

Study on Climate Adaptability of Typical Traditional Dwellings Envelope

【作者】 张涛

【导师】 刘加平;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 作为地方民间建筑的代表,传统民居是建立在农耕生产方式之上通过不断的“试错、改良”方式逐渐积淀起来的产物,是在有限的物质财富和资源条件下,采用简便实用的建造技术,结合当地的自然气候和文化习俗,建造出来的实用、高效并易于维护的建筑。传统民居与生俱来的气候适应性特色是其精髓所在,也是现代生态建筑设计最值得借鉴的部分。本文针对传统民居内部所蕴藏的世代相传的宝贵经验,通过现代科学理论及技术措施加以分析、解释、提炼,并运用现代研究手段揭示其深层次的科学内涵。围绕国内外不同气候区典型传统民居外围护结构的气候适应性特点展开系统的理论研究和数据分析,重点从外墙及屋面的热性能、屋面挑檐深度、屋面坡度等几个方面,全面而深入地挖掘传统民居外围护结构气候适应性的内在机理,并将其上升到系统的理论层面。取得了以下一些主要成果:1)纵观国外传统民居,在形式追随气候的过程中,各气候区典型传统民居外围护结构的基本形式、材料均呈现出明显的地区差别,自然天成地形成与当地气候相适应的风貌;2)国内不同气候区划的传统民居,各种被动式策略性能发挥的有效性截然不同,在严寒或寒冷地区,材料蓄热性能作用最大;夏热冬暖地区,自然通风的有效性最高;而在夏热冬冷地区和温和地区,材料蓄热和自然通风分别在冬季和夏季发挥比较明显的被动式热舒适调节作用;3)地处国内不同气候区的传统民居:碱土民居、满族民居、青海庄窠、新疆阿以旺民居、徽州民居、土掌房、傣家竹楼和贵州石板房,其外围护结构的热工特性均体现出了明显的与当地气候相适应的特点。这种鲜明的气候适应性特点是普通砖墙及钢筋混凝土屋面组成的现代砖房所无法比拟的;4)作为传统民居外围护结构组成部分的屋檐,形式各异,出挑长度不一,但均体现出较为明显地与当地气候条件相适宜的特点。其中,东、西方向屋檐的出挑长度随纬度不同变化较大,而南向屋檐的出挑长度随纬度不同变化较小。5)在诸气候因子(太阳辐射、气温、风速、降雨)中,降水是决定屋面坡度的主要因素,屋面坡度与降雨量成正比关系,当地降雨量越多、屋面坡度越大。同时,屋面材料也会对屋面坡度产生一定影响,地处同一地区的民居屋面,草屋面坡度大于石板屋面或瓦屋面坡度。

【Abstract】 As representation of local buildings, traditional dwellings are graduallyaccumulating products of constant trial and improvement based on agricultureproducing methods. In conditions of limited materials and resources, practical, efficientand maintainable traditions dwellings had been developed with simple and practicalconstruction technology, combination of local natural climate and cultural practices.Inherent climate adaptability is the essence of traditional dwellings that can be referredby most of modern ecological building design.In this paper, the valuable intergenerational experiences of traditional dwellingshave been analyzed, explained and refined through modern scientific theories andtechnical measures as well as modern research methods have been used to reveal thedeeper scientific connotation. Around climate adaptabilities of envelop system oftraditional dwellings located in different climatic zones at home and abroad,systematically theoretical researches and data analyses have been carried out. Focusedon aspects of the thermal performance of exterior wall and roof, roof overhang length,roof slope angle, inherent mechanisms of climate adaptabilities of envelop system oftraditional dwellings have been deeply studied and raised up to systematicallytheoretical level. The following major achievements have been given up:1) Taking a wide view of the foreign traditional dwellings, in the process of formfollowing climate changes, there are significant regional differences on aspect ofstructure forms and construction materials between different traditional dwellingswithin each climate zone. Adaptabilities to local weather of traditional dwellings haveproduced naturally. 2) For different traditional dwellings located in different climate zones, theperformance efficiencies of each passive are much different. In cold or extremely coldclimate zone, the heat storage capacity performs maximum role as well as theventilation performs maximum role in hot summer and warm winter zone. In hotsummer and cold winter zone and warm zone, the heat storage capacity performsmaximum role in winter and the ventilation performs maximum role in summer.3) For traditional dwellings located in different climate zone such as Alkaline SoilDwellings, Manzu Dwellings, Qinghai Zhuang Ke Dwellings, Xinjiang A Yi WangDwellings, Huizhou Dwellings, Tuzhang Dwellings, Dai Bamboo Dwellings andGuizhou Shiban Dwellings, the thermal characteristics of envelope systems haveembodied the obvious climate adaptabilities. The distinctive climate adaptabilities isunmatched in modern brick buildings with ordinary brick and reinforced concrete roof.4) Eaves, as part of envelop system, with different shapes and overhanging lengths,have embodied obvious climate adaptabilities. The overhanging lengths of eaves at eastand west side of building, shows significant differences at different latitude region, aswell as the overhanging lengths of eaves at south side of building shows little differenceat different latitude region.5) Among various climatic factors such as solar radiation, temperature, wind speedand rainfall, rainfall is the main factors determining slope of roof. Roof slop isproportional to rainfall. Simultaneously, material of roof also affect slope of roof. Forthe buildings located in same region, the slope of grass roof is greater than slate roofand tile roof.

  • 【分类号】TU241.5;TU111.4;TU119
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1648
  • 攻读期成果

