

The Study of Exploitation of National Culture Resources and Development of Cultural Industry in Wujiang River Basin

【作者】 熊正贤

【导师】 郑长德;

【作者基本信息】 西南民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文以乌江流域为研究地域,按照“提出问题——基础理论——分析评价——对策建议”的研究思路,对乌江流域民族文化资源开发与文化产业发展问题展开深入研究。具体而言,首先,系统梳理国内外相关研究领域的文献资料,厘清和界定文化、民族文化、民族文化资源以及文化产业的相关概念,并对国内外民族文化资源开发与文化产业发展的研究进展进行综述。在此基础上,借鉴民族学、资源学、经济学、管理学和热力学等相关学科的理论,从文化资源的开发与保护角度分析民族文化资源与文化产业的相关关系,从微观角度分析文化需求和供给的基本特征以及供需均衡,从宏观角度分析区域文化产业发展的“木桶”理论以及“协同创新”理论。认为文化经济一定程度上存在“时尚经济”和“注意力经济”特征,在文化需求上存在“炫富效应”和“攀比效应”,而区域文化产业的发展过程中存在“木桶”现象,“倾斜木桶”和“区域协同创新”可以一定程度上弥补要素瓶颈。其次,对乌江流域民族文化资源进行系统整理,分析其类型和空间分布特征,在此基础上,对乌江流域文化产业的发展概况进行归纳,并运用计量经济学中的协整理论和格兰杰因果检验对乌江流域文化产业发展的动力问题进行定量分析,然后从本土市场和外部市场两个方面分析该流域文化市场的拓展问题。分析表明乌江流域文化资源丰富而密集,但缺乏文化品牌的支撑,文化产业整体发展落后,其发展动力主要来自国民收入的增加和产业结构的调整,文化市场以本土市场为主,外部市场有待进一步拓展。最后,对乌江流域民族文化资源开发与文化产业发展中存在的问题进行归纳和总结,借鉴国内外文化产业发达地区的成功经验,提出适合该流域发展的几种模式,并提出针对性的对策建议。分析表明乌江流域文化产业发展的主要优势是民族文化资源,劣势是交通、人才、资本等生产要素以及发展理念落后等,发展方式上以“低端生产、低技术含量、低附加值”的粗放式发展方式为主。基于此,该流域在模式选择上,首选是区域协同创新模式和文化品牌开发模式,实现“倾斜木桶”效应,在条件较好的贵阳等地区可以采用综合开发模式,集聚区域内的文化经济要素,在其他地区可以选择特色项目突破和特色资源突破模式等,而重庆渝东南的区县经济体则适合采用小狗经济发展模式。此外,应从人才支撑、融资保证、科技融合、政策扶持、转变发展方式等方面弥补木桶短板,充分释放该流域文化资源开发与文化产业发展的潜力。

【Abstract】 The thesis takes Wujiang River Basin as the research area, in accordance with theideas of "questions-basic theory-analysis and evaluation-suggestions ",tries to discuss theexploitation of ethnic cultural resources and the development of cultural industry deeply.Specifically, first of all, the thesis sums up and comments the relevant research literatureboth at home and abroad systematically, to clarify and define the related concepts ofculture, national culture, national cultural resources and cultural industry. On this basis,with the help of the ethnology, resource science, economics, managementscience,thermodynamics theory and other related disciplines, the thesis makes a correlationanalysis of national cultural resources and cultural industry from the point of view ofdevelopment and the protection of cultural resources, makes a analysis of the basiccharacteristics about cultural demand,cultural supply and equilibrium between them fromthe microscopic point of view, makes a analysis of "barrel theory"and"collaborativeinnovation" of regional cultural industry from the macro point of view.believe there arephenomenon of the " fashion " and "attention economy "in the cultural economy,and"comparison effect"and"flaunt effect"in the cultural needs, and "bucket effect"in thedevelopment of regional culture industry,"tilt the barrel"and "regional synergeticinnovation "can remedy elements bottleneck partly.Secondly, the thesis arranges thenational cultural resource and sums up its types and characteristic of spatial distribution,then describes the general development of culture industry, applies the cointegration theoryand granger causality relationship test to analyze development power of cultural industry,then analyze the expansion of the cultural market from the two aspects of the local marketand the external market. Results show that Wujiang River Basin is rich in culturalresources, but lack of brand support, its cultural industry is backward, and the developmentimpetus came mainly from the growth of national income and the adjustment of industrialstructure, its cultural market is dominated by domestic market, external market remains tobe further.Finally, the thesis summarizs the existing problems, learn from the successfulexperience of domestic and foreign, put forward several modes of cultural industrydevelopment, and puts forward some specific countermeasures and suggestions. Analysisshows that Wujiang River Basin’s advantage is the national cultural resources, its disadvantage is traffic, talent, capital and development idea,at present,it take extensivedevelopment as the main development mode,its main features are "low production, lowtechnology content and low added value".Based on this, the basin should choosescollaborative innovation and culture brand development as the first choice of developmentmode, to achieve effcet of"tilt the barrel", some areas can choose integrated developmentmode to concentrate production factors,such as Guiyang area,some areas can choosecharacteristic items and characteristic resources development mode,some areas can choosethe puppy economy mode,such as Chongqing’s southeast, in addition, the government atvarious levels should make up for the short barrel plate from the perspective of talentconstruction, financing guarantee,technology integration, policy support and modetransformation fully release the potential of cultural industry.

  • 【分类号】G124
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1642

