

The Study on the Suitable Planning Index System of Non-profit Public Facilities in County Seat at the Eastern of Northwest China

【作者】 吴欣

【导师】 黄明华;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 城市公益性公共设施作为政府提高公共服务水平ǎ促进社会公平正义的基本物质载体,是城乡居民生产ǎ生活等日常活动中不可缺少的重要保障,科学合理的公益性公共设施规划是提升基本公共服务水平和均等化程度的前提随着市场经济体制改革的不断深化,在经济社会发展转型的时代背景下,特别是新的ǎ城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准ǐ颁布和实施后,亟需建立公益性公共设施的规划指标体系,以促进公益性公共设施的良性发展我国现行相关标准规范中还没有专门针对于公益性公共设施的规划指标体系,有关公益性公共设施规划的内容散布于其中现有标准规范中关于公共设施规划的内容大多适用于大中城市ǎ镇和村,没有考虑到县城公益性公共设施不仅要服务本县城而且要服务县域的特殊性,县城公益性公共设施规划依据尚需明确西北地区东部县城的公益性公共设施除了具有服务县域的特点,在规划建设时还应该充分考虑这一特定地域的县城普遍存在建设用地紧张ǎ政府投入有限ǎ社会经济发展水平相对滞后的现实情况,迫切需要建立适宜于西北地区东部县城的公益性公共设施规划指标体系,以推动该区域建立健全符合国情地情ǎ比较完整ǎ可持续的基本公共服务体系,逐步推进基本公共服务均等化针对于此,本研究通过从国家相关标准规范中提取与公益性公共设施相关的规划指标,进行归纳和梳理,构建公益性公共设施规划指标体系,并分析该规划指标体系应用于西北地区东部县城的适宜性,进而构建适宜性规划指标体系的基本框架和内容,并探讨适宜性规划指标论文首先对公益性公共设施规划建设涉及的相关国家标准和规范进行梳理,将散落在各个标准规范中的规划指标进行整合,构建公益性公共设施规划指标体系研究选取西北地区东部典型县城作为重点研究对象,结合县城公益性公共设施发展现状ǎ共性问题和需求趋势,从适用范围ǎ配建体系ǎ规模控制指标和建设面积指标等层面分析公益性公共设施规划指标体系的适宜性,并对教育设施ǎ医疗设施ǎ文体设施和老年福利设施的规划指标体系的适宜性展开论述,认为现有规划指标体系普遍存在配建体系缺乏系统性ǎ规模控制指标滞后于发展需求ǎ对实际服务人口规模变化应对不足ǎ用地面积指标控制薄弱等不适宜之处在此基础上,论文提出按照分层控制思想构建西北地区东部县城公益性公共设施规划指标体系,将指标体系分为配建体系ǎ宏观发展指标体系ǎ规模控制指标体系和建设面积指标体系四个层级,采用区间控制ǎ下限控制ǎ动态控制相结合的指标控制方式,以增强控制指标的合理性和可操作性最后,论文分析总结了教育设施ǎ医疗设施和老年福利设施的规划指标调整模式,提出各类公益性公共设施的总量控制指标推导模式ǎ规模控制指标调整模式和建设面积控制指标调整模式,为适宜性规划指标的推导提供了明确的思路和做法,并在国家现行规划指标的基础上,修正调整各类公益性公共设施的规划指标综上所述,本论文在目前西北地区东部县城公益性公共设施规划依据不足的情况下,通过加强公益性公共设施规划指标体系的系统性ǎ针对性和空间约束能力,建立适宜于西北地区东部县城的规划指标体系成为本论文研究的核心这对于实践公益性公共设施规划作为社会公平公正的公共政策,提高公益性公共设施在所处区域的服务水平,增加设施层级配置的合理性,促进其在县域及周边区域的整体ǎ均衡发展具有重要的理论和实践意义

