

Marker-assisted Selection of Restorers and Ecological Adaptation of Japonica Hybrid Rice on CMS-YS

【作者】 王先俱

【导师】 谭学林; 邵国军;

【作者基本信息】 云南农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 水稻杂种优势的利用是保证粮食安全的重要措施。印水型杂交粳稻由具籼质粳核的印水型不育系与粳稻恢复系配组而成。印水型杂交粳稻的研究有利于丰富杂交粳稻的理论,促进杂交粳稻的新发展。本研究结合分子技术和田间方法,用程氏指数法和mtDNA籼粳特异PCR引物SSV-39/178和SSV-500/6分析了印水型杂交粳稻的不育系、保持系和恢复系籼粳程度及细胞质的籼粳属性。分析了印水型不育系的花粉败育特点和开花习性。在育性恢复的遗传分析和恢复基因定位的基础上,进行印水型粳稻恢复系的分子辅助选择研究。同时,将印水型杂交粳稻组合在不同生态区种植,分析其生态适应性。主要研究结果如下:(1)印水型粳稻不育系花粉败育为典败型,与提供印水型细胞质的籼稻不育系相同。(2)印水型不育系和多数恢复系拥有籼稻细胞质,但是印水型粳稻保持系和少数恢复系拥有粳稻细胞质。(3)印水型不育系、保持系和部分恢复系为粳稻或偏粳稻,只有少数恢复系偏籼。(4)粳稻品种转育成的印水型不育系的花期较保持系晚2.5天,花时高峰晚1.2个小时。认为这种差异是源于细胞质的影响。认为有必要选育新保持系,使印水型粳稻不育系的花时高峰提前,为印水型杂交粳稻高产制繁种提供基础。(5)本研究首次明确印水型粳稻不育系育性恢复受两对主效基因加微效基因控制,两对主效基因遗传率h2mg(%)为89.52%,微效基因遗传率h2pg(%)为8.78%。主基因+微效基因决定了花粉育性表型变异的98.3%,另外的1.7%是由环境因素决定的。(6)本研究首次对印水型杂交粳稻恢复基因进行了分子定位。两对主基因分别位于第一和第十染色体上,Rf-y1(t)位于第一染色体上,与分子标记RM10353的遗传距离为3.0cM,Rf-y10(t)位于第十染色体上,与分子标记RM6100的遗传距离为1.2cM。(7)本研究首次用分子标记实践了印水型粳稻恢复系的分子标记辅助选择,成功选育出印水型粳稻恢复系R16、R382、R384、R386。(8)用一般配合力较高的印水型粳稻不育系辽65A与恢复系R382组配的杂交粳稻组合育性稳定较好,用特殊配合力较高的辽10A与R384组配的印水型杂交粳稻生态适应性较好。

【Abstract】 Rice heterosis utilization is an important technological measure for food security in China.Japonica hybrid rice based on cytoplasmic male sterility of Yinshui type (CMS-YS) is made byjaponica restorer lines with CMS-YS lines. The study on japonica hybrid rice of CMS-YS will enrichthe theory and also promote the development of japonica hybrid rice.This study analyzed indica-japonica index based on Cheng’s Index and indica-japonica property incytoplasm with mtDNA specific primer of CMS lines, maintainers, and restorers of JHR-YS based onmolecular techniques combined with experimental method in field, analyzed pollen abortivecharacteristics of CMS-YS lines. Also studied marker-assisted selection of the restorers used forJHR-YS based on molecular mapping of restoring genes in CMS-YS system, and ecologicaladaptability of JHR-YS by growing it in different ecological regions. The main results are followings.(1) CMS-YS japonica lines was typical abortive type, same as CMS-YS indica lines.(2) Revealed that CMS-YS lines and most of the restorer lines have the indica cytoplasm byanalyzing but YS-type japonica maintainer lines and a few restorer lines have the japonica cytoplasm.(3) CMS-YS lines, maintainers and part of restorer lines are japonica or partial japonica, only afew restorer lines are partial indica.(4) The flowering date of japonica CMS-YS lines was2.5days late than that of their maintainers,and flowering peak time was also1.2hours late. It was considered that the differences was resulted fromfrom YS cytoplasm, and breeding new maintainers is necessary to make it early, as a basis for highyielding seed production of japonica hybrid rice based on CMS-YS lines.(5) It is the first time to demonstrate that fertility restoration of japonica CMS-YS lines wascontrolled by two major genes and other minor genes, heritability h2mg(%) of the two major genes andthe minor genes was89.52%, was8.78%, respectively. Pollen fertility variation was98.3%controlledby major and minor genes, the rest1.7%is decided by the environment.(6) The two major genes, Rf-y1(t) and Rf-y10(t), were linked to RM10353with3.0cM and RM6100with1.2cM distance on chromosome1and chromosome10, respectively.(7) Rstorers R16、R382、R384、R386for CMS-YS japonica hybrid rice have been developed withMarker-assisted Selection.(8) Hybrid japonica rice combination between CMS-YS line, Liao65A, and restorer, R382that hadhigh general combination ability, had better fertility stability. Hybrid japonica rice combination betweenCMS-YS line Liao10A and R384that had high specific combination ability, had better ecologicaladaptability.


