

The Publicity of Public Policy and its Achievement

【作者】 杨红良

【导师】 顾建光;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 公共性首先是一个哲学概念,立意于人的本性和发展问题的全部,具有高度的概括性。政治哲学层面的公共性,重视人的独立、自由、平等、尊严等基本价值属性,强调公民在政治生活中的创造性、参与性,强调公共利益的存在价值,倡导优质的公共生活。公共政策的公共性是哲学和政治领域的公共性内涵在公共政策领域的具体化和落实,在本质上是人性、价值理性在公共政策领域的贯彻。所以,应当从公共性的哲学和政治内涵中寻求其理论渊源,吸收历史上各路公共性思想资源中的有益部分为己所有,以指导和规范公共政策的理论和实践,真正发挥出其对于“好”的公共政策的界定、确认和引领功能。公共政策公共性的内涵在其影响公民权利的社会职能中体现出来。具有公共性的公共政策,应当具有促成社会资源平等分配、促进公民参与公共政治生活、促进公共利益的建设和维护三大基本社会职能,这是解析公共政策公共性的三个维度。社会资源分配的平等只能是有差别的平等而不是绝对的均等,体现和维护人的尊严。公民参与公共生活,展示不同诉求,开展理性对话和交流,以形成各方可接受的政策方案,这个程序和过程本身还是政策民主的重要本意。公共利益并非个人利益的简单累积,而是对于个体利益的超越和升华,是个人全面发展的必要条件。公共政策的制定过程,应该是政策制定者发挥价值理性的过程。应当从政策受众中选取议题,通过公众广泛参与以汇集各方诉求,在现有条件下最大程度达成各方利益共识,既维护个体利益,又实现公共利益。审慎思辨具有超越自由民主的优势,是政策制定过程中平衡各方利益、实现真正民主的有效路径。政策目标的确立应当从具体政策的时空条件出发,非竞争性、非排他性等特性,在具体个案中要相应微调,目的是确保公共利益和个人利益的平衡、和谐和统一。政策工具的选择实质上影响着公共政策的内容,所以,政策工具的价值维度必须得到重视。公共政策执行绝不是价值中立的,执行者的自由裁量权影响甚至改变着政策本意。人的理性的有限性和行政环境的制约,客观上要求公共行政人员拥有自由裁量权;自由裁量权的正当行使,是公共政策得到有效率执行的条件,更是确保公共政策的公共性本质得以实现的条件。在客观责任与主观责任发生冲突的情况下,政策执行者应当尊重并确保基本价值的优先地位,恪守“一厘米主权”。为此,公共行政人员应当培养起自主性行政人格,坚持以人为本的政策理念,这是构建服务型行政的要件之一。公共政策评估的功能和目的远不是仅仅为了政策实施周期的完成,更重要的意义在于为公共政策的制定和实施提供结合客观实际的评判基础和标准,以纠正既往,启示来者。在评估实际结果达到预期规划目标的程度的基础上,更要跳出政策看政策,注意考察政策实施对于构建公正、合理的社会利益格局的作用,将事实评估和价值评估有机结合起来。有效的事实评判是价值判断的基础,综合性价值判断是事实评判的深化。公共政策公共性的实现,宏观上还需要良好公共行政文化的形成,其核心是公共行政人员公共精神和社会公众公民精神的培育。要优化、完善承担着行政文化导向功能的公共行政考核体系,以带动行政价值观朝着公平、正义的方向发展。宪法高度概括了政体的基本价值立场,公共行政人员应当将其内化为行动指南。行政伦理教育可以弥补外在的法律和制度之刚性规定的不足,内在地规制和引领行政文化。这些,都有助于构造公共政策公共性在其中得以兑现的优质的“软”环境。

【Abstract】 Publicity firstly is a philosophical concept, aiming at interpreting the nature of human being and is highly multi-meaningful. Publicity at the level of political philosophy cherishes the basic values such as independence, freedom, equality and dignity, values the citizens’ involvement and innovation in public affairs, and values public interests and good public lives as well. The publicity of public policy is the implementation of the politics and philosophy-level publicity in the field of public policy, with its nature being the implementation of the humanity and value rationality in that field. So, it is necessary to explore the theory root of publicity from the perspectives of philosophy and politics. Only by obtaining different theoretical resources from history can we grasp its full connotations well and guide both the academic and practical activities of public policy.The publicity of public policy is shown in its social functions that influence civil rights. The public policies with publicity should have three basic social functions, namely equally distributing public resources, promoting public participation in public affairs and ensuring public interests, which are the three dimensions to analyze the publicity of public policy. To distribute public resources equally is to meet the needs of different people according to their different conditions, thus to maintain dignity. Citizens have the rights to take part in public activities, to show their own quests, and to host rational conversations and communications, thus to make public policies that are acceptable to all sides. Those doings by the citizens themselves are important natures of democracy of public policies. Public interests are not simply the sum of private interests, but are distillation of private interests and are the necessary conditions for the all-round development of human beings.The public policy makers shall implement their value rationality in the process of public policy making. The policy topics should be extracted from the public, and the common peoples’opinions shall be involved in this process. By doing this, the mutual opinions may be found and the private interests and public interests are both protected. Deliberation has advantages that liberal democracy does not have, is capable of balancing different sides’interests and promoting effective democracy. The goals of public policy should be set according to its surroundings. The characters of non-competition, no-exclusiveness of public policy should be adjusted in policy practice for ensuring the balance, accordance and harmony between private interests and public interests. The policy tools influence its contents in fact, so the value dimension of public policy should be emphasized.Implementation of public policy is far from value-neutral, because the implementers influence and even change the public policies themselves through their discretion. The limitedness of human rationality and restriction of administrative background result in the necessity of having discretion for public administrative personnel. The proper exercising of discretion is the precondition for both the effective enforcement of public policy and the achievement of the publicity of public policy. When facing the contradiction of objective obligations and subjective obligations, the policy implementers should respect and ensure the priority of the basic values. So, the public administrative personnel should cultivate independent administrative personality, keep in mind that human being is to be put at the central place.The function and purpose of evaluation of public policy goes far beyond ending the policy circle. The more important purpose of it is to provide base and criterion for the making and enforcing of public policy, and to adjust the forerunners and guide those to come. It is necessary to evaluate the public policy by the extent to which the policy results meet the direct goals set at first, and it is more necessary to watch the public policy according to its influence on building a fair and reasonable society, combining the fact-evaluating way and value-evaluating way together. Effective fact evaluation set base for value evaluation, while complex value evaluation deepens fact evaluation.To achieve the publicity of public policy needs a good public administrative culture, whose core is the public spirit for the public administrative personnel and the citizenship spirit for the public. It is necessary to optimize the assessment system of public administration to lead the value of public administration to a fair and just direction. Public administration personnel should internalize the constitution as their guide, for it covers all the basic values of a country. Education of administration ethics can make up for the disadvantages of the laws and regulations. All these elements make the soft background helpful for achieving the publicity of public policy.

【关键词】 公共行政公共政策公共性
【Key words】 public administrationpublic policypublicity

