

Research on a Novel General-purpose Enterprise Application Business Infrastructure Software Platform and Related Issues

【作者】 荣耀

【导师】 王建东;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 基于平台的开发是当前占优势地位的企业级应用开发方式,然而目前主流企业级应用开发平台提供的特性大多集中于技术方面而非业务方面,导致用户使用平台构建具体的企业级应用时需要付出很大的工作量,面临的技术难度较大。本文提出了一种新型的通用企业级应用业务基础软件平台,目标是在屏蔽复杂的软件开发技术的同时为用户提供易用的、面向业务的系统构建工具,在很大程度上降低对用户技术能力要求,使得企业级应用用户可以参与到系统建设中并占据主导地位。平台提供开发、配置与管理工具,允许快速搭建出所需的企业级应用系统软件,并可以满足企业个性化业务需求和业务发展变化的需要。在实现了平台的原型后,以其为基础搭建航班延误预测与波及分析系统,初步验证平台机制的有效性。所取得的主要研究成果如下:(1)首先给出了通用企业级应用业务基础软件平台的规划,在此基础上给出了基础建模系统的设计和实现。该建模机制被命名为广义面向对象动态建模(GOODM,GeneralizedObject-oriented Dynamic Modeling)。GOODM机制是通用企业级应用业务基础软件平台的核心和基础,将面向对象技术用户群体从软件开发者扩展到企业应用用户。GOODM支持对企业业务的动态建模,用户甚至可以在企业级应用系统投入运行后继续调整模型,所作的调整可以通过运行时引擎自动更新到用户界面上,并且不会意外地破坏系统中既有的数据,从而将对系统正常运行的影响降至最低。(2)给出平台的构建基础即企业级AJAX框架和近距离无线移动交互框架与服务的设计与实现。企业级AJAX框架提供了一套丰富客户端控件以及三种客户端与服务端之间的交互方式,允许开发者快捷地构建企业级AJAX Web应用,其性能和带来的用户体验优于传统的ASP.NET模型。近距离无线移动交互框架与服务扩展了微软.NET框架在近距离无线交互方面的无缝计算能力,在企业级Web应用服务与近距离无线交互应用服务间架起了桥梁。(3)给出了平台的工作流系统和查询系统的设计与实现。工作流系统以平台基础建模系统为基础,实现流程控制数据和平台业务数据的无缝集成,同时利用脚本机制和适当的界面交互手段,实现根据流程绑定的业务数据对象进行动态路径选择以及对业务数据对象进行有效性验证等智能化的功能。工作流引擎提供的交互功能可以将多个孤立流程有机地结合在一起,以实现更复杂的业务流程。查询系统是平台的一个重要辅件,可以为不同的企业级应用用户提供弹性查询建模功能,并能根据用户的配置自动生成客户端查询模块。查询系统基于分析和执行用户自定义SQL语句增强了平台应对不同企业级应用的数据查询需求的能力。(4)给出了基于平台的航班延误预测与波及分析系统的设计与实现。首先提出了适应不同情况的航班延误预测与波及分析模型,并将模型算法封装进Web服务中。接下来给出了延误波及图形组件包的设计与实现,用于生成针对航班延误波及DAG、高级Petri网、贝叶斯网络以及元胞自动机等模型的的仿真视图以及棒图等统计图,以期为航班延误预测系统用户提供直观的图形反馈功能。最后,基于平台搭建了航班延误预测与波及分析系统。系统支持包括计算机工作站和中低端移动智能设备在内的多种访问媒介。对国内某大型枢纽机场航班运行历史数据的验证计算表明,该系统能够协助完成对机场、航空公司、旅客等的航班延误分析和预测计算,预测准确度达到80%以上。本文主要的创新研究成果包括:(1)通用企业级应用业务基础软件平台的广义对象动态建模和解析机制;(2)作为通用企业级应用业务基础软件平台构建基础的企业级AJAX框架和近距离无线移动交互框架和服务;(3)基于通用企业级应用业务基础软件平台的工作流系统和查询系统的动态建模和解析机制;(4)基于通用企业级应用业务基础软件平台的航班延误预测与波及分析系统。

