

Research on Multi-objective Aseismic Optimization of SRC Frame-RC Core Wall Hybrid Structure

【作者】 李志强

【导师】 郑山锁;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 SRC框架-RC核心筒混合结构是一种新型的结构体系,它以优良的抗震性能和耐久性而被广泛应用于高层和超高层建筑中。本文采用理论建模的研究手段,对SRC框架-RC核心筒混合结构各构件及整体结构进行系统的优化研究,具体研究内容如下:1.将SRC框架梁的工程造价最小化和正截面抗弯承载力最大化定为优化目标,并对其进行无量纲化处理,使得多目标的优化问题转化为单目标优化问题,采用线性加权法构造评价函数,通过调整加权系数来改变两个优化目标在优化中的重要程度。考虑到SRC构件的受力特性,在遗传算法(GA)的编码过程中应用层次分析法理论对各设计变量进行权重赋值,从而建立层次分析GA算法。综合考虑各种约束条件,运用层次分析GA算法实施SRC框架梁的优化设计,并通过优化设计实例证实文中所采用的优化方法和设计思路是有效、可行的。2.将SRC框架柱的工程造价最小化和斜截面抗剪承载力最大化定为优化目标,并在理论建模过程中将粘结滑移试验所得的本构方程应用于数值模型。考虑到SRC构件的混凝土截面尺寸和内埋型钢截面尺寸为主要优化设计变量,首先运用优化准则法(OC)确定构件混凝土截面尺寸,以达显著缩小解空间的搜索范围并提高计算效率之目标,进而确定型钢截面尺寸、纵筋直径与数量等设计参数的取值范围。基于以上思路,在优化准则法中,根据最优性准则Kuhn-Tucker条件推导出SRC框架柱混凝土截面尺寸的迭代公式,并将其与层次分析遗传算法相结合,从而建立了层次分析OC-GA算法。综合考虑各种约束条件,运用层次分析OC-GA算法实施SRC框架柱的优化设计,优化设计实例表明文中所采用的优化方法是有效、可行的。3.将SRC框架的工程造价及结构层间位移差最小定为优化目标,并根据SRC框架结构在不同受力阶段各类构件的受力特性,提出两阶段优化设计的思路:小震作用下,认为混凝土处于开裂的临近状态,假定钢材未发挥作用,仅有混凝土发挥作用,据此对结构构件的截面尺寸与混凝土用量进行优化;在中震及大震作用下,对满足结构性能要求的钢材用量进行优化。综合考虑各种约束条件,运用层次分析OC-GA算法实施SRC框架的抗震优化设计,并通过优化设计实例证实文中所采用的优化思路是有效、可行的。4.以SRC框架-RC核心筒混合结构的失效模式为研究背景,通过引入损伤函数,将结构的工程造价和损伤量最小定为优化目标,并根据建筑结构“三水准”抗震设防的目标要求,以及结构在不同受力阶段各类构件的受力特点,提出三水准优化设计的方法:小震作用下,仅对RC剪力墙和SRC框架梁、柱构件的混凝土用量进行优化;中震作用下,框架与剪力墙处于协同工作状态,据此对整个结构满足层间位移差最小之目标的钢材用量进行优化;大震作用下,结构处于塑性状态,剪力墙基本退出工作,据此对满足结构损伤值最小之目标的钢材用量进行进一步的优化。从而将一个多目标优化问题转化为多个单目标优化问题求解。综合考虑各种约束条件,运用层次分析OC-GA算法实施SRC框架-RC核心筒混合结构失效模式三水准的优化设计。通过优化实例证实文中所采用的优化设计思路是有效、可行的。5.基于投资-效益准则的全寿命优化理论,在结构最优设防烈度优化设计阶段引入分灾的概念设计,从而建立基于全寿命分灾优化设计的数学模型,并通过优化实例证实文中所采用的优化设计思路是有效、可行的;进而,按最优设防烈度进行优化设计阶段引入失效模式优化理论,建立基于失效模式的SRC框架-RC核心筒混合结构全寿命分灾优化设计的数学模型。

