

A Study on Tibetan Policies in the Republic of China(1912-1949)

【作者】 罗绍明

【导师】 郎维伟;

【作者基本信息】 西南民族大学 , 民族学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 中华民国的建立标志着中国开始了从传统帝制向现代民族国家的转型,民国时期西藏与中央的关系存在明显的波动现象,期间,中央政府对藏政策与举措、西藏方面的反应和行动出现相应地的演变。毋庸讳言,在列强殖民入侵的冲击和西方民族主义思潮的影响下,以及外国势力对藏事横加干预下,西藏地方政府一度产生向外寻求政治依靠甚至出现某种“独立”的倾向。不过,这种政治主张在民国时期的西藏政坛不仅没有占据主导地位,而且始终遭到“内向”派及僧侣阶层的强烈反对和抵制,在西藏社会中也没有广泛的民众基础。一方面,民国中央政府以国家统一为目的的“中华民族”国家建构思想与实践,以及对西藏采取的各种政策与措施,使得中央与西藏维系了基本正常的关系;另一方面,西藏和其他藏区的各界藏族精英在此期间进行的有利于“中华民族”国家统一和西藏民族前途的政治选择和政治行动,在不同程度上使得西藏延续了自元以来与中央政府所保持的传统的政治隶属关系。因此,要研究民国时期的西藏政策,必须结合中央、西藏地方及国际环境三个层面加以探讨,方为全面。学术界对于民国时期西藏与中央关系已有广泛深入的研究,关于西藏政策方面的研究,论者大多瞩目于中央政府对西藏的政策和措施,往往仅满足于对此作资料性的梳理,或对政策得失作是非评判,不见有人对西藏和其他藏区各界藏族精英人物在“中华民族”国家建构的过程中的反应和行动进行系统的专门研究。然而,民国时期的西藏政策、中央与西藏的相互关系是直接关涉中央政府和西藏地方两个方面的,研究中的割裂与缺憾,不利于把握西藏与中央关系演变的整体脉络。因此,本文的目的在于研究民国时期的西藏政策,结合探讨民国时期民族理论的演变,以及藏区各界藏族精英在“中华民族”国家建构过程中,作出怎样的政治选择和政治行动,并对他们在民国西藏与中央关系史上产生的作用和影响进行分析。本文拟从民族学、历史学的视角,遵循“论从史出”的原则,以精英研究为切入点,以近代思想家、政治家及民国执政者的民族思想、治藏政策与措施为研究对象,兼及西藏前后三位政教首领十三世达赖喇嘛、热振摄政和达札摄政、后藏政教领袖九世班禅、西康政教首领诺那呼图克图、西藏特使贡觉仲尼和刘曼卿、康藏精英、藏区抗日志士、西藏革命党等藏族精英(集团)的政治选择和政治活动,探讨中国在由传统帝制向现代民族国家转型的过程中,各种力量对西藏地方发展、国家统一产生的历史作用和影响。同时,从“中华民族”国家建构思想与实践、及西藏地方政治文化和外部国际环境的宏观角度,探讨民国时期的西藏政策、民族理论、以及西藏与中央相互关系演变的规律。

【Abstract】 The establishment of the Republic of China indicated that China began itstransition from traditional monarchy to modern nation-state, fluctuation exist obviousrelationship between Tibet and central in the period of the Republic of China, thecentral policy to Tibet and initiatives with Tibet action and reaction appearedaccordingly the evolution. Needless to say, in the influence of colonial invasion andthe impact of the western nationalism, and foreign forces of hidden things out, thelocal government of Tibet was generated outward seeking political rely on and evensome "independent" tendency, however, this kind of political opinion during theperiod of the Republic of Tibet politics not only occupy the leading position, strongoppose and resist and always was "introverted" pie and monks class, also does nothave the broad public basis in Tibet society. On the one hand, the centralgovernment’s thought and practice of "Chinese nation" states construction for thepurpose the unification of the country, as well as the Tibet adopted various policiesand measures, the central government and Tibet maintain the normal relationship. Onthe other hand, the political choice and action of Tibetan elite from all walks life inTibet and other Tibetan areas for the unity of the " Chinese nation" states and Tibetfuture, in varying degrees, makes Tibet continued the traditional political affiliationwith central government which has kept since Yuan Dynasty. Therefore, to study theTibetan policies in the period of the Republic of China, must be combined with theTibet central, local and international environment three aspects to discuss, for thecomprehensive.The academic community for relations of Tibet and central government duringthe period of Republic of China has been extensive and in-depth research, research on Tibetan policies, the most attention to the central government’s policies and measuresfor Tibet, often only meet to make data analysis, or the policy is not gain and lossevaluation, rarely has the special research for system of all the Tibetan elites’ actionand reaction in the process of "Chinese nation" state construction in Tibet and otherTibetan areas. However, Tibetan policies and the relationship of central governmentand Tibet during the period of the Republic of China is directly related to the twoaspects of the central government and Tibet local, fragmented and absence is notconducive to grasp the overall context of changes of the relationship between Tibetand the central government. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to study Tibetanpolicies during the period of the Republic of China, combined with the evolvement ofnational theory, and Tibetan elites from all walks in Tibet and other Tibetan areas,how to make political choices and political action in the process of "Chinese nation"states construction, and analysis on their influence and action in the relationship’shistory of Tibet and the central government.This paper from the perspective of ethnology and history, follow the principle of"discuss from historical materials", take the elite study as the breakthrough point, takemodern thinkers, politicians and the Republic of China government’s nationalideology, Tibetan policies and measures as the object of study, and Tibetan elites’political choice and action,such as the political and religious leader in Tibetan area:thethirteenth Dalai Lama,the regent of Rezhen and Dazha in front-Tibet, the ninthPanchen Lama in back-Tibet, Nuona Khutughtu in Khams area,special envoy forTibet:Konchok Jungne and Liu Manqing, Tibetan elite in Khams area, anti-Japanesepolitical activities, Tibetan Improvement Party, to explore various forces’ historicalrole and influence for national unity and Tibetan development in the process of Chinatransforming the traditional empire to the modern nation-state. At the same time, fromthe macroscopic angle of “Chinese nation" states construction’s thought and practice,and Tibetan politics and culture and the external international environment, to exploreTibet policies, national theory, as well as the evolvement rules of relationship betweenTibet and the central government during the period of the Republic of China.