【Abstract】 Platform-based development is currently the dominant development method of enterpriseapplication, but the features provided by current mainstream enterprise application developmentplatforms focus on technical aspects rather than business, so it lead to a high degree of difficulty andheavy workload during the building of a specific enterprise application. This paper presents a novelgeneral-purpose enterprise application business infrastructure software platform, whose goal is toshield the complexity of software development technology and provide users with easy to usebusiness-oriented platform for building enterprise application system. It not only largely reduces thetechnical capacity requirements for the users of platform, but also allows end-users participate in thesystem construction and occupies a dominant position. Platform provides the development,deployment and management tools to allow users to rapidly build enterprise application softwaresystems and meet the individual and changing business needs. After a prototype platform isimplemented, a flight delay prediction and propagation analysis system is built based on the prototypeplatform, so the effectiveness of the platform mechanisms is initially verified. The main resultsobtained are as follows:(1) On the basis of the planning of general-purpose enterprise application business infrastructuresoftware platform, a novel basic modeling system is designed and implemented. Themodeling mechanism is named generalized object-oriented dynamic modeling (for short,GOODM). GOODM mechanism is the core and foundation of platform, which extends theuse group of object-oriented technology from developers to enterprise application users.GOODM supports dynamic modeling of enterprise business that users can even continue toadjust the business models after the enterprise applications system is put into operation. Theadjustments of models can be automatically updated on user interfaces by runtime engine.Moreover, the data already in the system is not accidentally destroyed, so the impact to thenormal operation of system is minimized.(2) An enterprise AJAX framework and the wireless mobile interaction framework and servicesat close range, which are the software building foundation of platform, are designed andimplemented. Enterprise AJAX framework provides a set of rich client-side controls andthree interacting ways between client and server to allow developers to quickly buildenterprise AJAX Web applications whose performance and user experience are better thantraditional ASP.NET model. The wireless mobile interaction framework and services extends the seamless computing ability of wireless interaction at close range of Microsoft.NETFramework, and establishes a bridge between enterprise Web service and wireless interactionservice at close range.(3) A novel workflow system and a general query system are designed and implemented.Workflow system takes the basic modeling system as the basis to achieve seamlessintegration of process control data and platform business data, and use a script mechanismand appropriate interface interaction to achieve the dynamic path selection according to thebusiness data objects bounded by workflow and the validation of business data objects andother intelligent features. Moreover, the interactive features provided by workflow enginecan combine isolated workflows organically to achieve more complex business processes.The general query system is one of the import accessories of platform, and it can provideflexible query modeling capabilities for different enterprise application users andautomatically generate client query modules according to the configuration of users. Querysystem enhances the capabilities of platform to deal with the data query needs of differententerprise applications.(4) A flight delay prediction and propagation analysis system based on the prototype platform isdesigned and implemented. Firstly, a variety of flight delay prediction and propagationanalysis models that aim at different conditions are presented, then the algorithms of themodels are encapsulated as Web services. Secondly, a graphic component package of flightdelay and propagation analysis system is designed and implemented. It can be used toautomatically generate simulation graphs of flight delay propagation DAG, advanced Petrinet, Bayesian network, parallel cellular automata, and statistical graphs such as bar graph, toprovide an intuitively graphical feedback for system users. Finally, a flight delay predictionand propagation analysis system is built based on the prototype platform. The systemsupports a variety of access media, including computer workstations and mobile intelligentequipments. The verification of the historical data of a large hub domestic airport shows thatthe system can assist to achieve flight delay analysis and prediction calculations of theairport, airlines and passengers, and the the prediction accuracy is more than80%.Innovative research results of this paper include:(1) the generalized object dynamic modeling andresolution mechanisms of general-purpose enterprise application business infrastructure softwareplatform;(2) an enterprise AJAX framework and the wireless mobile interaction framework andservices at close range which are the software building foundation of platform;(3) platform-baseddynamic modeling and resolution mechanisms of workflow system and query stystem;(4) a platform-based flight delay prediction system.