【Abstract】 SRC frame-RC core wall hybrid structure, which was a new structural system withexcellent seismic performance and durability, was widely used in high-rise and superhigh-rise buildings. This paper aimed to study the optimization of the elements and thestructure of SRC frame-RC core wall hybrid structure by the way of theoreticalmodeling, and the main contents were as follows:1. The minimum project cost and the maximum flexural capacity of SRC framebeam were taken as the optimization objectives which were dimensionless, and whoseevaluation function could be adjusted by weighting factors and the linear weightedwhich transformed the multi-objective optimization problem into multiple singleobjective optimization problems. According to the the characteristics of SRC elements,the analytic hierarchy process was introduced to give each variable weight in theencoding process of genetic algorithms, thus, the analytic hierarchy process geneticalgorithm (AHPGA) is established. Considering the related design specifications andconstraints, the SRC frame beam was optimized by the AHPGA. The practical examplewas analyzed to verify the rationality of the proposed optimization method and thought.2. The minimum project cost and the maximum diagonal shear capacity were takenas the optimization objectives, and the bond slip constitutive equation was applied innumerical model based on experimental results to simulate the characteristics of SRCframe column more accurately. Meanwhile, considering the main design variable ofSRC elements were the size of concrete, by which the sizes of steel section, longitudinalreinforcement diameter and number etc.can be searched quickly, and the computationalefficiency was greatly improved. Based on this, the analytic hierarchy processoptimization criterion genetic algorithm (AHPOCGA) was established by thecombination of the AHPGA with the optimization criterion. Considering the related design specifications and constraints, the SRC frame column was optimized by theAHPOCGA. The practical example was analyzed to verify the rationality of theproposed optimization method.3. Based on the characteristics of SRC frame, the minimum cost and the structureinterlayer displacement difference of SRC frame were taken as the optimizationobjectives. According to the mechanical characteristics of the structure, the two stagesoptimization design method was presented: the optimization of component section andconcrete volume was actualized assuming that only the concrete works under minorearthquake; the optimization of steel volume was implemented for meeting therequirement of structure under moderate and severe earthquake. Taking the variousconstraints into consideration, the SRC frame was optimized by using AHPOCGA. Thepractical example was analyzed to verify the rationality of the proposed optimizationthought.4. Taking the failure modes of SRC frame-RC core wall hybrid structure asbackground, the minimum project cost and damage were taken as the optimizationobjectives by introducing damage function. According to the three-level seismicfortification criterion, as well as the mechanical characteristics of the structure, thethree-level fortification criterion optimization design method was presented: theoptimization of component section and concrete volume of core wall, frame beams andframe columns under minor earthquake; the optimization of steel volume was broughtinto effect for meeting the requirement of minimum displacement difference betweentwo adjacent storey under moderate earthquake, in which the frame and shear wall arein collaborative working state; the optimization of steel volume was implementedfarther for meeting the requirement of minimum structure damage under severeearthquake, in which the structure is in plastic state and the shear wall is out of work.This method transformed the multi-objective optimization problem into multiple singleobjective optimization problems. Taking the various constraints into consideration, thefailure modes-based three-level optimization design of SRC frame-RC core wall hybridstructure was actualized by using AHPOCGA. A numerical example was analyzed toverify the rationality of the proposed optimization thought.5. Based on the cost-effectiveness criterion of life-cycle cost optimization theory, the mathematical model of life-cycle cost damage-reduction optimization wasestablished by introducing damage-reduction design in the stage of optimal fortificationintensity, and a numerical example was analyzed to verify the rationality of theproposed optimization thought. Furthermore, the mathematical model of failuremode-based life-cycle cost damage-reduction optimization of SRC frame-RC core wallhybrid structure was established by introducing failure modes optimization theory.


