

Research on the Active-passive Hybrid Vibration Control Using Negative Capacitance Branch Circuit

【作者】 马小陆

【导师】 裘进浩;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 仪器科学与技术, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 负电容控制器是用一个负的容抗来抵消压电片容抗,因此控制效果与频率无关,不易受外界环境干扰,只用一个压电片就能控制多阶模态,这给实际工程应用带来了极大的方便。主-被动混合控制综合利用被动控制和主动控制的一种新型控制策略,真正实现了主、被动振动控制一体化的思想,它是利用被动控制技术与主动控制技术相结合,将主动控制子系统和被动阻尼子系统集成在同一系统中,从而可以使主动和被动控制的效应相互补充。本文对负电容压电分流阻尼系统中负电容电路参数对系统的稳定性和振动幅值的影响进行研究,对其存在的问题提出二种主-被动混合控制方法,弥补当前负电容压电阻尼方法在振动控制应用中的不足。并从实际应用的角度出发,对提出的主-被动混合控制方法进行了深入研究,提出了基于负电容压电分流阻尼电路和小波变换自适应算法的主-被动混合控制方法,提高了系统的自适应能力。为了能使负电容电路更好的应用,对提出的主-被动混合控制方法进行了更进一步深入研究,从电荷等效的角度,重新设计了负电容等效电路,提出了基于压控电荷源和小波变换自适应算法的主-被动混合控制方法。论文的主要工作和创新性成果如下:(1)从压电材料的特性角度,建立了压电分流阻尼模型,描述了基于负电容压电分流阻尼被动振动控制原理,并分析了负电容分流电路参数的变化对系统阻尼的影响。(2)在负电容压电分流阻尼被动振动控制系统中,负电容的作用是用来抵消压电片的容抗,理论上负电容绝对值的大小越接近于压电片的容抗时,控制效果越好,但在实验中发现,当负电容绝对值大于且接近于或小于压电片的容抗时,系统将不稳定。针对这个问题,本文利用反馈控制原理分析了基于负电容压电分流阻尼控制系统的稳定性,并和基于电感压电分流阻尼振动控制系统进行了比较。为了提高基于负电容压电分流阻尼被动振动控制系统的稳定性,提出了一种主-被动混合控制方法,并对其进行了理论证明和实验验证。(3)推导了基于负电容压电分流阻尼振动控制系统的振动幅值和负电容电路参数的关系,为了更好地优化负电容电路参数,提出了一种主-被动混合控制方法,该方法将负电容电路参数调节问题转化到主动控制算法中,在本文中,阐述了主-被动控制方法的控制原理,并对其进行了理论证明和实验验证。(4)针对LMS算法在基于压电元件的主动振动控制中,存在收敛速度慢,甚至出现发散的问题。本文把小波分析理论和LMS算法结合起来,采用了小波变换域LMS算法对薄板进行自适应主动振动控制,并采用了MALLAT快速算法,提高了小波变换域LMS算法的实时性。最后对该方法进行了理论仿真和实验验证。(5)从实际应用角度出发,对基于负电容压电分流阻尼电路的主-被动混合振动控制进行了深入研究。结合小波变换域LMS主动控制算法,提出了一种基于负电容压电分流阻尼电路和小波变换自适应算法的主-被动混合控制新方法,这种方法能很好解决前面所提的主-被动混合控制方法中存在的主动控制器的参数需要手动调节问题。在本文中,根据哈密顿原理推导了这种主-被动混合控制的数学模型,并分析了被动控制效果和主动控制电压与负电容参数之间的关系,最后通过仿真和实验验证了所提出的主-被动混合控制方法的有效性。(6)对基于负电容压电分流阻尼电路的主-被动混合振动控制进行了更进一步深入研究。从电荷等效的角度,重新设计了负电容等效电路,该负电容等效电路是一个压控电荷源电路,其输出是电荷,用于抵消压电片上的电荷,输入是控制电压,为了能使该负电容等效电路更好的应用,结合小波变换域LMS主动控制算法,提出一种基于压控电荷源电路和小波变换自适应算法的主-被动混合控制新方法。本文首先根据压电元件等效电路、负电容电路的特点,设计了等效负电容的压控电荷源的电路,接着介绍了主-被动混合控制原理,最后基于dSPACE实时仿真系统,对四面固支的压电铝镁合金薄板结构进行了正弦信号激励下的单/多模态和白噪声信号激励下的振动控制实验研究,实验结果证明了提出的方法的可行性和优越性。