【Abstract】 As an important guarantee of the daily life of urban and rural residents, thenon-profit public facilities are the basic instruments to realize public service ofgovernment, and promote social fairness and justice. A scientific and rational non-profitpublic facilities planning is the premise to enhance the level and the degree ofequalization of basic public services. With the continuous deepening of reform of themarket economy, the transformation of economic and social development, especiallyafter the promulgation and implementation of new "Code for Classification of UrbanLand Use and Planning Standards of Development Land", it is an urgent need toestablish the planning index system of non-profit public facilities, in order to promotethe sound development of these. A complete specifically planning index system fornon-profit public facilities is not exist, the planning indexes are scattered around variousrelated standards. Most of the existing standards on the planning of public facilities issuit for large and medium-sized cities, towns and villages, and is not caring thenon-profit public facilities in county seat not only serve the town itself but also thewhole county. It also should take some characteristic of the county seat into account intheir non-profit public facilities planning, as the limited government investment, lackedcounty seat construction land and low-level socio-economic development. It isconducive to promoting the region to establish and improve sustainable basic publicservice system in line with national and region conditions, and gradually promote theequalization of basic public services. This study summarizes and sorts out the related indexes from existing standards,and builds a planning index system of non-profit public facilities. It also has an analysisof the suitability on its use in the county seats at the eastern of northwest China. Then,the study builds the framework and content of the suitable planning index system, andexplores the suitable of the planning index. Through summary the common problemsthat exist in reality application and analysis the existing national standards andregulations related to non-profit facilities planning, the paper integrated the indexes thatscattered in various standards and built up an index system for non-profit publicfacilities planning. The paper selected some typical county seats as study objects toexplore and analyze the suitable index system for non-profit facilities from thefollowing aspects: area suitability, configuration system, scale control and constructionarea control. Through the detailed analysis on suitability of educational facilities,medical facilities, culture and sports facilities and aged-care facilities planning indexsystem, the paper consider the mainly unsuitable reflected in the lack of systematic onconfiguration system, the scale control indicators lag behind the development needs, thelack of response to changes in the size of the population of the actual service, andconstruction land area index control is weak and unfit. On the basis of above studies, thepaper proposed to build the planning index system of non-profit facilities in eastern partof northwest China. The new index system can be divided into four layers: The first oneis configuration system. The second layer is macroscopic development indexes, mainlyincluding various per capita indexes. The third layer is scale control indexes whichmean the development scale, serviced population size. The fourth layer is constructionarea indexes, including general construction area of indicators and per unit area of themicro indicators. The new methods and index system are more feasibility and rationalitydue to the new indicators control, named Interval control, the lowest limit control anddynamic control. The paper analyzed the adjustable mode for planning indexes ofeducational facilities, medical facilities, culture and sports facilities and aged carefacilities, raised the derivation mode of total amount control, the adjustment mode ofscale control and construction area control. Moreover, the paper provided a clearconcept and method for planning on non-profit facilities in study region and took anempirical study for the key planning indexes. Based on a detailed investigation on the typical counties of the eastern part of northwest counties, the paper initially establisheda suitability planning index system of non-profit public facilities, which reflected thelocal characteristics. The index system can be used as guidance to plan and constructnon-profit public facilities of countries. It is also the practice of urban planning as asociety fair and equitable public policy as well as improving the level of commonservice, promoting the regional community as a whole, balancing regional developmentand building a harmonious society. All of these have a very important theoretical andpractical significance.To sum up, the paper builds a suitable planning index system of non-profit publicfacilities in county seat at the eastern of northwest China, through the strengthening thesystematicness, pertinence and space constraints of the system. That is the core of thisstudy. The index system can be used as guidance to plan and construct non-profit publicfacilities of countries. It is also the practice of urban planning as a society fair andequitable public policy as well as improving the level of common service, promotingthe regional community as a whole, balancing regional development and building aharmonious society. All of these have a very important theoretical and practicalsignificance.


