

Political Philosophy of Utilitarianism in the Perspective of Political Civilization

【作者】 孙波

【导师】 王岩;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 功利主义虽然首先是作为一种伦理学说而被提出的,但它不是一个单纯的伦理学说。从其对现实政治生活的渗透影响力与具体指导性而言,政治哲学是功利主义思想中最凝重、最深刻的理论构成之一,也是其变革现实政治制度的有力的理论武器。在政治文明的视野中,无论是支持者还是其反对者,都无法绕过功利主义政治哲学。功利主义政治哲学是在特定的历史条件下,适应时代精神的呼唤产生的,其使命就是要为新建立起来的资产阶级政权合理、有效地运行提供合法性的证明,从而为其彻底扫清封建残余势力的羁绊,维护工商业资产阶级的利益,缓和资产阶级与无产之间日益激化的矛盾。作为重要的政治哲学流派,功利主义梳理和继承了以往的思想财富,杰里米·边沁、约翰·密尔等人开创并发展了功利主义政治哲学。在整个功利主义政治哲学体系中,作为核心理念的“功利”是评判一切政治现象的标准。边沁等人终其一生地将功利原理运用到生活的方方面面,用功利的尺度衡量每一项制度的优劣,试图用功利的标准改造现实,荡涤弊政,确保人类最大幸福的实现。功利主义本质上属于自由主义,功利主义者给予自由主义以“盎格鲁——亚克逊”式的解释。他们实现了自由主义的新旧过渡,并以之为武器对专制、暴虐等现象做出了批判,为开辟文明的民主政治的建设与完善做了理论上的准备与现实的尝试,从而为英国资本主义的迅猛发展扫清了观念上及体制上障碍。在制度设计方面,边沁等人反对自然法理论,反对社会契约论,提出了政府起源的功利说。他们反对君主制,主张代议制政府,并对政府的职能进行了合乎功利的解释。自功利主义产生之后,对它的批判之声就不绝于耳,尤其是二十世纪以来,功利主义更遭受到了猛烈地、全线地批判。这些批判可谓直中其要害,但功利主义政治哲学也并非一无是处。功利主义政治哲学的理论价值在于:功利标准的历史合理性、“最大幸福”的政治目的、公共利益的行政导向、代议民主的政治制度、自由至上的公民权利。其缺陷在于:功利标准的不完备性、“唯结果论”的评价机制、“最大多数人的最大幸福”概念的抽象性、社会公正的缺失、“计算式理性”的非人性化。在政治文明的视野中,功利主义不仅是资产阶级的,也是全人类的。马克思主义者在探索与创建美好社会制度时,并没有完全否定功利主义,而是以科学的态度批判地继承和发展了功利主义政治哲学。在中国社会主义市场经济建设过程中,社会主义功利论的基本内涵是:“以人为本”是社会主义功利论的价值诉求,集体主义是社会主义功利论的道德原则,公平正义是社会主义功利论的核心理念,为人民谋幸福是社会主义功利论的最终目标。在当代中国政治文明的建构中,社会主义功利论超越了功利主义的抽象性,它在科学发展观框架中寻求功利与公正的互补,从民生价值取向中诠释公民幸福的真义,强调构建以公共利益为本位的服务型政府,着力发展以人民当家作主为本质的社会主义民主,从而超越了功利主义“最大多数人最大幸福理论”的抽象性,发展了功利主义“好政府”的标准和重要职责,扬弃了功利主义将“代议制政府”理论,实现了民主的广泛性与真实性。

【Abstract】 Although utilitarianism is first proposed as an ethics, it is not a mere ethics. For it haspenetration influence and specific guidance on real political life, political philosophy is one of themost dignified and the most profound theories which constitute utilitarianism, also it is a powerfultheoretical weapon for utilitarianism to change the reality of the political system. In the view ofpolitical civilization, both supporters and its opponents are unable to bypass the politicalphilosophy of utilitarianism. To adapt to the call of the times spirit, utilitarian political philosophygenerated in a specific historical conditions, its mission is to provide a proof of legitimacy for thenewly established bourgeois regime can reasonably run, making it thoroughly clear the fetters offeudal remnants, safeguard the interests of the industrial and commercial bourgeoisie, and ease theincreasing intensification of the contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proletarian. As animportant political philosophy school, utilitarian combed and inherited the previous wealth ofideas, and Jeremy Bentham, John Mill and others created and developed the political philosophyof utilitarianism. In the entire political philosophy of utilitarianism system,"Utilitarian" as thecore concept is the standard to judge all the political phenomena. Bentham and others spent theirwhole life to apply the utilitarian principle to all aspects of life, used utilitarian scale to measurethe pros and cons of each system, tried to use the utilitarian standard to transform the reality andclean up the maladministration, eventually to ensure the realization of humanity’s greatesthappiness. Utilitarianism belongs to liberalism in nature, utilitarian give liberalism aninterpretation of “Anglo-Saxon” model. They opened the door to modern liberalism, realizing thetransition between the new and the old liberalism. As a weapon, modern liberalism criticizesdespotic, tyrannical and other phenomenon, also they make theoretical preparation and attempts inreality, clearing the conceptual and institutional barriers for the rapid developing of Britishcapitalism. In terms of system design, Bentham and others opposed to the natural law theory andthe social contract theory, on the contrary, they put forward the utilitarian theory of the origin ofthe government. They oppose the monarchy, advocate of representative government, and makeexplanations to the functions of government in line with the utilitarian.Since utilitarianism was created, its critique prevalent, especially in the20th century, the utilitarian suffered violently criticism from everywhere. These critiques stroke the heart ofutilitarianism, however, utilitarian political philosophy is not all bad. The theoretical value of theutilitarian political philosophy lies in historical rationality of the utilitarian standard, the politicalpurpose of the "greatest happiness" administrative guidance of the public interest, the politicalsystem of representative democracy and libertarian civil rights. Its drawbacks are theincompleteness of the utilitarian standard, evaluation mechanism of “consequentialism”, theabstraction of the concept of “the greatest happiness of the greatest majority of people”, the socialunfairness and dehumanization of "calculative reason". In the view of the political civilization,utilitarianism is not only belongs to bourgeoisie, but for all mankind. When Marxists explore andcreate a better social system, they do not completely deny utilitarianism, but critically inherit anddevelop the utilitarian political philosophy in a scientific attitude. In the course of constructing thesocialist market economy in china, the connotations of socialist utilitarian including"People-oriented” is the value claim of Socialist utilitarian, collectivism is the moral principle ofsocialist utilitarian, fairness and justice is the core concept of the socialist utilitarian, for thepeople’s well-being is the ultimate goal of socialist utilitarian. Socialist utilitarian is the principleof value of political civilization. In the construction of Chinese contemporary political civilization,socialist utilitarian is beyond the abstraction of utilitarianism, it seeks for complement of justiceunder the framework of the scientific concept of development, interprets the true meaning of thecivic happiness in the value orientation of people’s livelihood, with special emphasis on building aservice-oriented government based on common interests, focusing on the development of socialistdemocracy whose essence is that the people are the masters, thus socialist utilitarian is beyond theabstraction of utilitarianism whose meaning is “the greatest happiness of the greatest majority ofpeople”, developing of the "good government" standard and important duty of utilitarianism, andsublates utilitarianism which establishes the ideal model of "representative government" ondemocratic regime which is based on domination of a small number of outstanding figures,ultimately achieved the universality and authenticity of democracy.


