alse be called the medium structure. Under this Composite field, thepracticing rationality in buluotuo culture reconstruction would no longer be one of therationality of economic man, the society rationality, the politics rationality and culturerationality and so on. It is the mixed rationality showing in Compound field. And withthis mixed rationality, we find the inner logic of culture reconstruction.


