

Study on Erich Fromm’s Thought of the Sane Society

【作者】 李红珍

【导师】 王四达;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 埃利希·弗洛姆是20世纪著名的心理学家、哲学家和社会学家,也是一个西方马克思主义者、法兰克福学派的主要代表人物以及新弗洛伊德学派创始人。他的一生理论建树颇丰,其中最值一提的便是其健全社会思想,弗洛姆试图以此来警醒世人需重新审视我们所处的生活世界。虽然弗洛姆批判的是现代西方资本主义社会的诸多弊端,但同样也为我们提供了评判我们当下的社会是否健全的一个新视角,这也是本论文选择这一思想作为研究对象的主要动因。本论文首先从社会背景、理论渊源、形成过程和理论构架等四个方面入手,力图全面展现弗洛姆健全社会思想的总体概貌。在此基础上,本论文分别从人性、社会性格、社会心理和情感等四个维度,重点讨论弗洛姆对于现代西方社会全面异化的批判以及其关于健全社会构建的理论设想和实现途径。在弗洛姆看来,表面繁华的现代资本主义社会实际上是一个病态社会,而人性异化、社会性格的异化、社会心理的异化以及情感的异化则是现代资本主义社会不健全的根源。因此,要想真正治疗这种病态社会,就必须诊断出它的病源,即人性、社会性格、社会心理和情感等何以在现代资本主义社会中被异化;健全的人性、社会性格、社会心理和情感对于健全社会的构建究竟具有什么样的价值。总之,弗洛姆就是在全面批判现代资本主义病态社会的基础上,力图从人性、社会性格、社会心理和情感这四个方面探讨构建健全社会的合理途径。也可以说,这四个方面集中体现了弗洛姆对西方病态社会“破”与“立”的诊断和治疗。总体而言,弗洛姆的健全社会思想具有四个明显的理论特征:目标规划的乌托邦色彩、价值取向的伦理道德性、实现途径的主观革命论以及理论方法的抽象批判性。其在理论上的创见,就在于将弗洛伊德的精神分析法引入关于健全社会的思考中,在融合弗洛伊德的精神分析理论与马克思社会理论的基础上,对现代资本主义社会的异化问题予以批判性剖析,进而归纳出现代资本主义社会四种具体的异化现象,为我们揭示了现代西方社会病态的真相,提供了理解当代资本主义变化实质的新视角;同时,在理论体系上创造性地提出弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义,推进了当代国外马克思主义理论的多元化发展。当然,弗洛姆的健全社会思想也有其理论局限性,主要表现为:理论立场上的唯心主义倾向和对人的心理因素的社会作用过度夸大,从而贬低和否定了社会历史规律的根本作用;在批判方法上囿于认识论视域的分析,而忽视马克思主义实践论视域的批判,陷入了道德教化之误区。

【Abstract】 Erich Fromm was a famous psychologist and philosopher and sociologist, is alsoa Western Marxist and Franck school main representative figure and the founder ofthe Freudians in the2oth century. He made a great contribution to the theorists,especially in sane society thoughts. The reason why the thoughts could causewide-attention and research enthusiasm is that it alert all the people to pay attention toour living-word. Although the objects that were the modern Western capitalistsociety’s many problems was criticized by Erich Fromm, he gave us a newperspective that could determine whether our society was sane. This article willchoose the thought as the object of study and try to do a complete exploration, inorder to to reveal its inner thoughts and realistic value.This paper made an overall analysis of Fromm’s perfect Society and its basiccontent from the perspective of social background, theoretical origin, theoretical basisand theoretical structure. On this basis, this paper analyzed the theoreticalimagination and the realization approach related to Fromm’s perfect Society from thefour dimensions of humanity, social character, social mind and affection. In Fromm’sview, Modern capitalism that represented prosperity was in fact a morbid societywherein humanity alienation, alienation of social personality and psychology andemotive alienation were the fundamental source of this morbidity. Thus, in order tocorrect the morbid society, we have to understand the way that humanity, socialcharacter, social mind and affection were alienated and the representation of them. Bythose explorations, we could learn what a sane society should possess. In this paper,Fromm provided us with a reasonable approach to build a sane society from the four aspects I mentioned above.Judging from the overall theoretical characteristics, the sane social thought ofFromm has some features, which is the striking Utopian color on the targets,theethicality on the value orientation, the subjective theory of revolution on the way ofrealization, and the abstract criticalness on the theoretical approaches. Fromm’sbiggest theoretical contribution was he used Freudian psychoanalysis for his sanesocial thought. He combined Freud psychoanalysis theory and the Social Theory ofMarxism to analysis the alienation in modern capitalist society and classify it intofour cases. Thus he revealed the ills of modern western society and provided newperspective to cognize the changes of capitalism accurately. Otherwise he creativelyproposed Freudian Marxism. All of this promoted the diversified development ofcontemporary foreign Marxism. Of course, Fromm’s Social sane thoughts have itstheoretical limitations. The idealism in theory; Exaggerating and emphasizing socialrole of the psychological factors and then denying the fundamental laws of history.His critical approach was limited in Epistemological field and ignored the practice ofMarxism Horizon critique. The approach cause him fall into misunderstanding ofSubjective Reflections on the Revolution.

【关键词】 埃利希·弗洛姆健全社会异化
【Key words】 Erich Frommsane societyalienation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 08期