【Abstract】 The negative capacitance controller uses a negative capacitance to counteract the capacitance ofthe piezoelectric patch. So the control effect is not associated with frequency, and less vulnerable toexternal interference. The multiple modal can be controled using a piezoelectric patch. It brings greatconvenience for the engineering application. Active-passive hybrid control is a novel control strategywhich is the comprehensive utilization of passive control and active control. In the active-passivehybrid control, the active control system and passive damping system are integrated with the samesystem, which can make the active control and passive control complement each other.In the paper, the relation of the circuit parameters of the piezoelectric vibration damping systemwith a negative capacitance circuit with the stability and vibration amplitude of system is studied. Inorder to solve their problems, the two active-passive hybrid control method are proposed, which canmake up the shortage of the negative capacitance piezoelectric damping method in vibration control.Considering the practical application, the active-passive hybrid control methods are deeply studied.The active-passive hybrid control method based on the negative capacitance piezoelectric shuntdamping circuit and the wavelet transform adaptive algorithm is proposed, which can improve theadaptive ability of the system. In order to make the negative capacitance circuit be better applied, theactive-passive hybrid control method is further studied. The equivalent circuit of the negativecapacitance is redesigned based on the charge equivalent. The active-passive hybrid control methodbased on the voltage controlled charge source and the wavelet transform adaptive algorithm isproposed.The main works and novel researched performed in this dissertation include:(1) The piezoelectric shunt damping model is establised based on the piezoelectric materialcharacteristics. The control principle of the piezoelectric shunt damping passive vibration controlsystem using a negative capacitance circuit is described, and the parameters of the negativecapacitance shunt circuit on the system damping effect is analyzed.(2) In the piezoelectric vibration damping system with a negative capacitance circuit, the negativecapacitance is used to counteract the capacitance of the piezoelectric patch. In theory, the controleffect is better when the negative capacitance is closer to the capacitance of the piezoelectricpatch. But experiments show that the piezoelectric vibration damping system with a negativecapacitance circuit will become unstable when the negative capacitance is smaller or slightly larger than the capacitance of the piezoelectric patch. Aiming at this problem, the stability of thepiezoelectric shunt damping vibration system with a negative capacitance or an inductancecircuit is analyzed and compared on the basis of the feedback control theory in the paper. Inorder to improve the stability of piezoelectric shunt damping vibration system with a negativecapacitance circuit, an active-passive hybrid control method is proposed. And the validity of thismethod is verified by the theory and experimental results.(5) The relation between the vibration amplitude of the negative capacitance shunt damping ofpiezoelectric vibration control system and the circuit parameters of the negative capacitancecontroller is derived. To optimize circuit parameters of the controller, an active-passive hybridcontrol method is proposed, which can transform the adjustive problem of the negativecapacitance circuit parameters to the active control algorithm. The paper gives the controlprinciple of the active-passive control method. And the theoretical simulation and experimentalresults prove the validity of this method.(4) In the active piezoelectric vibration control fields, LMS algorithm does exist slow convergencespeed and appear even to diffuse condition. Combining the Wavelets and LMS algorithm, thepaper does adaptive vibration control to sheet metal using decomposition LMS algorithm. Inorder to realize the real-time of Wavelets adaptive algorithm, the fast MALLAT algorithm is usedin the paper. Finally, the theoretical simulation and experimental results prove the validity of thismethod.(5) Considering the practical application, the active-passive hybrid control methods based on thenegative capacitance piezoelectric shunt damping circuit is deeply studied. Combining the activevibration control based on the LMS algorithm in the wavelet transform domain, the new methodwhich is the active-passive hybrid control method based on the negative capacitancepiezoelectric shunt damping circuit and the wavelet transform adaptive algorithm is proposed.The method can well solve the problem of the active controller parameters need to be adjustedmanually in the aforementioned active-passive hybrid control method. In this paper, according tothe Hamilton principle, the mathematical model of the active-passive hybrid control is deduced.And the relation of the negative capacitance with the passive control effect and the active controlvoltage is analysed. Finally, the theoretical simulation and experimental results prove the validityof this method.(6) The active-passive hybrid control method based on the negative capacitance piezoelectric shuntdamping circuit is further studied. According to the equivalent circuit of piezoelectric film, the equivalent circuit of the negative capacitance is redesigned.The circuit is a voltage controlledcharge source. Its output is charge which is used to offset the charge of the piezoelectric patch.Its input is the control voltage.In order to make the negative capacitance circuit be better applied,The new active-passive hybrid control method based on the voltage controlled charge source andthe wavelet transform adaptive algorithm is proposed. Firstly, the voltage controlled chargesource is designed according to the equivalent circuit of piezoelectric film, and the principle ofthe active-passive control method is described detailedly. Finally, in order to verify the proposedactive-passive method, the experimental platform which is an alloy rectangular thin plateclamped with stiff base is set-up using the dSPACE real-time simulation system and the elementsof analog circuit and piezoelectric. The active-passive method experiment is carried in sinusoidaland white noise excitation. The experimental results show the proposed control method not onlycan suppress effectively the single mode and multimode vibration produced by sinusoidal signal,and also can suppress effectively the vibration produced by white noise signal. The experimentalresults prove that the proposed method is feasible and superior.


